What was your “I won’t tell anyone I just ate that” fo



  • Alexia_E_K
    Alexia_E_K Posts: 40 Member
    An entire box of mac and cheese. I would hurt so bad.
  • A very large bag of bassett licorice allsorts - i threw out the solid black ones though! :noway:

    AWWW!... I'd have taken them off your hands... D:
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    A tub of mint choco chip ice cream with fudge& whipped cream and salt&vinegar chips crumbled on top. Yes, I was pregnant. Was a great excuse at the time but I gained 70 pounds during that pregnancy.
  • I could eat a whole bag of those mini donuts in nothing flat....Oh yes and lets not forget the haggen Das icecream dulche. Bags of oreos at a time.....Oh the list goes on and on....Makes me sick to think of how much I use to eat!!
  • fitnoflab
    fitnoflab Posts: 90 Member
    Full sized french baguette and a stick of butter in one sitting.
  • Whole family size box of velveeta shells and cheese.
    1/2 Gallon of Ice Cream in two sittings on the same day.
    Entire pan of corn bread.
    Of course I've done the whole pizza as well.
  • SparkleDoomPony
    SparkleDoomPony Posts: 30 Member
    Enough leftover chinese food to feed 4 people. Some of it not even heated up.
  • Gioooo
    Gioooo Posts: 301 Member
    this topic is giving me a stomach ache. LOL
  • beemcbe
    beemcbe Posts: 22 Member
    Buffalo Chicken Wrap with their "homemade" potato chips... pretty much a SLIGHTLY healthier option than fries. Added up on here... 1,409 calories. And that's just an approximation. Woops.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Oh boy ... half a large Round Table King Arthur Supreme pizza ... and a beer.
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Oh, when my ticker reaches 22 pounds, I'm going for a Double Western Beacon Cheeseburger with Fries and Carls Jr.
  • Last week I was going through an emotional time and I ended up eating like 15 oreos. Thats more than i ever ate even before deciding to get healthy. And then I felt so bad about it that I downed a whole pint of ice cream later.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Enough food on my "cheat" day to sustain a small tribe of people for three weeks.