February-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Friday, February 10
    1. Water (10-12)- Yes
    2. Burn an extra 300 calories today Nope only 100
    3.Online training Briggs or Honda- started
    4. Wash face before bed- Yes

    we got 3 " of snow, but mainly only stuck to grass, so just a salt this morning. Been up since 4 AM. I know that means I will burn more calories today, just by being up. I hope everyone getting snow is staying warm and safe. I am happy the sun is shining brightly!

    Saturday, February 11
    1. Do 20 minutes minimum real exercise today.
    2. Stay near calories goal within 100 or under
    3. Work on Briggs training.

    Welcome newbies! Have a goal oriented day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 9: (and 10)
    1. Do my morning meditation.--Yes (no)
    2. 20 minute walk and 15 minute abs session. --Yes and Yes (walked for 2 miles)
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal. --Yes. (Close but no)
    4. Water and tea.--Yes (Yes)

    Missed posting yesterday but had a fairly good day. Went over my calorie goals a bit but not bad.

    I could never drink just one cup of coffee! Good thing its actually loaded with antioxidants and is good for lots of other things, too. Just don't put all the sweet creamers and sugar in it. I love coffee!


    Welcome, bells1990--Ah, Boston, my old stomping grounds. I loved living in that city!

    Also welcome to Tanya and all those I may have missed! This has turned into a busy month for me with not a lot of computer time!

    Goals for Feb. 11:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 1 mile walk and 15 minute abs session.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal.
    4. Water and tea.
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    I know I'm a little late, but I'd like to join as well. My name is Caitlin. I work at a very active job and am very busy, leaving me little time or energy for solid exercise. While my job does keep me on my feet a lot, it also encourages me to eat not so healthily, since I'm often eating on the go. I need a little accountability for my choices and I'm hoping this group will help. Today is already half over, but my goal for the remainder of the day is to not sabatoge my eating in the afternoon and evening just because I've already made some not great choice this morning. I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with new goals!!!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Saturday

    Not sure how the day is gonna go, since I have a 6am glocuse tolenance test. I have had some issues with my blood sugar dropping (at Christmas dinner, my blood sugar dropped to 40). My sister tested it when I told her I felt like I was going to pass out about 15 minutes after dinner. So, if I don't fall out flat on the floor....

    Lots of blood work.....all the regular blood tests along with testing me for MS, Lupus and Lyme disease again because of all the joint pain I have. (I have 2 cousins with Lupus and one cousin with Lyme disease) had to put it off til next week.

    Appointment with my personal trainer done with great results
    Do laundry gonna do it tomorrow

    Journal my food honestly done, I have to keep checking my meal plan since the portions got changed
    Drink my green tea and water. done

    We are supposed to get about 3 inches of snow tomorrow.....so hoping it just passes us by. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

    I got up this morning at 5am to get over to have my bloodwork done. Luckily, the snow was mostly on the cars, grass and trees. Since my doctor didnt't specify the type of glocuse tolerance test, they couldnt do any of the bloodwork. So I went home and had my regular breakfast. So that will be put off until next Saturday.

    My appointment with my personal trainer went really well. I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week. So since the beginning of January, I am down 10 1/2 lbs of fat. My lean mass has stayed about the same. He added more calories to my meal plan and wants me to exercise more. He knows that I hate to exercise...but I do feel better when I do.

    Just finished dinner, so time to get the dishes done and then go ride my exercise bike. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    This sounds like a good wya to try to stick to my goals for the day.

    Goals for Sunday...

    Drink 8 Glasses of water
    excercise for 45 minutes and try to burn 500 calories
    Plan meals for the week
    Do Laundry
    Take kids bowling
  • EmilyLStuart
    Goals for today...

    Improve my 5K time from 38:18 to 37:59 or better
    Hit 110 grams protein
    Get professionally fitted for some real running shoes!

    Shaved 41 seconds off my previous 5k time; hit 37:47
    118 g protein
    Got my new shoes! Brook's Pure Cadence :D

  • aandbthomas1
    Forgot to log goals for today, but overall stayed on track.

    Goals for 2/12
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Stay near calorie limit
    3. Finish more homework
    4. Walk for 1 hour
  • cschmidt42
    cschmidt42 Posts: 190 Member
    Happy Sunday to all! :smile: I did not get to post yesterday, I had to go to a funeral. :cry: But I managed not to do that bad.
    My goals for today are:

    Stay within my calorie range~
    Get plenty of rest ( I am really tired from yesterday)~
    Get my meditation in~
    Do not get depressed because I cannot exercise (I had surgery 2 wks ago)~

    I hope everyone has a great day!! :smile:

  • casondra30

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Saturday, February 11
    1. Do 20 minutes minimum real exercise today.- Does 2 1/2 hrs of wii bowling count. I did lots of jumping and wiggling!
    2. Stay near calories goal within 100 or under- I was way under. Not good, but ate when hungry and filled up fast
    3. Work on Briggs training.- yes!

    What w wonderful group of people meeting their daily goals!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

    Grandson's birthday party today. Probably just eat before going. Not a fan of most pizzas unless veggie!

    Sunday, February 12
    1. Water (10-12) The hardest day is Sunday for me!
    2. Stay near calorie goal
    3. 20 mins real exercise!

    Have a sunny day!
  • jeni_Giedd
    I am a teacher - 32 years now. I am married - 30 years now. I have a daughter - 27, married, lawyer, but not making much money in this horrid economy. When she has a case near us, she stays with us. I have a son, 25, unmarried, scientist in a laboratory at a food prodcution company where he makes and tastes different pizzas a lot - don't have to worry about HIM starving. I have two cats and a golden retriever named Annabelle who loves to go walking and jogging with me! I am still 35 pounds overweight and stuck on a 20 pound loss plateau. I gained a ton of weight due to issues at work regarding harassment and libel - which ended up making me very depressed and lethargic. The depression meds didn't help with the weight, either. I am now in a new position and on a different med. I hav enoticed a BIG difference, but would like to be more healthy than I was even five years ago before all of this s*#t came down the pike!:flowerforyou:
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Hi, I'm Zara. I'm new to this challenge but love the concept. I'm off work ill at the moment waiting for gall bladder surgery. My livers not functioning too well and my blood pressure drops very low because of it. I'm on a lot of pain meds and I am having to take every day as it comes, so this is a perfect challenge for me as I can see how I am when I wake up and set my challenges for the day. Even if its a bad day I can still have something to be proud of. Thankyou very much for carrying on the challenge. You'll see a lot more of me. Yesterday I went on a walk, cleaned the whole house and cooked up evening meals for most of the week, so today I'm not too good.

    Goals for Sunday 12th Feb.
    1. Reduce sleeping medication by half. (Huge challenge, I'm already on half what I was 2 weeks ago for the last 8 years)
    2. Eat no more than 1570 calories. (Set my goal at loose 1.5lbs as I'm not sleeping and some night time eating is occuring now and then)
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water.

    Check in tomorrow! Zara X
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Goals for today...

    Improve my 5K time from 38:18 to 37:59 or better
    Hit 110 grams protein
    Get professionally fitted for some real running shoes!

    Shaved 41 seconds off my previous 5k time; hit 37:47
    118 g protein
    Got my new shoes! Brook's Pure Cadence :D


    Well done for rocking it! X
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 11:
    1. Do my morning meditation.--No.
    2. 1 mile walk and 15 minute abs session.--Yes to both.
    3. Healthy choices and stay in my calorie goal.--No and no.
    4. Water and tea.--Need to do better!
    I am seriously considering going back to just healthy choices and portion control. I'm not sure why, but I lost weight SO much easier when I wasn't counting calories and was just eating healthier! I am going to try this for a while and see what happens.

    Goals for Feb. 12:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 1 mile walk and 15 minute abs session.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
    4. Water and tea.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Just noticed that I updated for Saturday but didn't list my goals for Sunday.

    Well for Sunday, I had a really good day.

    Laundry done
    Taxes done for myself and my daughter.
    Journaled honestly done
    Drank green tea and water done
    Exercised on my exercise bike for 20 minutes....done

    My goals for Monday
    I am going to be offsite for work....so to not get stressed !!!
    To prepare my snacks and lunch in the morning....I am so used to making my meals and snack as I go
    To not buy any snacks or drinks from the vending machine
    To journal honestly
    To drink my green tea and water
    To exercise

    Hope everyone has a good week !!
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 2/12
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done
    2. Stay near calorie limit- 100 over
    3. Finish more homework- finished one class, still more to do though
    4. Walk for 1 hour- did 30 minutes then it got too cold

    Goals for 2/13
    1. Keep drinking water
    2. Finish more homework
    3. Walk for 1 hour
    4. Weigh in... hoping for a two pound loss this week (would make 5 total)

    Have a happy Monday and a great week!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Sunday, February 12
    1. Water (10-12) The hardest day is Sunday for me! Yes
    2. Stay near calorie goal yes
    3. 20 mins real exercise! Me and Leslie Walked it!!!!

    Quickly as running behind this morning. Already have chicken in crock pot, laundry going, dishes all washed, showered, almost ready for work!

    Monday, February 13
    1. Water
    2. Stay in calorie goal
    3. Burn an extra 200 calories
    4. do 30 revised crunches

    Have a wonderful day everyone!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    This week is a fresh start!

    1. stay under calorie goal
    2. do at LEAST 2000 words of essay NOT including intro and conclusion
    3. do this essay! (it's a big one, so counts as two... )
  • ktc33
    ktc33 Posts: 249 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Katie!

    My goals for today (2/13)

    1. Drink 10 cups of water
    2. Log all of my food
    3. Stay under my calorie goal

    Have a great day!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for today (2/13)

    1. Drink 8 cups of water
    2. Stay under my calorie goal
    3. Burn 500 calories
    4. Clean the house