Why is it when people ask u? "How did u lose weight?"

Why is it when people ask you...."How did you lose so much weight?" And you tell them about MFP they lose interest right away? WTF? It never fails. Or they sign up just to humor you but never log in.

I think they want us to say that it was some MAGIC pill or SURGERY...I don't know.

Please share your story on what you encounter when people ask you...I'm interested to know.


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Honestly, I haven't told anyone (well, my hubby knows) I'm using this site. I've had a few co-workers ask what I'm doing and I just say, "protion control and exercise" and really that is correct. :smile: I think after I get more weight off I'll share the MFP secret, but I really don't want to be any of my co-workers friends on here since I'm on this site while at work. :laugh:
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I tell them about what I do and then I mention MFP and the food logging. The conversation usually stops -- I guess the foold logging sounds like too much work (even though it really isn't, but that is my opinion).
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    The people I've told seem interested and say that it is a good idea but then they never do it.

    My daycare provider is on here and seems to be taking it seriously.

    my best friend was on here and did well for 4 days and then didn't log on for 2 weeks...I deleted his @ss and told him with a smile.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Why is it when people ask you...."How did you lose so much weight?" And you tell them about MFP they lose interest right away? WTF? It never fails. Or they sign up just to humor you but never log in.

    I think they want us to say that it was some MAGIC pill or SURGERY...I don't know.

    Please share your story on what you encounter when people ask you...I'm interested to know.

    I haven't had that happen to me. I was originally told about MFP via somebody at work and I, in turn, have told others about it and some joined, some didn't.

    Regarding your experience, those people probably consider it all too much hassle, they want quick fixes and be able to eat 75" pizzas, chips, crisps, sweets and chocolate until the cow's come home and still lose weight.
  • I have had similar experiences as well. But I tell them that you have to have a change of mind and heart before you can set out on your own adventure. These two areas must be in sync to make it work. Most just tell me they don't have to shop healthy or keep track of what they are eating. I tell them about MFP and how much it has helped and how easy it is but I haven't had any join me on here. That's ok. I am not here for them. I am here for me and I know in my mind and heart that there is no magic pill to cure my addiction. Just some good ole' fashion hard work is going to get this job done. :laugh:
  • I tell them about what I do and then I mention MFP and the food logging. The conversation usually stops -- I guess the foold logging sounds like too much work (even though it really isn't, but that is my opinion).
    The same here! It never ceases to amaze me.
  • The people I've told seem interested and say that it is a good idea but then they never do it.

    My daycare provider is on here and seems to be taking it seriously.

    my best friend was on here and did well for 4 days and then didn't log on for 2 weeks...I deleted his @ss and told him with a smile.
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    i know....When I tell people that I am losing weight the hard way (counting calories and daily exercise), they shut me out. Most common response, "Oh nooo, I can't do that." Its not easy but its what works....guess you're not really wanting a change?
  • When I tell people I keep a food journal, they usually roll their eyes "Oh, that's just too much work! Nevermind then."

    Um. Okay. It really isn't that hard to log on for five minutes and track what you've put in your mouth. People are afraid of accountability, they really don't want to lose weight and are half-assing their attempts and feigning interest.

    They expect a magical solution to their problem, and there really isn't. Sorry to disappoint you.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    When I tell people about this place, they are super interested normally. Like "WOW! You can see how many calories you actually eat?!" I don't know how many have signed up though.
  • Kelsbellz
    Kelsbellz Posts: 142 Member
    I've been telling everyone about MFP and how easy it is to use. I've had a few friends join. I love it!
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i haven't had anyone be negative toward MFP, but a few people have asked how i lost weight and when i mention my hard work and dedication, they get turned-off immediately. i think they might be expecting me to say that there is a magical way, but there isn't. sorry, folks, gotta work for it! :smile:
  • misrical
    misrical Posts: 66 Member
    I got the same response from people, I went from 260 to 195 in a year and a half, my dad thought I was sick and most people just hoped it was something quick so they don't have to work for it.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I tried telling a friend who wanted to lose 20 lbs. When he found out that calorie counting means either making healthier choices, or cutting portion size in addition to the exercise he is already doing, he was not happy. He wants to eat unhealthy on a regular basis, and extra unhealthy on exercise days. Some people just aren't ready, I guess.

    When I first joined, I didn't log in every day. It wasn't until a month or so later that I started taking it seriously.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    The question for me is "What diet are you on?" I haven't quite gotten to the "How did you lose...."

    I've gotten to the point where I answer that question with "The hard way".

    Many people are looking for that QUICK fix, and to waste my time trying to explain to them what MFP is...it just that.

    Maybe 2 out of the 10 people I talk to are truly looking for real information, so I do explain to them, but to most like i said, a waste of time.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    When I tell people I keep a food journal, they usually roll their eyes "Oh, that's just too much work! Nevermind then."

    Um. Okay. It really isn't that hard to log on for five minutes and track what you've put in your mouth. People are afraid of accountability, they really don't want to lose weight and are half-assing their attempts and feigning interest.

    They expect a magical solution to their problem, and there really isn't. Sorry to disappoint you.

    I agree with you... people don't want to be held accountable. I like using this site because it teaches me everyday about the things I am doing to my body and it makes me feel really good when at the end of the day I can read my food diary and know that I kicked *kitten*!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    I get this too! They ask me how I've managed to do this and I tell them I'm calorie counting and that I use this app/website to help me track my portions and calories.

    They shut off immediately - it's like it's too much work, requires too much technology, or isn't a miracle cure. Strange...
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Actually, most people write down the website right away - I am sort of a walking advertisement for the "eat well, exercise, drink water" thing at this point. Whether or not they actually USE the website or follow my advice is another story, but they're almost always very receptive to hearing about how I did it.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    People are looking for a magic pill. Eat less, exercise more is ridiculous.
  • 2012x
    2012x Posts: 149 Member
    Amazing what pops out when you say the word many dread : exercise... lol