What was the best thing about being a teenager in the 80's



  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    ... as I am typing this the national radio station is playing AHA, Take on Me - the music is still so popular & re-covered continually so couldn't have been all bad :smile: ...

    ooooh Morten Harket. I still would :wink:
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    ... as I am typing this the national radio station is playing AHA, Take on Me - the music is still so popular & re-covered continually so couldn't have been all bad :smile: ...

    ooooh Morten Harket. I still would :wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: You & me both huni
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    The music!!!!! Still listen to it!! :love:

    XM Hair Nation & XM Boneyard has the BEST 80s hard rock.

    I <3 hair nation!
  • mama2shi
    mama2shi Posts: 300 Member
    Aquanet and hair metal! lol...I loved it!

    I still love the hair metal...not so much the Aquanet ;)

    lol - I still listen to it on AOL radio while I am at work. Someone will come in and say "what are you listening to???" and I say "Poison!" haha
  • admanMike
    admanMike Posts: 371 Member
    MTV. They actually played Music VIdeos then!
  • iluvmexicans
    iluvmexicans Posts: 4 Member
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    ... as I am typing this the national radio station is playing AHA, Take on Me - the music is still so popular & re-covered continually so couldn't have been all bad :smile: ...
    Still one of my favorite videos.
  • karenann1989
    karenann1989 Posts: 63 Member
    I love this thread... I ruled the school, loved "Grease" and "Jaws". I rolled my pants, used Aquanet, rocked a HUGE perm, was sure Michael Jackson and I would get married, and was pretty sure that I "was" Madonna, lol!!!

    I would also skip school with my fellow Pom pom gals and visit 7-11 to buy a "Slurpee" with a fifth of Bacardi and mix the two!! Back then, they did not check I.D.'s. Let's not forget about 2-liter wine coolers, lol, I am pretty sure that the 80's were the best decade EVER!!!!!!!!!! Loved the neon clothes, jelly shoes, slap bracelets, MTV, soft rock, Debbie Gibson and Tiffany!!! I could go on and on, but will stop for now...
    LOL ~ I read the sentence about the 2 liter wine coolers and I could actually taste them.....Sun Country and they tasted alot like Sunny D with a kick :)
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    The music, the movies, the hair. When I applied for my passport for the first time I was 16 - my hair didn't fit in the picture.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    The music, hair bands, the fact that I was around the weight I am currently trying to get back to!!!
  • The big hair, the clothes ( Code Bleu; Members Only, Izod, Body Glove, Sex Wax ( yes, for your surf board) but they had cool t-shirts, Generra, LA Gear, Jellies, Stirrup pants and those jeans with the zippered ankle, later on it was cut-off shorts with Keds and the ever-present Ocean Pacific or Esprit sweatshirt ( pastel please);
    Accessories: a must have: the swatch watch, the brown bomber jacket, the puffy bow or scrunchie for your hair with a deluxe can of Aqua net. Big Bangs were a must! And for the guys: the hair cut with the tail when 14 morphed into the mullet at 16 ( long on top, short on the sides), puffy colourful pants ( jams?) and deck shoes without socks.

    Once dressed up we had to go out dancing at the local teen club and then Denny’s afterward for French fries and ranch….. Good times.