Myfitnesspal vs Weight Watchers



  • alli4350
    I do WW but I don't pay for a membership, so it's free (just like MFP), except for the fact that I bought a booklet and a calculator. Neither of these are necessary though because there are good websites you can use and well as smart phone apps for the calculator. I actually like WW better because it helps me keep better track of my protein, fat, fiber, and carbs whereas MFP is really only looking at my calories. I basically use MFP as a guide, just in case I'm eating too few/too many calories with WW. In college, when I did WW, I lost 25lbs in 3 months.
  • alli4350
    Also, I will say, that you will gain the weight back if you use WW and then stop looking at things completely. If you do it right, you'll learn portion control and the "right" foods to eat. You have to look at it as a lifestyle change.
  • karen0080
    I love MFP. :smile:
    This is the first time in my life I have keep a true record of what I have ate. I love the database of foods and the support. I have been in weight watchers off and on for years. I like the fact you had to be accountable to weight in. I have found another group called TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly. It is very economical $28.00 a year and that includes their magazines 6 a year. They have a small monthly dues our chapter is $5.00 and weigh in is .25cents and the biggest loser wins the pot. If you are looking for a in person meeting check them out. You can attend the first for free. Check them out online also.
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    FREE and loads of friends....nuff said
  • samandlucysmum
    I have done WW and Slimming World, but I would reccomend MFP over all other diets, it is free, it is always there, and there are loads of friend to help encourage and support, it also makes you more aware of what you are eating, i.e the content, rather than just counting points, it is good for the long term.
  • lindsaymo34
    Weight Watchers is all about Points. This does NOT teach you how to really eat healthy foods unless you are committed to learning more than WW teaches. I have met SO many people on Weight Watchers who have no clue as to how or what to eat, and no idea how to do anything without WW. It really has become a crutch for some of them - they can't go off the program. Maybe they're not doing it right, but when I hear over and over again, "I can't eat lunch - I'm saving up my points today so I can have cheesecake at dinner," well, let's just say I am LESS than impressed with that program.

    People on MFP do the same thing. MFP doesn't teach you to eat healthy. Afterall, you can eat 1500 calories of junk or 1500 calories of healthy, whole foods. In the end, it's 1500 calories. I've looked at plenty of diaries on here and people get in ZERO fruits and veggies, drink about 400-500 calories of sugared beverages a day, consume no whole grains or dairy. If a person attends WW meetings they will learn how to eat properly. WW is a lifestyle NOT a diet. I lost 70 pounds on WW and hit Lifetime or goal weight in May 2009. I am currently at my goal weight nearly 3 years later. If it wasn't for WW and learning about the good healthy guidelines I wouldn't know what to eat. Plus, the new program has all fruits and veggies at 0 points with a few exceptions. This is teaching people that consuming fruits and veggies versus a 100 calorie pack with the same calories is a much better choice.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    I still use the old Flex Plan system and use MFP to help me track fat, fiber, protein, and sodium along with calories. Plus, I like the exercise tracker here better than activity points. So for me, it's a no to the new WW Points Plus and a yes to combining both the old WW Flex Plan and MFP programs for a 60+ lbs (and counting) weight loss.
  • scadoodles
    scadoodles Posts: 110 Member
    Weight Watchers is all about Points. This does NOT teach you how to really eat healthy foods unless you are committed to learning more than WW teaches. I have met SO many people on Weight Watchers who have no clue as to how or what to eat, and no idea how to do anything without WW. It really has become a crutch for some of them - they can't go off the program. Maybe they're not doing it right, but when I hear over and over again, "I can't eat lunch - I'm saving up my points today so I can have cheesecake at dinner," well, let's just say I am LESS than impressed with that program.

    I cannot agree more! I lost 30 lbs on WW and when I felt confident enough to go off WW I gained it alllll back! I did not know how to function outside of "points"... I didnt know what 1500 calories really looked like because they never really tell you how many calories you're eating. I liked that they encourage low carb, low fat, high protien foods and that you're rewarded for making good choices, something I still carry with me today... I just wish it had better prepared me for leaving the program... but maybe that's the point right? They dont want you too ;)
  • Mashizou
    Mashizou Posts: 28 Member
    I'm actually taking advantage of both MFP and WW at the same time. I use WW to guide portion control, count points, and learn new recipes. I use MFP to keep track of my total calories/vitamins/protein/fiber/etc. consumed.
  • noriegacat
    I have never done weight watchers but my mother has and she liked it. I like MFP because it is FREE!!! and it is helping me be more cognizant of what I eat and how many calories are in food items.
  • daphnegetnfit
    I just bought the food companion, dining out guide and the points calculator - the new calculator keeps tracks of your daily points so you know what you have left. I canceled my WW membership and am using MFP and doing WW using my books and calculator. I actually like MFP website a lot better and find the support a lot better here than on ETools. I have been doing WW for years and love the new PointsPlus program
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    When WW starting doing the new configuration that no longer is calorie based, that nailed it for me. WW is a good program,but now you have to buy their calculator to figure out their POINT values. Before, I could gauge that 1 POINT usually was about 50-ish calories, give or take depending on Fat or Fiber. Now, it's a crapshoot.

    So, take the $15/week you would pay WW and sock it away. Once you hit goal, reward YOURSELF with some new clothes or other things.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    WW really? MFP rocks waaaaaaay better than WW!
  • CiaraH18
    CiaraH18 Posts: 16 Member
    I have both now, and I like MFP WAAAAAAAY better! Although they are basically the same thing, I like the calorie counter because you see exactly what you're eating. With WW they don't count veggies and fruits! I'm giving up on WW and just doing MFP, I don't even track on there anymore!
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 71 Member
    Speaking up for Weight Watchers!
    So I quit Weight Watchers because I'm on a budget and it was either WW or a gym membership, and I think the gym is probably better for me than a weekly meeting I wasn't attending regularly.
    I think if you're a person who doesn't enjoy spending a lot of time online and being social online, an in person weight watchers meeting is probably a lot more likely to keep you accountable and motivated than MFP. I've really tried to throw myself into my MFP community, and that keeps me plenty accountable.
    MFP is not an educational tool unless you proactively make it one. For instance, you can ask these boards any question and someone will have an answer for you. But you have to ask.
    The WW meetings I went to were very educational and had a huge vegetable/exercise focus. I have generally very positive feelings about the new points plus system. I really think it's an improved system that encourages people to eat fruits and vegetables. Now, do I think maybe fruit should be worth some points? Yes. Do I think many people don't realize that WW doesn't count potato as a vegetable? Yes. I also think they made the change because it forced their million members to buy a bunch more stuff.
    But the fact is I'd rather have someone eat their daily points in oreos then eat a head of broccoli and go over their daily calories than just eat oreos, lose weight and get scurvy.
  • key1238
    key1238 Posts: 16 Member
    Let me just say that I have not tried weight watchers since converting calories fiber and carbs into points is an extra math step I am not willing to do. Plus I do not want to pay for meetings to weigh in and talk about my diet. I can weigh myself for free and talk to friends about good eating habits. If WW works for you, keep doing it, but MFP has been so easy to follow.

    I am grateful that I found MFP. It is so easy to track the calories and I love the scanning and recipe functions. It has helped me lose more than 12 pounds since starting a few days ago. Ease in tracking nutrition is what was needed to help me meet my weight loss and fitness goals. I feel confident that I will meet my goals and be able to maintain.

    It took two years to take off 30 lbs. I was over 220lb at my heaviest. Since starting MFP a couple of weeks ago at 191lb I am now down to 178 with 27.5 percent body fat. I am happy with my results thus far.
  • daphnegetnfit

    I did WW for several years and that is DEFINITELY not the company philosophy. People need to educate themselves before trashing something they don't understand.

    Direct quote from their website:

    "The ProPoints plan is a fantastic counting system that allows you to eat what you like, when you like..."

    Where does that say, "Eat small meals and reward yourself with a big piece of cake"? I don't see that.

    Weight Watcher teaches healthy eating. The nine Good Health Guidelines are all about nutrition. You're supposed to fulfill those before you have a "treat." And how in the world is that any different from calorie counting? You're still eating "what you like, when you like," aren't you? Just tracking it in a different way.

    Like I said, EDUCATE YOURSELF before spouting off.

    I was making light of some of the previous adverts shown by WW on UK tv, that certainly had people tucking into cake... not spouting off or trying to offend.

    However my main point was they are endorsing parts of McDonalds menu, is this really a good policy for a company concerned with healthy eating?

    I certainly don't eat what I want when I want, I think, plan, eat and make gains and losses I require.

    There are plenty of people that eat McDonald's - WW is not endorsing McDonald's they are giving the points plus values of their food - if someone chooses to each at McDonald's or Burger King or any other restaurant they have in their system they are able to do so and still stay within their points. Habits are not changed overnight to eating healthy foods and some people may need this option. If you follow their program and stay within your points range, you loose weight. Their program works. You can say MFP endorses McDonald's too as it is in their system with calories.
  • mandrews2307
    I am current a WW member. Last year we switched to the new Points Plus program and our leaders were swapped out because they said 2 leaders could "share" a meeting (they took turns on who led the meeting on Saturday mornings) all in the same month (December '10/Jan. '11). I managed to make my goal in February '11 but was unable to maintain it. Our new leader just likes to sell products and I lost inspiration. I've gained back about 6 lbs and am now searching to keep myself going. I like the people at my WW meetings, just not the leader (as much). My husband also goes to WW (he's the one that got me involved to begin with) and he wants to continue. I think going back to counting calories and switching it up a bit might help me. I like my beer and find it easier to count the calories as opposed to pretending that I'm using my 49 extra points. I find calories easier than points. I just keep hiding the truth from myself. I just started today so hopefully counting the calories will help me get those 6 lbs off.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    WW is now different really than MFP. I did them both for about 18 months. Have done WW for years on and off (lost 81 pounds). I'm essentially following WW but using MFP to track my stuff since it is free. It all works. Weight Watchers is just essentially calorie counting- they just call them points. Whatever works to teach moderation, portion sizes, healthy foods, and lots of activity!!
  • lou1618
    lou1618 Posts: 96 Member
    I started doing WW in 2004 and in 7 mos reach my goal and became a lifetime member. I've gained about 30.lbs back and have been back and foward to WW over the last 2 years. I couldnt get back on track. I dont like the point plus plan , to me its to hard to figure you points even if u have their calulator, But I believe that WW and MFP is a lot alike. Both focus on eating healthier and being more active And someone else said they believe that the WW points are about the same as calories on MFP. I agree. Im not knocking WW. its works,but for me I think I just need a change to get me back on track and hopefully MFP will help get there.