Food you HAD TO give up...



  • Any and all candy - especially the bagged kind. I can eat an entire bag of candy. Also, soda. Once I have one, I want another, and another.

    It's just best if I don't ever touch the stuff again because I always want more after I have one.
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    So I googled Starbucks nutrition an really a lot of the stuff is not *that* bad, I'm kinda happy :P
  • superdrood
    superdrood Posts: 129 Member
    I believe in moderation as others have said but I think it comes in two forms. If its a food you absolutely can't have a moderate amount of, then just have it show up moderately in your diet. In other words plan to have it once in a blue moon and go to town on it :tongue:

    Today is a perfect example for me. I make a spicy Korean noodle dish that I just can't eat in moderation and I ate almost a thousand calories in one sitting this afternoon (you can see it under snacks in my diary lol) :blushing: But hey it was so worth it and now I'm good for a month or so.
  • I've given up on Chips Ahoy cookies.... I've replaced them with WhoNu? cookies... ;)

    I looked at those cookies and they had HFCS in them :(
  • So I googled Starbucks nutrition an really a lot of the stuff is not *that* bad, I'm kinda happy :P

    They are pretty decent if you get a tall without any creams or whole milk. Like the shaken teas, the passion fruit one is just amazing!
  • Marie3391
    Marie3391 Posts: 202 Member
    I also haven't really given up anything. What's the point? It's a lifestyle, I'm not about to NEVER have something again. I so know to keep my biggest temptations out of the house tho.

    I have three remedies that help with sweet cravings, that's eating more protein, drinking peppermint herb tea and what helps the most is eating cereals like chocolate special K, kellog's krave or different flavored cheerios like peanut butter, dulce de leche, or chocolate. It helps for not too many calories :)
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    So I googled Starbucks nutrition an really a lot of the stuff is not *that* bad, I'm kinda happy :P

    They are pretty decent if you get a tall without any creams or whole milk. Like the shaken teas, the passion fruit one is just amazing!

    Yup and even the hot/iced coffee isn't bad :D the fraps are where the mega calories seemed to lay from what I saw lol
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    French fries with a coke! But I do have it on my splurge/spike days. Tastes so much better when you work for it :-)
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    This is such a great topic because as it turns out, in reading all the replies, more than 90% of the stuff is simple carbs, most of it with high fructose corn syrup and I love that because i have learned that these items communicate with our bodies in such a way that we release hormones that create that cycle of 'can't eat just one' or 'once I start I can't stop'. I am all too familiar with this situation, that feeling like you have lost complete control and even though you know you need to stop, put itdown, walk away, run away, throw it out, whatever...there is something so deeply driving you to binge like there is no other food supply on the planet. It is so indescribably strong, I think words can't even do that feeling justice! It's a b*tch!!!! These foods, no matter how PC we want to be and say 'everything in moderation'....these foods are poison and there really is no room for certain things in a healthy lifestyle. What a rant! Felt good to get that out,

    BTW, for me it is any kind of chocolate shell, like on the outside of Klondike bars or coating any chocolate covered treat. Really! Anything with that shell! What is it about that darn shell?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I had to give up regular chips. I can't just eat a portion of them and stop. So, I switched to a lighter cracker chip that is an alternative. It satisfies my cravings, and I can control myself better. Plus, they are much lighter than regular chips.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    paul newman's chocolate chip cookies.

    any chocolate chip cookie where there's access to more than one.

    same for most cookies, all brownies, and just about any baked good that contains chunks of chocolate.

    therein is where my self-control dies.
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    I really am surprised that no one said alcohol of any kind. Beer, vodka, tequila, gin. No one has had to give up any of these? Wine, even? I know I have. Only once a week is my goal. I'm not there yet (please, I'm no alcoholic) but it's as hard as someone with a candy fixation. And I don't like sweets much at all. I do enjoy a good margherita, though!
  • kiwinik
    kiwinik Posts: 25 Member
    I would have to say cold lovely bubbly sparking wine and blue cheese with fig and pastachio crackers! :-(
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    I've given up on Chips Ahoy cookies.... I've replaced them with WhoNu? cookies... ;)

    I looked at those cookies and they had HFCS in them :(

    Yeah those cookies are a big fat marketing ploy! The ingredients are extremely similar to their national brand counterparts...and in addition to the HFCS they also contain trans fat (causes increased bad cholesterol but also DECREASES good cholesterol). They are marketing to us and we are voting with our dollar! Please don't send that vote in their favor, this food is crap, dont buy their crap but most importantly...don't eat it!
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    The first thing I gave up was french fries which is difficult because I eat out a lot and just about everything comes with fries. My real kryptonite is donuts (2 for $1 at 7-11) I could eat a dozen Krispy Kreams in 5 minutes. So I cut any and all donuts out. Chips taste great but do little to fill you up so I stay away though I have tempted fate a few times and just had a small handful. That takes a lot of will power and isn't really worth it so I try to cut them out all together. I still do fun size chocolate bars on occasion to satisfy a craving. They are only about 80 calories and I able to walk away with just one. Ci Ci's Cinnamon rolls are right out. I don't even look at that side of the buffet.

    Cici's cinnamon rolls are AWESOME! I guess it's a good thing we moved to a state that doesn't even have Cici's. :laugh:
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    Dr. Pepper.

    I used to drink several 20 oz bottles a day, and i've only had 2 twelve ounce bottles since I started my weightloss
  • bcweisen
    bcweisen Posts: 118 Member
    I totally agree on the Dr Pepper and Diet does NOT taste like the real thing. Plus I'm convinced your body treats diet soda the same as regular. I do still have one from time to time but I go for the real thing when I do so it actually sates the craving.

    Also, peanut butter rice krispy treats and maybe regular ones too. And homemade caramels. Can't make those at home anymore because while I can space myself out, I can't stop until their gone and my husband and kids don't eat nearly enough of them.
  • kstadlwiser
    kstadlwiser Posts: 11 Member
    Froot Loops. I don't allow them in my house!
  • supergirl6
    supergirl6 Posts: 224 Member
    Pizza. I make my own versions of pizza at home and it's good. I'm definitely not missing out, but some nights I want a stuffed crust with extra cheese and green peppers and onions and olives, hot and cheesy and not made in my kitchen. I plan to eventually introduce it back into my life in moderation, but now is not that time. I am not yet confident I am at a point in my weight loss journey where I can have one slice and be done.
  • Salt and Vinegar Pringles!! I could eat a whole tube while watching a movie and still lick my lips looking around for more. They are definately on my banned list. It's really hard because my partner isn't on this lifestyle kick so he still gets his bad foods and I sit there watching him eat it and drool :(

    However, I've managed to get Icecream under control. I used to eat a whole tub of Homer Hudson Icecream in one sitting (especially choc-chunk cookie dough!), now I've switched to skinny cow ice-cream sticks, only 81 calories per icecream!