Just started 30 Day Shred Today 6th Feb. Anyone takers?

phee Posts: 147 Member
Hi all,

Was so impressed by all the before and after pics that I just started my first day of 30 Day Shred today! I actually really enjoyed it. So was just wondering if there's anyone else that has started today or is interested in starting today?? Would love to share some support with others.


  • Samanthor
    Samanthor Posts: 85 Member
    I started yesterday--but maybe we could still be 30-day shred buddies?
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    absolutely. I actually meant to say anyone who had started recently or planning to start soon, not today only. I will add you. So how did you enjoy your first and second day??
  • M1SSG
    M1SSG Posts: 8
    I've just started today too :)
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 184 Member
    I've started yesterday and loved it! Can I add you all? :bigsmile:
  • phee
    phee Posts: 147 Member
    No prob. All welcome. Lets do this together. I am looking forward to my day 2 tomorrow :-)

    Are you girls doing 30 days straight or just weekdays?
  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    Hi I'm starting today as well if anyone wants to add me :happy:
    I plan on doing 30 days straight, as it's less than 1/2 an hour shouldn't be too hard to maintain.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    i am starting today and hoping to get the full 30 days done with no breaks! feel free to add me, I have been putting off starting as i have lost my tape measure and i wanted to take before and after measurements.. but today is the day!
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    i will be starting today as well. I'm doing just week days. 5 days and then off the weekend.
  • VeryYellow123
    VeryYellow123 Posts: 14 Member
    ooo this is perfect! I'm starting this today too! I'll add you all :)
  • 54m0n6
    can guys join?
  • Nonnayaya
    I just started today! I'd love to join :)
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Day 1 done. It did not kick my *kitten* as much as i expected tho my legs r feeling rather tender. I thought the cardio would do me in cause it did last time. I am preddy sure i will be sore tomorrow tho. Hope every1 else had a good day 1!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Count me in if it's okay. I started Saturday so today was day 3 for me on level one. I love that it is 20 minutes long/short, however you want to label it. Not feeling the burn in my legs that I thought but the pushups are killer and I do regular but have to go to knees halfway through.
  • DecemberStar
    I've just completed day 1. I must admit I had to take a couple of 5 second breaks :o( I could definitely use a buddy or 2 to get me to the end! Feel free to add me!
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I started Jan 23 so I'm on Day 3 of level 2. Not trying to scare y'all, but you really have to push yourself for level 2! That being said, you will see results after level 1. I lost 2.75 inches off my waist and 1 inch off my hips in 10 days. If you follow her instructions you will have results.

    Good luck everyone and feel free to add me if you'd like :-)
  • amyunplugged
    amyunplugged Posts: 16 Member
    Hey I'd like to join! I did the shred half-arsed a few years ago, but started again two weeks ago, 4-5 days a week. I'm ready for Level 2 today and intend to try to do every day. Got Jillian's Ab dvd yesterday, would like to add it in a couple of days a week too! I am amazed at how my stamina has increased in cardio...and I can now do pushups. Yay!
  • cryingangel
    I just started today, just finished todays workout. HOLY OMG!!! I felt like I was gonna puke once or twice. I'll be a buddy too. Anyone who wants a 30DS friend feel free to add me!!
  • hayley127
    i am hoping my dvd will arrive tomorrow so can i join you guys? i got the 6 weeks abs dvd today and had a go but think i will do the 30 shred first then the abs one so i can burn some fat to actually see any abs if it works!
  • Samanthor
    Samanthor Posts: 85 Member
    Haven't done today's yet, but I woke up sore! I can go up stairs fine, but going down stairs is weirdly painful! The past few days, I've gotten a couple of regular push-ups in but then have to switch to knee--I hope to get to all regular by the time this is done! And I need to get another weight...I've only got one, so I have to switch back and forth for the sets.
  • starryskies89
    starryskies89 Posts: 35 Member
    I started yesterday, I'm about to go pop in the DVD right now, but I am SO sore.. I tend to get sore so easily. I want to do every day for 10 days but we will see how sore I get. Count me in the group, We can do this! :)