No, "it" isn't an open invitation for you to ....



  • kmorganm27
    kmorganm27 Posts: 5 Member
    Go ahead and respond with your version of what "it" is ...

    For me - it's my ink. Okay, I've got tattoos. So does a crapload of people. BUT, the fact my arms are visibily covered to my wrists does NOT give you an open invitation to ...

    ~ show me your ink. We're not all in a club. Having a tattoo isn't special. I don't put on a bra in the morning and then run up to everyone else wearing a bra and tell them HEY! LOOK AT MY BRA! I HAVE ONE TOOOOOO!!!!!

    ~ ask me any personal question under the damned sun. "Where do you get your work done?" Sure. But "How much did it cost?" and then following that up with "What do you do to have so much money to spend on that?" If/When I give you an answer. "what does it MMMEEEAAAANNNN?" Oh good lord. Shut the hell up. I LIKE it, okay? I'm not an episode of LA Ink where everything has to have a freaking deep meaning to it.

    ~ tell me the tattoo YOU want to get or your sister wants to get and ask my opinion. I'm just trying to buy a coffee, I don't care. And I'm pretty sure the tweety bird design you want is going to be awesome.

    ~ tell me why YOU would never get a tattooo. I don't come up to you and tell you why i would NEVER wear the hairstyle you are wearing.

    ~ explain to me how you don't like tattoos. Hey, I don't like those jeans you're wearing either but you don't see me giving you my reasons why.

    ~ touch me. Seriously. Stop touching me. I can't tell you how many people have just grabbed my sleeve or back of my shirt to look under my clothes to see what else I've got going on.

    Do you have one??

    AMEN. Especially to the LA ink comment.
  • seekingthepatienceofjob
    Person: *Smells and touches my hair*

    Me: Umm....hello?

    Person: *Ignores*

    Me: Do I know you...?

    Person: What shampoo do you use?

    Me: My pee. And Im sorry, but I dont know can you please stop smelling my hair?

    True story.

    Please, ask before touching my hair....I would greatly appreciate it. I will gladly tell you what shampoo I use (and no...not my pee... :P)

  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Yes, I'm in a wheelchair. No, I don't know your cousin that lives in Ohio that's in a chair too. I live in's not a freaking cult or something, we don't all know each other.

    Omg.. This made me laugh.. Haha. People are so stupid.. I heard someone ask a little person something like this in a grocery store once. He turned to him and said "yea, I know that guy. He told me to tell you to stay home and stop interacting with society.. It's not going well." :)

    ok i am crying after reading these too...people are just not all there sometimes lmao
  • MirelaH
    MirelaH Posts: 129 Member
    My "it" is whenever I tell people that I was in the Marine Corps:

    - "Really?" Yes, really.

    -"You don't look like a Marine." Thanks, *kitten*. Because all Marines are look-alike drones.

    -"Did you go over to Iraq/Afghanistan?" No, I did not. Followed up with "Oh you're so lucky!" Umm, okay.

    -"Why the Marine Corps?" Because they are badd@ss.

    -"Wasn't it hard?" Yes, it was. Followed up with "I could never do it!" Yes, I know that because you are a weak little b!tch.

    -"Did you like shoot guns and stuff?" Yes, I did.

    -"Why did you get out?" None of your damn business.

    -"Thank you for your service!" Awkward. I have no response to this.

    Seriously, people stop! There are so many dumb questions I get asked. People make it out to be such a big deal when it's not! :explode:
  • Shawnjay75
    Shawnjay75 Posts: 81 Member
    Ok, I have a few...1. My natural Hair...I don't mind answering questions about that...I ask other's with natural hair questions too.
    2. I use to get asked "do you eat" because of my size.....that got on my nerves but I don't have that problem
    3. This one bothers me :explode: ....I'm in an interracial relationship and people assume that I've been done wrong by black men and that's why I'm with my fiance...NO! That's not the case...I knew him since High just happend. They think he has money and that's why I'm with him....NO! We're struggling like everyone else. That I want my children to look a certain way...NO! and NO! I have a son who has 2 black parents and he's handsome! Thanks! Did I go natural because of my relationship...NO! It's hair.... One question that really got me was...does he kiss the same? Ummm....according to what???? I love my fiance and that's all they really need to know...:love:
  • DLDzioba
    DLDzioba Posts: 422 Member
    New one. I have an unusual engagment ring, it's yellow gold with a yellow stone (Imperial Topaz). I quite like when people tell me it's pretty and I thank them.

    Is it a diamond? No, it's not it's a topaz.
    Were you upset it wasn't a diamond? No, I hate clear stones. I like it.
    Is that your favorite color? No. Green is, which is why I have a peridot ring on my other hand.
    Is it your birth stone? Yes, but that's got nothing to do with me saying yes/accepting it.
    Did you pick it out? O.O No, I didn't know he was planning to propose. It was a surprise. I LIKE that it was a surprise.
    Are you going to replace it with a real wedding set? O.o No. It's a custom ring, we're getting a custom band to match it.
    Do you like it? No..... Not at all, that's why I wear it. YES I LIKE IT. It's very shiny and my William gave it to me.
    I just hate how gold looks. That's nice, it's not going to be on your finger. I like gold.
    You LIKE yellow gold? Um, yeah, and I think it's the right choice for an engagement ring. Personally I don't think white stones in silver/white gold look pretty.

    Seriously people. O.o

    Also, ditto to the cleavage thing.

    OH! And when people find out I play role playing games everyone asks me "How do you win?"
    It's not about winning. It's about coming together with friends to tell a story together and and fun playing make believe. I don't want to win, I want to have fun.