
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Good morning all!

    Happy February!

    I did OK in January and I am not officially back under 150. Still can't believe how much I put back on last fall.

    Barbie - thanks for starting the new thread.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy February!

    Wow it's the first and there are two pages already:drinker:

    Welcome to all of you that have found this thread....keep coming back and checking in and we will get to know you:drinker:

    Virginia- Your success and goals are an inspiration to those of us that have a ways to go:flowerforyou:

    genealace- So glad to hear that DBF is progressing in his healing, it won't be long and they will be saying he's coming home:happy: Those furnace people need to be shot:explode: with it being winter and all I agree you should be at the top of their list.

    So yesterday was the end of the month, end of quarterly reports and end of year reports do, as well as 25pages that the boss got from the lawyer of more info his office needed because it was the end of the month:grumble: By the time I headed home I was wishing for a quiet evening, but hubby had thought it would be a nice gesture to have the two grandsons over for a few hours and then take them to McDonald's to play in the playground. So DIL dropped off the boys about 4:40 and we were to have them home by 7:30...I finally got home at 6:00 and there were cars and Legos everywhere and Hubby and Grandson #1 were setting up targets to shoot at with Nerf darts....they were all having a great time....but I think what amazed me the most is that it was hubby's idea to watch the kiddos and most of it without me there:bigsmile: Sometimes he just surprises me:wink:

    February goals to keep logging, keep up the exercise at least 5 days a week and to see the same loss as January which was 6# gone....of course I would have liked a greater loss but I'm glad for what I got.:drinker: Those last two were really hard to get off:grumble: each 1/2 lb came of "kicking and screaming" but gone they are....forward to this new month:drinker:

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water and get up and get moving.


    Barbie, thank you for keeping us going:flowerforyou:
  • Love your standard poodles; I have a cream one two years old. I love her to death, but she has a lot of energy!
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    Happy February!!

    My goals for this month

    Lose another 5 pounds
    Complete 450 minutes of exercise per week
    Do something fun, social and healthy at least once a week
    Survive my new classes, especially the teaching of the Safe Food Handlers course which is the most excrutiatingly boring, but necessary, part of my courses

    My son and DIL leave today so we went out for sushi last night. I managed to just stay under my calories because I went and worked out first but it was pretty close. They are off to a temporary teaching job in Mexico, still waiting to hear from the schools they applied to for the fall. I doubt I will get to travel to see them this year, wherever they end up, so it probably won't be until Christmas when I see them again. It has been great having them and we've worked out and gone to yoga together, but I won't mind getting my house ( and TV ) back and also my less calorically challenging meals.

    I posted this question somewhere else but never got any answers. Has anyone ever tried light therapy for SAD? I am somewhat prone to it and, in the past have tanned, but I am wondering about trying out the light boxes. Some areas get very cold but sun, my area tends to get not so cold but endless grey.

    I showed a couple of my co-workers this site.....we'll see if they end up on here.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Tough month ahead with winter stuck like glue. There's plenty of time before spring and the onset of intense gardening, though, which means now is the perfect time to toughen up and start adding in some daily strength training.

    Day 1 - Completed 10 minutes earlier this morning, including wall pushups, squats, lunges, bicep curling and boxing. Logged it. Will be taking an hour-long, vigorous hike in the woods later today.

    Feb goals:
    Keep a PMA!!
    Lose 5 lbs by March 1
    10 - 20 minutes moderate effort calesthenics daily
    60 minutes walking dog or hiking daily
    10 - 20 minutes wogging 3x week
    Egoscue maintenence exercises and Yoga 3x week

    Good day to all, let's move it this month. Eat less, move more. Plan it and stick to it. :wink:

    :^) jb
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    I haven't posted much, but have been logging my food every day and putting the things I've learned from MASTERING YOUR METABOLISM into practice. January my goals were to get all the junk out of my system and get healthy. I did fruit, veggies, nuts and water only for 10 days and then slowly started adding back in whole grains, lean meat and dairy.

    RESULTS: Both hubby and I lost 10 lbs (each) and feel better than we have in a very, very long time. Its still a challenge to shop since we are no longer eating anything that has preservatives or artificial anything in it and our local grocery store stocks very little organic fare. I have to drive an hour to shop once a week in a larger town. I'm cooking from scratch all the time and daily trying out new recipes or adapting old ones. (On a side note I also celebrated 34 years of marriage with my high school sweetheart on the 28th.) The standing joke around here is, "What kind of beans am I going to make today?"

    February, my goals are to continue clean eating, whittle away my muffin top and hopefully lose another 10 lbs before March 15th. To accomplish this I know I must really focus on interval and strength training at least 6 days a week. We've had some gorgeous spring-like days lately so I am getting my bike back out of the garage at last.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello All -
    I would really like to join your group, if that's ok. My goals for February are to log my calories more regularly, drink more water and more importantly to get my butt in gear. If there's anyone out there who would like to give me a swift kick in the butt to keep me in line, please feel free to do so. Have a great day!!!
    ***Officially giving a swift kick in the butt***Be honest with logging***Drink your water***Eat your veggies***Exercise daily***

    Welcome, and good luck to you! We all have to do it, you're definitely not alone! :wink:

    :^) jb
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    First, my report on my January goals. My main goal for the month was to get back on track with my food diary after the holidays, and to get back to an exercise routine, which I had allowed my work schedule to sabotage for me. I feel really good about my accomplishments in both areas, and I am calling my goals achieved! Yea, me!

    Okay, as I told you, my pool thinking lately has been about my goals, and I am now ready to unveil them and commit myself. Nothing like putting it in print to make it happen, right? Drum Roll, please!

    My goals for February:
    I have come to the realization that setting goals that I really can't control like weight loss sets me up to be disappointed in myself. So no more! I have what is looking like a rather long list of goals, very unusual for me, but I want to try it this month and see how it goes.
    The February Plan:
    Step #1: Continue my success from January by logging food and working out at least 21 days this month. But a more specific twist on the logging - in order to count, I must hit complete my diary at the end of the day, and the calorie total must be between 1200 and 1700 calories for the day. And truly back to basics and my old mantra - LOG EVERY BITE, LICK OR SIP! (I am still allowing myself not to log my water intake though, as I have a real hang up about that. I drink it, just hate to log it.)
    Step #2: Measure myself by February 5th and record the measurements, including my weight, in a journal.
    Step #3: Update my badly outdated profile on here sometime before the month is over.
    Step #4: Institute a "Personal Motto of the Month". Find a way to remind myself to think about my motto every day. For February I am choosing one of my favorites, the Kansas State Motto which has been ingrained in me since childhood ~ "Ad Astra Per Aspera!" (Translation for non Kansans or non Latin buffs: "To the stars through difficulties!")

    Hopefully, this plan will help to keep me on track even when I am not losing weight, which is very discouraging. I can reach the stars!!

    Finally, a reminder to all: I will be posting the birthday list soon. If you have never sent me your birthday and want to be included, please take a few seconds to send me a personal message now!

    Thanks to each and every one of you for being here for me day after day on this journey. You may not know it, but every one of you is my inspiration! Mary

    Editing to add: I also commit to posting a report on here each week about my progress on my plan. You are my watchdogs. Sorry, but prepare to be bored with me!
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    Hi all! I am new to MFP. I am 51 and getting married this October. I am currently at 141 and my goal is to lose 20 pounds before my wedding. I use to be an avid exerciser and I need to get back to doing that so I plan on joining the Y in the next couple of days to move things along. All in all I am in pretty good shape just need to lose the weight and tone up. The hardest time for me is a night when I want to snack so when that feeling hits I take a shower and have some hot tea and that seems to relax me enough not to put food in my mouth.

    Anyway, I am so looking forward to sharing with all of you and supporting your goals!

  • Hello, everyone. I've posted my beginning weight so I'm very hopeful this will be a good site for me. I'm considering getting a gastric sleeve because I'm sick and tired of the up and down. But I'm going to give this a try for a while. There's accountability here and also the weight tracker. My goal for this month is not to overeat, drink more water and dust off the treadmill.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Hello, all!

    I did pretty well for January, reaching my goal to be less than 200 pounds. (My last weigh-in, last Friday, put me at 195.4 pounds.) I increased my veggies and decreased my starches. I tried Pilates. (I have another free trial class tomorrow.) I've been successful battling my Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) through daily positive reinforcement and just plain willpower (can't afford light treatment). Also, per Dr. Mercola's website, decreasing/eliminating grain consumption helps, freeing up the serotonin in our gut.

    * Weigh 190 by March 2nd. Of course, to achieve this means staying the course -- NO EXCUSES. Sticking to my nutrition and exercise goals, focusing on eating more vegetables, less carbs. Eating as much organic as my budget allows. (It's so sad how eating healthy can drain one's food budget in a flash.)

    * Be more vigilant on taking my supplements (Astaxanthin, Chlorella, Spirulina, K2, 5-HTP, B12, DHEA, Mega-Zyme, D).

    * Take care of myself first -- because I matter.

    * Practice being grateful, each and every day, throughout the day.

    * Keep exploring for all things positive -- putting back positive energy into the world.

    * Remember not to sweat the small stuff.

    * Continue to share and care -- Loving Kindness.

    Newest website discovery: www.greatist.com (Try it, you'll like it -- I promise!)

    Let's go forth and conquer!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Just curious--does anyone else on this board follow South Beach guidelines? If so feel free to add me as a friend. If anyone looks at my diary please ignore this week Tues-Fri--those are colonoscopy prep days so it's way off from my norm.
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    Hello all, first timer here, an Oregonian since 2000. The days are getting longer and it's time to get outside more. Goals: keep doing the 60 min. daily dog walks; on work days and the daylight is run out, do at least 30 min. of yoga; on non-work days, do at least 15 min. of yoga. At least.

    I reached my goal weight yesterday!! Main goal, either lose a couple of more pounds by next Christmas LOL or keep within 2 lbs. Keep on logging and eating healthy.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My Jan. goal was to heal my brain. I'm pretty close so my goal for Feb. is to ease back into exercise.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hello all, first timer here, an Oregonian since 2000. The days are getting longer and it's time to get outside more. Goals: keep doing the 60 min. daily dog walks; on work days and the daylight is run out, do at least 30 min. of yoga; on non-work days, do at least 15 min. of yoga. At least.

    I reached my goal weight yesterday!! Main goal, either lose a couple of more pounds by next Christmas LOL or keep within 2 lbs. Keep on logging and eating healthy.


    Welcome Jackie and CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting to be at GOAL weight. How long did it take you to get it off? What really helped? Sarah
  • Wed 02/01/12 05:48 PM

    :laugh: I forgot the date......so have moved this from January!!

    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday .EVERYONE!!

    Welcome ..New Jackie .....

    Yey! middle of the week again. Time sure goes fast when you're having fun.....and I hope you are!
    It's verrry chilly here today but there's no snow ...yet!

    Nothing much to say. I've been "Good" so far today and have some cleaning calories to help.
    I'm back on the Options Belgian choc drink to control my chocolate monster! I have some nice sweet melon too, in case the munchy monster pops by tonight....and if all else fails,:ohwell: the Duct Tape for my mouth ..... is in the garage!

    :flowerforyou: BFN
  • So glad I found this post! I would love to join all of you.

    My goals for February:

    Lose 15 lbs.
    Finally OPEN and DO the Zumba DVD which is still in the shipping box unopened and under my bed
    Get on regular sleep schedule instead of staying up til 12 or 1 and being tired all day
    Enter my food daily even if I stray from my plan
    Drink 2 caraffes of water/day.
    Remind myself to be grateful for all the blessings I have and not let my weight weigh me down.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    AHealthierSuzyQ -

    Hi! Very interested in your approach. I haven't heard of Mastering your Matb. I have really been struggling to get the scale moving in the right direction. I suspect some of my problem is related to hormones all over the place. Would love to hear more about what you eat.

    I have tried adding a protein shake in the morning. I used to always start with steel cut oats. Still the scale isn't moving. I am an emotional eater too. Especially lately. :blushing: I was thin all the way until my mid forties. I have been on a no win road since I turned 47. I am 50 now.

    Looks like you have lost a lot!! - Congratulations! Sarah
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hello everyone - Goals for February

    Lose 5 lbs.
    Exercise at least 2xs a week (this is a trouble spot for me)
    Eat the right foods even on Super Bowl Sunday!!! (oh and drinks too)
  • scrappygolden
    scrappygolden Posts: 15 Member
    Hi y'all! So glad to see this group.

    I've been on MFP for a couple of weeks and finally saw the first movement on the scale! I will admit I was getting disheartened. I'm convinced my body was waiting to see if I was serious before responding. :)

    February Goals:

    - Log in and track food and exercise each and every day. Really does make a difference!
    - MOVE more
    - Drink my water
    - Continue stepping away from fast food. We're doing so well on this, better than ever before.