Am I fat?



  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I guess I had the opposite problem for awhile. It dawned on me one night when I went roller skating with a couple of girlfriends and our kiddos. I had not skated in years and was a little unbalanced when out of the blue this girl comes flying by and cut me off! I said to my girlfriend "that chubby girl just about knocked me over!!" Later on when I was taking off my skates, the same girl came over and sat on the bench near me to do the same, and I realized in horror that I was actually larger than her! When did this happen? I had always been thin with the exception of my pregnancies! I was mortified and I also felt shame for what I had said. Thats when I decided to make changes in my life. The weird thing is, several years before that, when I got down to 118 (very unhealthy looking for my height) I did not realize I was thin either, I still saw myself as average sized and would get so annoyed when people would comment that I had lost so much weight or looked unhealthy. Looking back they were right, but I did not CHOOSE to lose that weight, I lost it from having gallbladder issues for over a year undiagnosed and throwing up nearly every meal I ate. Either way I find it really difficult to have a realistic body image and maybe your friend doesn't see what you see!
  • beach_chelle
    Regardless of her "number" Am I the only one who thinks the girl on the right is the sexiest?

    The one in the middle is kinda, blah. Nothing exciting there, move on. And on the left - that's particularly UNappealing.

    But I get that that is what a lot of women here are aiming for. And more power to them if that's what they want, it's just not my thing.
    Does anyone else feel the same?

    I see women my size (5'4", 170lb, NZ size 14-16 / US size 12-ish), or even a little bigger and think they look awesome. So many before pictures on the success board, I think, WHY? You looked better before!
    I look at myself in the mirror and think I look GOOD. Sideways, a little improvement on the belly could me made, but otherwise, I'm happy being at the larger end of normal.

    No I agree she is by far the sexist. That would actually be my ideal body:laugh:
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Great picture. I thought I didn't really see myself as fat but I am between a 12-14 and I think I look bigger than the size 16 shown here. hmmmm Something to think about.

    I have to agree, I am a size 9/10 and I definitely think I look bigger than the size 16 through the midsection at least, but I think a lot of people carry their weight better than others, and I think that picture does not depict a realistic size 16. No loose skin, or trouble zones really... If she is a size 16 then she carrys it VERY well or is very tall. I would guess her more of a 12, and the middle more of an 8...
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    There is no way that woman is a size 12.

    ...Is there?? O.o

    Maybe size 12 in a wedding dress...

    I'm a size 8 and I am not nearly that slim.

    I agree!
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    I still view my self as fat.

    Wow! Really? I wish I was half as fat as you ;)
    Weighing over 300 pounds will get you like that.

    I understand, even when I've trimmed down, I still feel "big"

    agree with both, when you go through such a transformation it takes some time for your mind to sort of catch up and to view yourself differently. This is something I have been struggling with lately but i am finally begining to feel comfortable in my own skin
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    I wouldn't say I have an "eating disorder", but my mother's convinced I have BDD. I don't view people at my weight fat, or heck I don't even view people that are a bit heavier (50 or so lbs) than me as fat. It's all personal and all internal, has nothing to do with other people. I still have issues with it and am struggling to get to a weight where I am comfortable. And I've actually recently stopped talking with outside people (certain family members, and friends) about my wanting to lose weight because I'm just exhausted with the whole "Oh, you don't need to lose weight, you look fine." "Where are you even going to lose weight from?!" I'm just glad my fiancé and my mom understand my side.
  • Fruit_Girl
    Fruit_Girl Posts: 24 Member
    Right now I am 96 pounds, I have 32-23-29 figure, and I see my self as huge and fat. It's called body distortion eating disorder, I have it as well as anorexia.
  • merzback
    merzback Posts: 453 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    I think the extremely thin one is a 2, the next one is a 6, and the "big" one is about a 10-12.

    There is no way that woman is a size 12.

    ...Is there?? O.o

    Maybe size 12 in a wedding dress...

    I'm a size 8 and I am not nearly that slim.

    I agree!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Right now I am 96 pounds, I have 32-23-29 figure, and I see my self as huge and fat. It's called body distortion eating disorder, I have it as well as anorexia.

    At 15, you actually should not be on this website.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I have a friend that is a size 0, and always has been, hell after having her first child, she left the hospital in her pre pregnacy jeans. I have always been taller/larger than her. She is one of those people that constantly judges those she doesn't like. I would get so annoyed because at one point when I was around a size 6-8 we were out at the bar and a girl she didn't like was there (I think she was honestly jealous of her because she was getting attention from a certain male) Either way, she kept going on an on about that "fat" ***** and even later on was talking about how if this guy wanted a fat girl over her it was his loss yada yada. Finally I told her that I was upset because that girl was right around my size and I felt like it was an indirect diss on me. She looked at me and said "no way! You are way skinnier than her, and you are NOT fat!" ......... Now where is the logic there, and does it seem weird that you would have a realistic view of yourself, and your friends, but a skewed view of people that you don't like...
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    I am NOT that thin at a size 12. At a 12 I look even bigger than the size 16 girl.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    I am NOT that thin at a size 12. At a 12 I look even bigger than the size 16 girl.

    I'm not even as thin as the size 4 chick at a size 3. I think we need to bare in mind that these are models, so the added height may make them look thinner.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 5'4, 118 at the moment, and I still feel huge. My family keep telling me that I look so much better, and isn't it great how slim I'm getting. Logically, I know that's true, because I'm fitting into my size 10 jeans and my size 12 dresses, which is what used to fit when I did think of myself as slim, five years or so ago. However, I look in the mirror, and all I see is that 150 pound girl I was last year. It may not sound like a lot to some of you guys, but on my frame, it was big.

    I'm the same way. When I reached my ideal two years ago it became my new standard. After awhile I started to feel fat, even though I was maintaining that ideal. Now my ideal is to drop another size. 5'6 145-150 size 10-12 right now. I battle with myself over the change in ideal. A healthy size 8-10 is completely realistic for me, but is it worth the frustration and guilt I feel about not sticking with a weight lose & maintence plan to get there when I was thrilled to get to where I'm at now.

    *sigh. Its a slippery slope I'm on. Will I ever feel that I've reached my goal?

    As for the OP's true question, yes and no. I see other people as fat, but it doesn't bother me.
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    No, I don't see other people as fat. Only myself and really really morbidly obese people. I weigh 114 pounds, but even when I see someone who weighs around 140 pounds and is my height, I still think she's thinner than me. I still look in the mirror every single day and see someone who is 90 pounds heavier.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I think I am fat. I know it's wrong but I grew up in a place where people would simply call you "fat girl" when you are 5'5 and weight 130 pounds, because everybody else's weight is double digit not matter their height.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    Size 12 looks healthy.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    Size 12 looks healthy.


    I'm closer to the "national average" physique now at a size 14 regular (I like saying "regular" instead of "women's" btw), but hoping to get down closer to the size 12 lady, but with more muscle and less body fat.

    To answer the OP, I do see myself as fat still. It's getting better the more I lose.

    I do notice other people's weight, but I try not to assume anything. There were girls on here that outweighed me by 20 lbs when I started (so over 240) who were way fitter than I was (some are fitter than me still). Appearances are deceiving and weight is not a measure of character or quality in a person.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I'm phat and proud!!

    wait...did you say fat or phat? either that it's the same
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Got this from Facebook :tongue:

    I am larger (always has been) than the "National Average"


    Size 12 looks healthy.


    I'm closer to the "national average" physique now at a size 14 regular (I like saying "regular" instead of "women's" btw), but hoping to get down closer to the size 12 lady, but with more muscle and less body fat.

    To answer the OP, I do see myself as fat still. It's getting better the more I lose.

    I do notice other people's weight, but I try not to assume anything. There were girls on here that outweighed me by 20 lbs when I started (so over 240) who were way fitter than I was (some are fitter than me still). Appearances are deceiving and weight is not a measure of character or quality in a person.

    #3 is more real-looking....just sayin. Totally sexy!
  • MySweetPotato
    MySweetPotato Posts: 175 Member
    yes, i still think i'm fat. because i droped 20 pounds and gained 10 back. i am now 150 pounds and 5ft6. although people look at me as "normal" i always feel way bigger than others. i am very bulky, too.