What was a your wake up call?!



  • It's a bit TMI but the wake up call this time around was getting cramps in my back and lats because I was reaching too far around myself to wipe after a crap.

    There's always been a slow-burn "hey, lose weight, fat *kitten*" voice in my head but when I realised that if I got any bigger I'd need a stick to wipe my *kitten* then it was time to act.

    Sorry if you're eating lunch!

    I love this!

    sooooo glad to know i wasnt the only one...that freaked me out ALOT!!!!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    The men on my dad's side of the family have a history of heart issues. Both my paternal grandfather and my dad's uncle died due to heart issues. My dad is overweight and he ate BADLY for a number of years. I hate how I look in the mirror. I hate my thighs and my stomach and I hate not being skinny like I was in my teens. I can actually remember being a size 3 at 14. Damn...

    Also, I saw the number 140 pop up a month and a half to 2 months ago and I said that's it!
  • I have been up and down on the weight issue since I was in high school. I would get sick, my weight would go up. I would get healthy, my weight would go down. I graduated university and was comfy at my weight. But then I moved to Korea. Everyone here are sticks. I literally have to go to America to find jeans that fit me correctly.

    I have diabetes, type 1, so I didn't get it from being obese. But if you don't control your weight, bad things start happening. My dad also had a massive heart attack while I was in uni. I was so worried about how my weight affects my health, and the fact that I can't find decent jeans to fit me in a country that I have lived in for nearly 2 years, made me go: Oh, maybe if you lost some weight you wouldn't have that problem.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    it was really coming out tot the uk, i had always tried diets at home but just couldnt do it. i came out here to train to be a mua - seeing all the beautiful skinnys during jobs really pushed me to lose weight :) x
  • A friend/family member telling me I had to get control over my belly fat. Very hurtful to me at the time, and still is somewhat, but hey the truth sucks sometimes.
  • rhari
    rhari Posts: 7 Member
    I have a couple:

    Seeing the 300lb mark on the scale

    Being excluded from the family skiing trip for the 3rd year in a row

    Realizing my lousy self image was translating to my daughter. (She's 4, started calling herself fat and didn't want to wear jeans, cause I dont)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    It's a bit TMI but the wake up call this time around was getting cramps in my back and lats because I was reaching too far around myself to wipe after a crap.

    There's always been a slow-burn "hey, lose weight, fat *kitten*" voice in my head but when I realised that if I got any bigger I'd need a stick to wipe my *kitten* then it was time to act.

    Sorry if you're eating lunch!
    Exactly this :laugh:

    I'd been yo-yo-ing for the better part of 15 yrs having started to pile on the lbs once I hit my 30s. Every time I'd lose weight, keep it off for about 3-6 months then it would creep back on only more each time.

    I knew I was FAT, but I was in denial about being MORBIDLY OBESE.

    I hated having my photo taken as my face was so bulbous and I gave Demis Rousos a run for his money. Even my wedding photos are hard to look at objectively; on the one hand I'm happy and on the other I see this HUGE BLOB in a kilt :cry:

    But it took a dressing down by one of my dearest friends that kick-started this latest and hopefully very last journey to the land of trim :happy:

    ... and then of course I discovered MFP and the rest they say is history! or at least the flab is! :bigsmile:
  • spaghettiroad
    spaghettiroad Posts: 5 Member
    being in the overweight zone for my bmi. also not being able to fit into my favourite clothes..
    seeing photos of myself.. and my parents and family/friends telling me i'm alot bigger...
  • Mine was my father forgiving me for being fat because I was in hospital for 6 months when I was 8.
    Weighing myself and realising I was almost 17 stone (238lbs)
    Having more and more fibro flare-ups to the point where I wouldn't even walk across the road to the shop.
    Having only pyjamas that fit me.
    Being bought size 22 & xxl clothes by family members.
    Feeling really nauseous everytime I looked in the mirror.
  • Sweetncgal78
    Sweetncgal78 Posts: 97 Member
    Went in for a check up and I weighed in at 46lbs MORE than I did at Full term Pregnancy 9 years prior. ( I had gained 40lbs during my preg, which I had lost) so thats a 86lbs weight gain. And I was wearing *snugly*, the largest pair of Jeans Lane Bryant sells.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    High cholesterol Nov 5th 2011.
  • amisbest
    amisbest Posts: 38 Member
    My bother challenged his son-in-law, himself and me into losing 20 lbs by May 31st. If you did not make it, you paid $50. If that was not enough incentive add the following: Type II diabetes, clothes too tight, looking like Orca the Killer Whale, no energy ...you get the picture. Since 1/1/12 Have dropped 17 lbs. Feeling much better.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I FIT in my FAT jeans.
  • So many things.

    Being hit with a diagnosis or diabetes and high blood pressure. I hate, hate, hate taking medicine! And I do NOT want to have to become insulin dependent in my early 30s.

    The word MORBIDLY OBESE just sucks. ;-)

    I'm tired of that horrible belly apron that I've had for most of my adult life. I hate how uncomfortable it gets when it's super hot, I hate the rashes, etc. Ugh, I want that gone!

    I'd also really like to start thinking about having a child or adopting when I'm done with school in the next three years ... and if I do, I want to be a healthy Mom!
  • i dont know. it was odd. I got out of the shower, walked by the mirror, and said wait a minute...look at yourself, youwill never be this weight again, this is THE biggest youll ever be, so change it..and i am..:)
  • For me, it’s three things:
    -Having a brother who has been for the last 10 years of my life be 500lbs or more (currently 615lbs and is losing weight so he can undergo gastric bypass) has kept me from living an unhealthy lifestyle. .
    -My parents. They’re not obese but they’re not in shape and they’re paying for it medically. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, aches and pains… I don’t want to ever be like them in that aspect.
    -In middle school, I weighed 170 (I’m 5’8) and naturally got teased, didn’t really have any friends. The one day was fighting with my other brother and he called me a fat whale.
    Honestly, that’s what did it for me. I started shadow boxing, using my 10-15lb dumbbells I bought for various exercises, did some tae bo, cut out drinking coke and watched my portions. Ever since then, I’ve learned more and more about food, different ways of exercising, motivation, etc…
  • high blood pressure, getting out of breath easy and my period not arriving....
  • JamesBC78
    JamesBC78 Posts: 20 Member
    If I don't get into better shape and lose some weight, the Dr. said I need to have a disc replaced in my lower back...... That is not going to happen.
  • This was the 2nd time I've found myself with what I thought was a "few" extra pounds. However this is my heaviest and I'm simply not happy at all! I've had to start taking blood pressure pills again and one night going to work I simply got in the car and sat down to have my favorite jeans rip at the crotch. Who does that?! Who rips jeans sitting down?! Wow! I had finally had enough! For months I had been saying I have to start doing something....well I finally got up and I'm doing it!
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I was 3 months pregnant and had my appendix out, so I was off of work for a couple of months. So its the first day back to work and I'm walking down the hallway and a co-worker tells me "Wow! you sure have gotten fat!" That's what it took for me.