February-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 12:
    1. Do my morning meditation. --Yes
    2. 1 mile walk and 15 minute abs session. --3 mile walk.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. --Yes and working on the portions.
    4. Water and tea. --Yes.

    Good morning, everyone! Had a pretty good day yesterday and plan on having another good one today.
    I actually did okay with my portions yesterday but I did eat too much popcorn last night so will work on that. (It was air-popped and barely and butter so it still wasn't bad!)

    Goals for Feb. 13:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 3 mile walk..
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
    4. Water and tea.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for the Thursday were:
    1. Eat as clean as I can to make up for extra cheesecake from lastnight. No regrets but no digging in deeper with calories.
    2. Get to the dentist, don't be a baby and accept that I will go back tomorrow as well.
    3. Burn maximum calories today and celebrate every drip of sweat. TOM is coming and I need to run over it like a bulldozer

    I completed all 3 of these goals. Well, almost.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. To get it together. (sit & think of game plan-make the time)
    2. eat at calorie goal, try to fit in late night snack & pre-log
    3. Don't give into hormones. Make peace with my loud head, bloated belly & constant emotional eating.

    Happy Monday Challengers. Let's appreciate this day.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    Just noticed that I updated for Saturday but didn't list my goals for Sunday.

    Well for Sunday, I had a really good day.

    Laundry done
    Taxes done for myself and my daughter.
    Journaled honestly done
    Drank green tea and water done
    Exercised on my exercise bike for 20 minutes....done

    My goals for Monday
    I am going to be offsite for work....so to not get stressed !!! done
    To prepare my snacks and lunch in the morning....I am so used to making my meals and snack as I go done
    To not buy any snacks or drinks from the vending machine done
    To journal honestly done
    To drink my green tea and water done
    To exercise too wiped out and tired to exercise tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good week !!

    Today was very stress filled... but amazingly I did not reach for food. It worked out well that I had all my meals premade, so that when my co-workers said they were going out for lunch, I didn't give in and order out. The only goal I didn't complete was to get any exercise in... I am so tired.
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    To not get stressed out while at work (off site)
    Make my snacks and meals ahead of time
    To journal my food honestly
    To drink my green tea and water

    Got to think positive....Stress wise, Tuesday is going to be better than Monday. Is it Friday yet?

    Hope everyone has a great night!!
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 2/13
    1. Keep drinking water- done
    2. Finish more homework- still working on it, but it's getting done
    3. Walk for 1 hour- only time for 30 minutes before it got dark
    4. Weigh in... hoping for a two pound loss this week (would make 5 total)- forgot to weigh this morning so I'll have to remember tomorrow

    Goals for Valentine's Day
    1. Drink water
    2. Swim for an hour
    3. Weigh in
    4. Enjoy dinner with my husband

    Hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's day and keep up the good work.
  • jlhart76
    Love the idea, I'm not good with long-term commitments.

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Our office is doing candy-grams for valentine's day, so top goal is to NOT eat any of the candy I'm getting (I'm on the organizing committee, & unfortunately I know just how much is in my bag.)
    2. Drink more water (I'm good, but there's always room for improvement.
    3. Go to bed before midnight.
    4. Take my own snacks to the movies, or eat a good supper beforehand.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for today (2/14)

    1. Drink 8 cups of water
    2. Stay around 1500 calories
    3. Burn 500 calories
    4. Do laundry
    5. Sign kids up for Spring Rec programs (DONE)
  • HopeBay
    Feb 14 - hardest thing for me is to not eat sugar/ sweets. This is my downfall.
  • synchorswim
    synchorswim Posts: 19 Member
    Feb 14th... Happy Valentines all!!!

    I started using this site because I am stuck at this horrible 180 (+/-5) and can't get out of it!
    My work out is m-f, religiously. I teach water aerobics for 45minutes m, t, w & th. I run for 30 minutes 3x's a week (c25k.com challenge) I am in week 6. & on the off days I do strength training either legs or arms.

    My recent #1 goal is to lose 40 lbs so I can get pregnant and not go over the 200lb mark, which would devastate me!!!!

    My today goals
    1. Don't eat any sweets
    2. Eat as much negative calorie foods as possible (apple here I come)
    3. Not stress at the fact I just gained 2lbs
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I love this day to day challenge, hope you don't mind if I hop in. In a nutshell, I started my journey over a yr. ago and have lost 53 pounds with good old calorie counting and working out. I still have at least 20 pounds to go, hopefully more, but I would be happy with 20. I have been struggling since the new year, but have done better the last two weeks and am determined to keep it going get this weight moving again (sort of stuck lately due to lack of motivation). I love the idea of a short challenge like this to keep me accountable. So my goals for today:

    1) Figure out what I did right yesterday because my food log looked the best it has in a long, long, time. Try to do similar today, maybe even better???!

    2) Stay away from the diet coke, I had none yesterday and this may be the start of something good, keep it going, big water glass x 4

    3) Intervals are on the agenda today and will do my best although I am not feeling the greatest, I will still at least attempt them.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Monday, February 13
    1. Water- yes
    2. Stay in calorie goal-yes, thankfully with extra calories to burn!
    3. Burn an extra 200 calories yes
    4. do 30 revised crunches Whoo hoo!!! Actually did 40!

    So not as productive of morning, as out salting at 4 AM. Yesterday was a great day! Even remembered to wash face before bed even though not on goals :wink:

    Happy Valentine's day! Remember to plan ahead for that dinner and dessert!

    Tuesday, February 14th
    1. Water (10-12)
    2. Stay near calories +/- 100
    3. Try to get in 20 minutes of cardio today.
    4. 90 punches today!

    Wise choices! :love:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 13:
    1. Do my morning meditation. No.
    2. 3 mile walk. --No, only 1 mile.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. --Yes.
    4. Water and tea. --Yes.

    My daughter is getting the heart-shapes pizza from Papa Murphy's for dinner so I'll have to be careful of my choices for the rest of the day.

    Goals for Feb. 14:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 2 mile walk and abs session.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
    4. Water and tea.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for the Monday were:
    1. To get it together. (sit & think of game plan-make the time)
    2. eat at calorie goal, try to fit in late night snack & pre-log
    3. Don't give into hormones. Make peace with my loud head, bloated belly & constant emotional eating

    I completed all 3 of these goals to the best of my abiltiy.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Take my son's letterman jacket in to be decorated
    2. get to dmv
    3. burn at least 1000 calories

    Happy Valentine's Day challengers! I say enjoy something sweet today, you deserve it!!
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    My goals for Tuesday

    To not get stressed out while at work (off site) done
    Make my snacks and meals ahead of time done
    To journal my food honestly done
    To drink my green tea and water done

    Got to think positive....Stress wise, Tuesday is going to be better than Monday. Is it Friday yet?

    Hope everyone has a great night!!

    Stress wise, today was a much better day than yesterday. I have stayed away from the vending machine and ate the snacks and meals I have made this morning. There is so much for my group to learn...there is no way that we will be able to learn it within the next two days.

    Happy valentine's day everyone !!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for today (2/14)

    1. Drink 8 cups of water (only 6 )
    2. Stay around 1500 calories (done easy since I am not feeling well and could care less if I eat)
    3. Burn 500 calories (Nope hope to feel better tomorrow)
    4. Do laundry (Nope)
    5. Sign kids up for Spring Rec programs (DONE)

    Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • jlhart76
    Love the idea, I'm not good with long-term commitments.

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Our office is doing candy-grams for valentine's day, so top goal is to NOT eat any of the candy I'm getting (I'm on the organizing committee, & unfortunately I know just how much is in my bag.)
    2. Drink more water (I'm good, but there's always room for improvement.
    3. Go to bed before midnight.
    4. Take my own snacks to the movies, or eat a good supper beforehand.

    1: Only had 2 pieces.
    2: so so, I already drink 6-8 cups on a good day, so I can do better
    3: I've got a couple hours to wrap things up & get to bed
    4: let's pretend I never suggested that...

    Goals for tomorrow:
    1. Get the utilities paid
    2. 1 cup of water before getting dressed, another before lunch & dinner (in addition to my regular water consumption)
    3. walk more steps than today
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for Valentine's Day
    1. Drink water-only 7 today i'm slacking
    2. Swim for an hour- knee is not happy with the heels i wore yesterday and tried to give out while walking downstairs this morning
    3. Weigh in- lost 1.5 pounds last week... woohoo
    4. Enjoy dinner with my husband- husband now has the flu so we're going to try to celebrate this weekend

    Goals for 2/15
    1. Water
    2. Swim at least 2000 yards
    3. Finish homework for one class

    Hope everyone had a happy valentine's day!
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for today (2/15)

    1. Drink 8 cups of water
    2. Stay around 1500 calories
    3. Burn 500 calories
    4. Do laundry
    5. Start reading book for book club
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Goals for Feb. 14:
    1. Do my morning meditation. --yes.
    2. 2 mile walk and abs session.--Yes.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control. --Yes and no (had too much pizza).
    4. Water and tea.--Yes.

    Had a fairly good day but I did eat too much pizza. Lots of fluids today to flush out that sodium!

    Goals for Feb. 15:
    1. Do my morning meditation.
    2. 3 mile walk.
    3. Healthy choices and portion control.
    4. Water and tea.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for theTuesday were:
    1. Take my son's letterman jacket in to be decorated
    2. get to dmv
    3. burn at least 1000 calories

    I completed all 2 of these goals.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. Take my son's letterman jacket in to be decorated
    2. stay at calorie goal
    3. burn at least 1000 calories

    It is going to be hard with all the extra sugar in this house.