*February Weight Loss Challenge*



  • Me too!

    SW: 127
    GW: 123

    Plan: before breakfast, eat fruit, before lunch/dinner eat a salad!
  • I'd love to join!

    Feb GW-160

    Plan-Right now I do Slim in 6 and I run, sometimes both, sometimes one. I plan to start 30 day Shred as soon as I get it.
  • Utnicolegarcia
    Utnicolegarcia Posts: 4 Member
    Starting Weight- 167
    February Goal weight- 152:tongue:
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    I'm going for 10 pounds in February. I plan on doing the 30 day shred 4 days and a day of cardio each week. Plus, if the weather is nice, I'll be doing some walking with the kiddos! Starting weight is 184. Waist is 32 and hips are 38.5.
  • I'm in!
    SW - 153
    I also started the 30 day shred video today, along with 30 days of cardio. I will take whatever weight loss I can take for the end of February!:drinker:
  • Starting weight: 121.2
    Goal Weight: 115

    I'm upping my calories to 1300/day to see if that does anything
    I have track practice 5 days a week, I'm running and throwing discus so I'm active for about an hour for each practice.
    My club soccer team starts up in a week so I'll also have 2-3 practices and a game each week!
    I just need to make sure I'm eating the right stuff, Ill end up with about 150-400 additional exercise calories a day so I'll find out what works best
  • SinCity2003
    SinCity2003 Posts: 163 Member
    Just marking my spot so I can find the thread again :)
  • patyplascencia
    patyplascencia Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join... i sing up today in this page i really start to like it :)

    CW 200
    GW 185

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • psychRN83
    psychRN83 Posts: 71 Member
    I posted earlier in the week but since today is weigh in day
    CW: 283
    Feb GW: 263
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I'm in! I've actually gained 10.2 pounds in the last two months (YIKES!) so I'm hoping this challenge gives me the boost to get back on track. My 2/1 starting weight is 173.2 with a goal of 163 by the end of the month. I signed up for a boot camp that starts next Monday and meets M, W, and Fs through the month so I'm hoping to post a loss next week.

    Thanks, and good luck to everyone.
  • I totally forgot I had to weight in today I will weight in in the morning Promise. Its just not good to weight at night So I will weight in in the morning!! Good luck all
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Just had my Wi tonight so:

    February 1st weight is 233.4

    Goal for the month is to lose 8 pounds getting me down to 215.4.
  • nanimoose
    nanimoose Posts: 60 Member
    Starting weight: 115
    Goal: 107

    Woo! Will go to the gym 3x per week min, begin my yoga membership and drink less coffee.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    I'm updating my weight & my measurements :)


    (in inches)

    Thanks again for this challenge!!
  • SW - 248.6 lbs (Thursday Feb 2)
    Week 1 - XXX lbs (Thursday Feb 9 )
    Week 2 - XXX lbs (Thursday Feb 16)
    Week 3 - XXX lbs (Thursday Feb 23)
    Week 4 - XXX lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)

    NECK: 16 in.
    WAIST: 43.5 in.
    HIPS: 49.0 in.

  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    The user who started this thread has deactivated her account. I wondering why......
  • nhorton5
    nhorton5 Posts: 32 Member
    The user who started this thread has deactivated her account. I wondering why......

    Little bit odd to say the least...
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    This is really odd. I googled her user ID and found this is My Fitness Pal from October 2011 when she started the same challenge:

    "Hello All,

    I am not going to be able to participate in this challenge so someone else will need to takeover.

    Please do not try to contact me."

    Seems like some kind of scam she was running to get people's stats, but I don't know how that could be beneficial to her...
  • What a bummer! I would assume she just got way more response than she could manage...:ohwell:
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    wow that's strange...