decided I dont want to die



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I expect to see you posting your success story in a few years. I'm counting on you.

    You can do it!
  • dcgonz
    dcgonz Posts: 174 Member
    “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”
    You can do this, you made the first step, the decision to try! I wish you all the luck in the world. It's going to be tough but you will have good days and bad. Just make sure you have more good than bad and don't give up!!

  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Glad you've decided to take the plunge :)
  • Welcome to MFP!

    You won't die, you've made an amazing decision and it will all be worth it. You're an inspiration :)
  • How touching. Can't wait to see your progress!

    You can do this and we can help you do this :) What an amazing story you have to tell and are already telling! 8lbs in 10 days is WONDERFUL!

    Feel free to add me if you need encouragement :) We don't want you to die either. We want you to start living!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Good luck! :)

    I was just looking at your food diary. How much did you set yourself to lose each week? I noticed that your calorie goal for each day is 3000 but you've been eating > 1000 less than this every day! Its important to stick to the right amount or otherwise it will effect your metabolism and the weight that you lose will not only be fat but also muscle. Anyway I see some good choices with your food that you have been eating, well done.

    Edited to say. Sorry if this point has been already bought up. I haven't read through all the pages yet.
  • You will rock this !!!! Don't give up and keep on doing what your doing, it will take time but you can and will do this !!!
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Don't know if this has been mentioned, but may I suggest watching a movie called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead"?

    I saw it, and it woke me up.... but here is what is cool for YOU. They follow the life of a truck driver in parts of the movie..... I saw this movie, and while I didn't decide to do what the movie promotes, I moved a whole lot closer in that direction.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • wannareduce
    wannareduce Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome :smile: MFP is a great place.. you would get all the motivation & support here :flowerforyou:

    Good Luck!!!!
  • sikah
    sikah Posts: 2
    You don't have to die. I am Deb. I had tried to lose weight many times only to gain it all back. Some people have to take drastic measures. I had gastric bypass surgery in October and have lost 90 pounds. it is not for everyone but I am glad I did it and I am on the journey for a healthier me. Sending hugs from someone that understands.
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    I'm so glad you made that decision. Welcome aboard. We are all here for you. My husband is the same age as you and is trying to lose weight in order to get approval for knee replacement surgery. I've been down the road several times and I am determined to take care of myself and make this a permanent lifestyle change.

    I am happy to cheer you on your journey. You've got this. Walking with you every step of the way.

    Please add me if you want another cheerleader. Take care and I look forward to updates.
  • pamchesney
    pamchesney Posts: 3 Member
    Good for you! And keep going! You've got a lot of people here to help you on your way! :)
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 341 Member
    Although it may be frustrating too see the number on the scale just thinks if you waited a few more months and you were at 700. Be thankful you made the decision to reclaim your life and are starting to lose weight today. There may be difficult days ahead but make a plan now on how you will face your worst days. Celebrate the good days and don't beat yourself up on the bad days. Love yourself and your body for who you are today. Embrace your life fully as it is and enjoy each step of the journey on the path to your healthier new life. Remember you are loved beyond measure so I hope you know how truly special you are.
  • iGlad
    iGlad Posts: 17 Member
    Man the realisation has dawned on you so it's onwards and upwards it'll be a long hard road but you'll get there
  • ctsmith
    ctsmith Posts: 79 Member
    Well done you forr making the right decision. I wish you all the luck in the world and if you want some support and motivation feel free to add me.
  • Congratulations on your new life style and the amount of weight you have lost so far. I just started on this new life style and we all call it "Eating Right and Exercising", I've lost 6 lbs. so far, it's hard work but it's worth it. I wish you all the best in discovering your new life style and you will start to feel better, we've been at it for two months now, so keep up the great work and the calorie counter I find really helped me to see what I'm eating and keep me in line. Arrow Root cookies are great for a snack, but not too many :).
  • Hey Brother,
    Your sister is with you in this battle to WIN it !
    LIFE is all about choices & from now on we will make much wiser ones.
    You have many family members to live for & enjoy good times & memories with.
    Remember, we will see Mom & Dad again!
    Love, SIS
  • EllaScarlet
    EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
    Well done! We are all here to support you :) You have TAKEN CONTROL.... don't let it go.
  • gwynb041109
    gwynb041109 Posts: 85 Member
    You are making the best choice. This site is full of very supportive people :) Good Luck to you!
  • trasista4
    trasista4 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello LH, Praise God that you are doing this! I am very proud of you. Everyone has something in their lives that they need to get a handle on and yours and mine is food. I bought a book called south beach diet and I learned how to eat portion sizes correctly. I now work out everyday(m-f). The most I have ever weighed is 185 but still being overweight at any age, or gender, is exhausting. I too, just started this site a week ago. Lost 2 lbs and am so excited. Again, I am here to cheer you on and help if I can. God is so good, trust him and he will help you in all things. God Bless, Trasista4