The Wii Fit Team!!!!!!!!!!



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Nintendo has a Wii website that has all the calories listed for all of their programs. It is not easy to get through everything to the actual calorie information. Wii burns 8 calories per minute.

    Has anyone found anything else on the calorie burn?


    Also, I did 36 minutes today, 10 Yoga, 26 boxing. I did break into a sweat!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Wii boxing burns 8 calories per minute. Sorry all I didn't check what I wrote before I sent it.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    The Gold's Gym Cardio Boxing makes me work a LOT harder than the Wii Fit Boxing "game"... and the calories you burn are given for each segment you complete.

    What I've been doing is warming up with the Wii Fit... step aerobics for 10 to 20 and then two sets of the boxing (advanced, 26 minutes total) that gives me over 30 minutes of Wii Fit... and then I do the Cardio Boxing for whatever training program my "trainer" sets up for me - usually about 18 minutes of more strenuous work. EASY to sweat on the cardio boxing workouts.

    Then I do the "Honey Do" list my wife makes for me and burn about a bazillion calories!!! LOL
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    Hey, sorry I've been gone and haven't gotten to my pledge yet...I've had a busy life since I signed up and haven't gotten to the message boards much. :cry: I am going to try to keep doing 30-45 min/day 5 days one week and 2 days the next (days when I'm at home and not at work).
  • bjsilve
    bjsilve Posts: 4
    Hey everyone,
    I have a the Wii fit, I average 4 days a week, at 45 minutes. I was hoping if you guys weren't to full if I could join up with your challenge.
    2 days I do cardio and yoga, and the other 2 I do the strength training.
    I also enjoy Punch Out, it's not an exercise game per say, but you can use the Wii Board and it gives your arms a work out and will make you sweat lol.
    Someone else asked about how many calories you burn with the Wii fit, I researched it and on average depending on what games you are playing, they say that people burn at minium 163 calories an hour, I haven't found anything exact for the Wii fit, but I'm sure it's more because its exercise games.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    OK, everyone who started last Saturday . . . did you reach your Wii goals? Are you proud of what you accomplished? How many minutes did you do in total?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I did the 3 x 30. I've started doing more cardio and less yoga and strength. I've been doing 20 cardio. I still need to get on for today.
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    I miserably did NOT reach my Wii Fit usage goals. Although I could make a ton of excuses (last week of school for son, many home renovation projects, extra work hours, etc) the bottom line is that I didn't MAKE the time. I ended up only two days for about 45 mins both days.

    This week starts our summer schedule and I'm looking forward to getting back in the groove.

    The good news is that almost every day we all do some kind of exercise that we don't think about - we take for granted as part of our day. I spent an hour walking around stores yesterday with my wife looking for various home improvement items and an hour walking at my son's end of year lacrosse party on Friday. None of that kind of walking ever gets logged.

    Sorry to have let the team down. Wii Fit here I come Monday morning!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I miserably did NOT reach my Wii Fit usage goals. Although I could make a ton of excuses (last week of school for son, many home renovation projects, extra work hours, etc) the bottom line is that I didn't MAKE the time. I ended up only two days for about 45 mins both days.

    This week starts our summer schedule and I'm looking forward to getting back in the groove.

    The good news is that almost every day we all do some kind of exercise that we don't think about - we take for granted as part of our day. I spent an hour walking around stores yesterday with my wife looking for various home improvement items and an hour walking at my son's end of year lacrosse party on Friday. None of that kind of walking ever gets logged.

    Sorry to have let the team down. Wii Fit here I come Monday morning!

    Hey, you didn't let us down! You are so right about every exercise counting. I walked around the mall yesterday and I should have counted that, but I didn't.:blushing:

    Monday you can start over. A fresh start.:happy:
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    Well I've managed to get all my Wii minutes in on the My Fitness Coach this week. Purchased the EA Active and was highly disappointed with it. For me, it is too low impact and not fluent between exercises. Think I'll be sticking with the My Fitness Coach for now.

    Looks like everyone is doing an amazing job with their commitments. Bravo!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I didn't reach my Wii Fit goal this week either :explode: , my back's been too bad :grumble: What I did do was 2 days of the Wii Fit, and I did Yoga and some strength training that wasn't strenuous on my back the 3rd day. So my time would be 70 minutes, hopefully 120 next week!!!
  • CandaceW
    CandaceW Posts: 73
    so, what day are we actually doing our check in?
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    so, what day are we actually doing our check in?
    This is what I would like to know.:smile:
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member
    Delphi, JB: GREAT WORK!!

    I got 40 minutes in on my Wii Fit today but am mowing the lawn this afternoon so that'll be an our of pushing the lawn mower. I figured I could trade off five minutes of Wii Fit for that...
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Delphi, JB: GREAT WORK!!

    I got 40 minutes in on my Wii Fit today but am mowing the lawn this afternoon so that'll be an our of pushing the lawn mower. I figured I could trade off five minutes of Wii Fit for that...

    Good job, I'd say mowing the lawn is a great workout as well!!
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    Thanks Frank! Good luck with the lawn mowing. I actually quite enjoy that these days. Burn those calories. :wink:
  • kolney
    kolney Posts: 93
    Hey everyone! I did 3 days on the WiiFit last that was good. I def won't reach my goal this week. My 1 year is having surgery tomorrow (nothing big...tubes in her ears) and then we are going away Wed-Sat so I won't be home to use it.

    I love doing the hula hoop, the Advance Step, the ski jumping and the soccer heading. Those are my faves but I do other stuff too.

    I also love Golds Gym Cardio. It's a way better workout.

    frankborelli: I do what you do...warm up with the WiiFit and then move on the the Golds Gym. After an hour, I'm extremely sweaty. Question for you: do you ever think the game punches for you? Sometimes it'll throw a punch and I swear I didn't move my arm. Drives me crazy.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    It's a good start to the week!! I actually did about an hour and a half on the Wii Fit today and I am beat!! Lots of running and lots of stepping!! Hopefully I'll continue this way for the rest of the week....or at least somewhat close! I discovered that I am down 3 pounds today, 1 away from 10, feels great!! :happy:
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member

    Know as I answer this that I have been a defensive tactics instructor for police since 1994. That said...

    You DO move your arm... just not forward and the remotes are pretty sensitive.

    Most of us "load" before we punch. Just before you actually push your arm forward you are probably pulling it in a quick little "reverse jab" that the remote senses and counts as movement - a punch. I have to concentrate to move my arms ONLY forward.

    Great job, JB!!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    so, what day are we actually doing our check in?
    This is what I would like to know.:smile:

    Let's say Tuesdays are check-in days, if that's fine with all of you. So let's post how many minutes/what exercises we did for the week and if we reached our Wii goals.

    That means tomorrow is check-in day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: