There are 2 kinds of people at the gym....



  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    i am the ipod person lol i have people look at me odd cause i mouth the words too and in certain songs i am a maniac and others i am a little slower lmao

    Hahaha That's so me!
  • Goosiesnougs
    Uh oh...........I'm the yapper! I talk to anyone and everone :embarassed:

    I usually do classes though! If I'm with my girlfriends they know me well enough to know if you're near me it's ON :blushing:

  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    The people that either have there ipods in blaring and look like they have the eye of the tiger lol or the guys that do work but talk to everybody who comes in the gym. Which one are you???:)


    Dont take my ipod, too hard, :p
    And i rarely talk to anyone. haha. I get in, i do what needs to be done. I go home.
  • bp1984
    bp1984 Posts: 38 Member
    Headphones in unless im there with somebody
  • Just_Bethy
    Neither...I have my Kindle on the machine and read while I work :D
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    The people that either have there ipods in blaring and look like they have the eye of the tiger lol or the guys that do work but talk to everybody who comes in the gym. Which one are you???:)

    Tiger, no time for nonsense in the gym. I hate the one guy that has to come over after every set and bring up some random bull****. I don't mind the guys that want to talk before or after you're done but once I start don't bother me unless you need a quick spot. Don't care about your theories about life, lifting, or funny anecdotes.
  • daisydarling
    daisydarling Posts: 44 Member
    Our treadmill and some of the machines have a tv so I have my earplugs in and watch tv.
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Music all the way! Upbeat country music or classic rock with a good beat. It helps me focus!

    I work out at the gym on base (I'm in the military) and if I venture anywhere but the elliptical section I'm usually the only girl. Headphones save me from awkward turtle moments. Uh... oh you were using that 15 lb weight? But I just saw you using that 50 lb weight.... Did you just want to hold my hand? Please go away I'm sweaty and gross and not cute right now... and so are you and you smell bad... hahahaha.
  • wmschristin
    Music it is for me! Helps me get into the workout....and makes the time fly by:)
  • LisaH1231
    LisaH1231 Posts: 18 Member
    I am an IPOD girl....I have to focus on the music to get myself through it and a good fast pace and if I look at how much time has elasped I am trouble. I live for the cool down beep..

  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Music for cardio, but I'm good to talk while I lift.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    Make 'em say na na naaaaa!

    you know it! gansta all the way, and LOUD - helps me work harder. talking at the gym annoys me!
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    Music all the way! Upbeat country music or classic rock with a good beat. It helps me focus!

    I work out at the gym on base (I'm in the military) and if I venture anywhere but the elliptical section I'm usually the only girl. Headphones save me from awkward turtle moments. Uh... oh you were using that 15 lb weight? But I just saw you using that 50 lb weight.... Did you just want to hold my hand? Please go away I'm sweaty and gross and not cute right now... and so are you and you smell bad... hahahaha.
    Upbeat country? Does this really exist? ;) I'm usually the only girl in the gym as well. Luckily the guys around me are extremely supportive which makes workouts a lot more fun.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'm the IPOD in my ears, get the f-out of my way kind of girl.... Even the trainers know that I get in and I get out because I literally have no time to do otherwise.

    Only time I talk to people is when they are screwing around on a machine I want and I need them to move it!
  • jforferris01
    jforferris01 Posts: 71 Member
    I am the person who blast the radio as you cant not make any eye contact in my gym with anyone....if u do u are surely doomed...Good thing they have TV's in my gym too...I just pretend I am listening to my headphones and watching a show as eye contact...
  • jill92787
    jill92787 Posts: 158 Member
    Upbeat country? Does this really exist? ;) I'm usually the only girl in the gym as well. Luckily the guys around me are extremely supportive which makes workouts a lot more fun.

    Yes it exists I promise! Haha. I love Country and I'm not ashamed of that. There's some great stuff in there.

    I wish the guys at my gym were supportive. They're not mean or anything but there's two reactions, either they're way too friendly (*cough* creepy) or they stare at me like I'm a purple spotted unicorn and they can't believe I exist! haha.
  • reedkaus
    reedkaus Posts: 250 Member
    during the lift i have to get the "eye" going, and put in the head phones. especially if i'm maxing or going for a lot of reps. but between sets i take em out and like to chat with my workout buddies, and i am on a small enough campus that i run into a lot of people i know at the rec
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    during the lift i have to get the "eye" going, and put in the head phones. especially if i'm maxing or going for a lot of reps. but between sets i take em out and like to chat with my workout buddies, and i am on a small enough campus that i run into a lot of people i know at the rec

    I hear ya there. Especially nn my last set of main exercise everyday I flip to my favorite song and I literally block-out evrything around me until I just see the bar, complete focus. I don't see how people can stay focused on getting everything out of their lift when they're halfway in a conversation.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Music blaring, the gym is not a social event, not even spinning class. Unless you're a 45 year old woman. :wink:

    Gee, thanks. :tongue:
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    no music and no socializing for me. Get in, do my stuff, and get out