Fat Burners...what's hot, what's not???



  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    If they wanna waste their money and time then let them! Someone has to fuel the ol' economy
  • 20 cups of coffee does it for me.
  • A few years back I took Hydroxicut for a few months and got great results. I quit taking it when I went to college and managed to keep most of it off. Last year I started taking Phentermine after a doctors appt. I took it from March to November and lost about 20 lbs but I wasn't working out and eating right. I decided at that point that I was done wasting $70-$100 per month.

    I have been working out 5-6 days a week for 1 1/2 hr and it sucks not seeing the results like I did. I lost 7 lbs in one week when I was first on it. Now its taken me about 2 weeks to lose 2 lbs. But I feel much better not having to rely on a pill to have energy.

    I hope this helps a little! Good luck! :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm taking Oxy Elite now and I definitely feel the increase in body temperature, energy, and appetite suppression. I've always researched ingredients via PubMed to see their effects in randomized controlled studies and learn how they work. OxyElite definitely checked out. If you really like it, you don't have to stop taking it entirely. Just cycle off for 2 weeks like it says on the bottle. :)

    Yes...I will actually start my two week break in 3 days! Thanks for your input! And, your hard work definitely shows in your profile pic! Nice job!!!

    Thanks! If you are curious about other supplements and don't have access to a journal database, feel free to PM me and I'll look up studies for you.

    Two other things I STRONGLY recommend are a potent probiotic (well over 1 billion cultures per pill) and butyrate which you have to order online. Both have helped me with digestion and reducing bloat, especially after a cheat day.
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    I'm using a drink called Define 8. I was originally looking for CLA and the guy at complete nutrition said this had it and was great for a pre-workout. Also can take before your lunch meal( he said its the new thing out). it doesnt seem to make you jitter, sustained energy for about 5 hrs. and not the big crash.. It comes in many different flavors as well. I LOVE IT!!! (ive ordered several more containers. If you are an ebayer a guy is selling it for around $50. its so new that the flavors I bought were sold out and I had to take alternate flavors which is o.k.) ive used the oxyelite as well and still have some in the cupboard, but reviews from friends and myself said it made me to *****y LOL. short tempered etc. I think fat burners are great as long as they are incorporated with a clean diet and exercise. I've wasted A LOT of money buying stuff and not having the diet n exercise in the mix. Now that i'm eating healthy and working out I love trying new things. Good Luck!!
  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    I absolutely love Oxyelite pro...but they are reformulating it to take out the DMAA so I would strongly suggest that if you love this product buy as much as you can before it's gone.
  • berdoochick
    berdoochick Posts: 25 Member
    thermo-burn XTR are a good fat loss supplment, I do agree natural sources are the best but I have no issues with people including it in there diets, My friend struggled with his metabolism and was naturally slow, he took thermoburn and it really did improve his performance and fatloss, there is no caffine in these either witch is good too as alot of supplemts include it

    There's guarana in it which is caffeine but a more concentrated form. just thought to let you know.