FEBRUARY 2012 Century Plus CYCLING challenge



  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Can I join in? I only managed 98 miles in January. I'll aim for 175 in February :-) I really need to start riding to and from work again
  • Count me in for a century. I am excited
  • I'm in for 350 miles this month.
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    Does stationary bike count? I will work towards one century in February. I am really wimpy when it comes to cold.....am trying for the first time today since it is only 40 outside, with a high of 60 later, and the wind is not too terrible. Kansas is fickle. Wish me luck someone, because I am not sure I can do this!

    Ahhh you really can. Jut get out there and do it. I am 55 and I have ridden many times in Minnesota and the surrounding area as low as 27 with some good winds. So get out there and just Do It. Good luck
  • I'm in!
    One and half centuries (150) I made my goal of 100 for January.
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    I am in for February with a goal of 175 miles...

    slightly lower than my January goal but more that my actual miles for January.
  • TrekCat
    TrekCat Posts: 48 Member
    Took a little ride today because it was nice. Going for the big one tomorrow - ride to work is 17 miles, to the gym after work is 22.
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I want to beat January's 180.01 miles so put me down for a double century, Tiggerrick!
    Does stationary bike count? I will work towards one century in February. I am really wimpy when it comes to cold.....am trying for the first time today since it is only 40 outside, with a high of 60 later, and the wind is not too terrible. Kansas is fickle. Wish me luck someone, because I am not sure I can do this!

    Yes, a bike is a bike is a bike. Does it have pedals? It counts! :o)

    I like the spirit Prof! WTG!
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    Last month I did 228, I remember I had signed up for 3xx miles

    This month lot of travel plans, will sign for 200
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Bump for later....
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm new to this site, but sounds like fun. ASnybody know approximate miles a 45 min spin class covers, our bikes don't have odometers. I've got my old rode bike set up on the trainer in the garage so I'm in. Thanks for the motivation I'm scheduled for a double century (2 days) in May and I need to get my booty in gear.
  • Les_Lamb57
    Les_Lamb57 Posts: 57 Member
    I did 654m in January...I will try for 700 in February
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Can you tell me if there is something I need to do to "join" this group?
  • dan09554
    dan09554 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm in for 175

    2/1 9.2 miles
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Here goes for February then...

    01/02/2012 - 44.59km (27.71 miles) - 2523kcal - Local loop - bright and sunny but cold and windy


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Can you tell me if there is something I need to do to "join" this group?

    Yep - ride a bike, take note of how far you rode it, and post it on here. Simples...
  • I'm in for 200.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Today's weather here was fantastic for February.

    2/1 - 16.1 miles
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    Feb 1...5.75 miles....45 minutes....single speed mountain bike ride around park