Creepy Chicks at the Gym



  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Have a few at my gym...they look at you like if they're's some what creepy, I mean a smile won't hurt ladies...

    the problem with offering a smile is... if we do, then we have every creepy gym rat guy trying to come on to us as if we are there just for their sake.. not like we actually mean to be there to get fit ourselves... just sayin.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I don't know if I've ever dealt with a creepy girl at the gym. At least none that I've noticed.. I'm usually pretty focused on what I'm doing and don't get distracted... HOWEVER! I have on complaint... Just because you're cute, or fit, or whatever... YOU STILL HAVE TO WASH YOUR FRIGGIN' WORKOUT CLOTHES... There is nothing more annoying that someone that stinks at the gym, but, I can't tell you how many times it's the "cute" girls that don't think they need to wear clean clothes.. I'm just saying...

    hahhaah oops, I could probably wash my gym clothes more often

    I told my trainer that I was going to stop washing my workout clothes so I could compete with the smells in "Testosterone Zone" at the gym. All the guys seem to stink to high heaven. I just wanted to be one of the guys :).
    I'm that creepy old lady.
  • ChattyKitten
    ChattyKitten Posts: 53 Member
    I was in the hot tub at my gym, alone. It's in the women's locker room so everyone is of course naked. An older lady got in and put on goggles. After racing through every possible innocent explanation in my head, her head went under and I bolted.

    I believe we have a winner for creepiest.

    Agreed! By far the creepiest!
  • mdebbie1026
    mdebbie1026 Posts: 164 Member
    I don't know what is worse, BO or perfume! Hello I am trying to work out here ladies! Time and place for everything...It's not easy on the lungs either....Both are annoying especially when they are using one to try to cover the other.

    Sorry that is my pet peev.
  • soriadarkstar
    Sometimes I worry I'm the creepy girl at the gym. If I'm on a treadmill and there's a guy in front of me with some amazing shoulders, I sometimes get so distracted that I forget that a new interval is coming up and almost fall off when the speed changes. Clutzy AND creepy., but it makes the minutes go by faster! :)

    Also I think I'm the only one that actually uses the showers at the gym. There are perfectly nice stall-style showers with shower curtains, so no one has to see you naked, but I've never seen any of the showers taken except when I'm using one. Maybe that makes me creepy, but I don't want to get back in my car and fill it with my sweaty gym-stank.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    That's odd that they gave her her own private space.

    They had to... there were accidents happening. ( Yes, seriously )

    She can't be more than 5'5, maybe 120 lbs soaking wet. Her hair is FIRE ENGINE RED ( fake, but cute ), and her rack is GINORMOUS. It doesn't jiggle in the SLIGHTEST.

    Her waist is absolutely tiny, and her behind is ROUND.

    She wears a cropped top and skin tight capris.

    And, I kid you not.. she lifts the most massive weights I've ever seen for a girl. The only time she is in the weigh area at the gym is when she's doing squats this huge, enormous dumbell, fully weighted on both sides. ( I assume she's using the safety cage )

    Hmm... I have red hair and a giant rack. I don't go to the gym though. I work out alone because I hate letting people see me struggle. I am a weakling... but this makes me feel better about the need to isolate myself when I work out.
  • Prefessa
    I work out at the its really a family oriented kinda place....not too many people there that fit into the creepy is worth mentioning here.....the gal that...

    Clearly has turned a good thing like diet exercise and made it go wrong....There is a gal that comes to some of my exercise classes that is likely suffering from exercise Bulemia...She is a walking anatomy chart, her skin and hair is dry, she has freaky vascularity, and her complexion is a weird shade of grey. Her exposed body parts sport a coating of peach fuzz type hair, natures attempt to keep a feakeshly lean person warm.

    It doesn't creep me out as much as I feel bad for someone who may have a problem that is potentially unhealthy.
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    Have a few at my gym...they look at you like if they're's some what creepy, I mean a smile won't hurt ladies...

    I dont smile at the gym while doing cardio... I work out alone...I put my headphones on... Im usually in a zone.... Last thing I am thinking about when doing 60 minutes of hills at level 10 on the stationary bike is if I'm smiling or not, I am usually praying that my thigh muscles do not explode. LOL.

    I hope that does not make me ceeepy!!

    But I do smile and laugh nonstop when I work out with my trainer because she makes me do these crazy things knowing I'm not coordinated.
  • saraann752003
    my x-fit class and I... yeah we are the creepy ones (in my opinion)... we stare at you because you are lifting wrong.... our trainer makes you feel guilty so you will come over and hold the resistance bands while we run and you think 'dang wtf!!!!', we steal your weights (seriously, we actually run around and steal the weights off your bars when you aren't looking!!!), kick you off the pull up bars and rowing machines because we are being timed for our work out... we run into you if you get in our way because, hey, your in our way... we don't share the medicine balls, those are ours because we need two each to do wall balls... we don't share the boxes because we need some for box jumps and some because we are short and can't reach the pull up bar... we do dead lifts, we do sumo lifts, we do suicide runs, we flip the tires, we climb the ropes, we do HAND STAND push ups, we do enough that you are looking at the white board to see what we are doing so you can try... we are the ones that have a puke bucket that gets used.... and we gross you out because you know you aren't puking because you aren't working hard enough... oh and we pick fights.... and yet.... why do yall keep telling us to keep going, keep up the good work, and ask us about our work outs in the parking lot? yeah, we are the creepy ones :) We are the ones doing the burpies just for fun :)

    That's not creepy. That's rude.

    I do crossfit at my box, not at my gym. There is a time and place for everything and if you think you're special enough to interrupt my workout while I'm at the gym you have another thing coming. Time to take your broke *kitten* to a real box so you don't bother people at the YMCA trying to get fit.

    Apparently, my sarcastic humor got lost in type... ahhh well, happens all the time...
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    Couple of UFC type girls training on the mats and frankly alittle scary.

    LOVE your default pic!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Bump and bookmarked.
  • boogiewoman1
    That is funny! She probably wanted the hot tub for herself.!