

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hey all - I am so glad to find this thread! I know that our agegroup has it's own set of challenges, and when you are talking with a 20 something year old, they just don't get it. I turned 56 last month and just started a biggest loser challenge at work with 8 other people. I also bought a fitbit which I wear all day and night and it keeps track of my activity for me. It's very motivating!

    My name is Janice, I live along the front range of Northern Colorado with my husband, 3 cats and a dog. I have 3 grown sons, 1 married with 2 kids and 2 that are going to be married this year! Since I have to be up and front in all the photographs, I don't want to look like I have 10 cameras on me in the pictures! I need to lower my cholesterol and trygliceroids and just started seriously tracking food and exercise two weeks ago today. To date I've lost 7 lbs, but I fought for every ounce!! Menopause has given me a belly that I never in a million years would have dreamed I would have!!! I never had a flat tummy, but I didn't look like I was "expecting" all the time either!

    Anyway, I am really glad to find you all here. I work full time at a desk job, so posting individually to everyone may not be possible for me, but I will certainly be reading and chiming in whenever I can!! I just love the support being part of a group provides!

    SO glad to be here! :tongue: :heart: :happy:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the best thread out there!

    I too live in Colorado, although not 'Northern'....I'm south of the Cherry Creek Resevoir and it's always good to find another from our neck of the woods.

    I agree with you that you have to FIGHT:grumble: for each small loss, but it sounds like you are determined. Keep up the good work.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Looking like a Great Thursday,

    It's sounds like we are trully off and running for February.

    Jane- so sorry to hear that your surgery has been postponed again:cry:

    Amanada- Cutting back on the coffee....I allow myself two cups a day and that has been deluted to 1/2 reg and 1/2 decaf....but I do manage to get in my green tea in the afternoon:wink:

    MacMadame- WOW you and your family are sure going through a lot right now....:flowerforyou: I'm sure you deserve a hugh {{hug}}. I understand your sons desire not to keep going in school and getting a job. My #1 son was like that and so he joined the workforce after high school now he's 34 and he spent 6yrs in the Army NOW he's ready for college:wink: and is loving it now. It just took time.

    I too am liking the "thread" over a group as I like getting to read everyones comments at one place...I'm sure I wouldn't go all over a group site to read what is going on in different areas, I just don't have that much time.

    My bookkeeper is coming in today and we have a lot of paper work to get to the boss to turn in to the lawyer/courts for his Chapter 11...I know there was a time when I used to love my job....wish I still did:sad:

    Everyone have a good day, drink your water:drinker: and let's get up and get moving.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    There are days
    We paddle upstream
    Sweating from toil, chasing a dream
    Fighting the current, the oncoming waves
    Moving so swiftly, being quite brave!
    With diligent strokes towards thinner folks
    We leave behind the jests and the jokes

    There are days
    We anchor and wait
    Scooping up hope, searching for bait
    Fishing for compliments, needing a boost
    Contemplating which river to choose!
    The lazy or swift, the wide or the small
    The one with the rapids, the one with the falls

    There are days
    We drift away
    Careless, reckless, just wanting to play!
    Allowing the river to carry our boats
    Far from where our big dreams float
    Down, down, back down to the place
    Where we know we'll have to pick up the pace

    There are days
    We fall in the drink
    Surprising ourselves for failing to think!
    Swimming for safety, reaching for land
    Crawling onshore with toes in the sand
    Promising never to fall in again
    We grab for our paddles, and yes, we begin.

    :^) jb
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Oh my! I have tried a new chocolate recipe yesterday and I think it is now my favorite treat: chocolate meringues :happy: Tastes like the brownies at the edge of the pan! Super duper easy to make and only 21 calories per cookie. :noway: You read that right! Only 21 calories each :love: Really good with berries for a special dessert that doesn't break the calorie bank.

    The recipe is here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit/6143165

    Rode my bike this morning so feeling pretty great. Time to start that pot of beans for later :tongue:
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Oh my! I have tried a new chocolate recipe yesterday and I think it is now my favorite treat: chocolate meringues :happy: Tastes like the brownies at the edge of the pan! Super duper easy to make and only 21 calories per cookie. :noway: You read that right! Only 21 calories each :love: Really good with berries for a special dessert that doesn't break the calorie bank.

    The recipe is here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit/6143165

    Rode my bike this morning so feeling pretty great. Time to start that pot of beans for later :tongue:

    That link took me to my own recipe page, do you mind posting the recipe? Thanks!
  • JanuaryJan
    Good morning all! Stopping by to see how everyone is!

    JB very cool poem! I love it!

    Laura thank you for the welcome! Nice to meet another Coloradan. I live up in Longmont, and have for just about 12 years now. I "transplanted" from Connecticut, and except for the family that I have back there, I have no desire to go back. My two oldest sons and grandchildren are back there and I miss them terribly!
    On the brighter side, my youngest son who is getting married on Aug 3 lives here in town, and my nephew, his wife, and their adorable 1 year old girl just moved here this month from Connecticut! So I get my "baby" fix too. :)

    I've been battling this weight thing back and forth since having my 3rd son (2nd C-section) at 34. I've lost the weight a few times only to gain it back again.

    This time I refuse to say "I'm dieting". I am definitely eating different so I can lose weight, but as I told my neice - I won't prohibit myself from having anything. It's more a mind game than anything else. But I have to be able to live in the real world with real food and not feel as though I'm being cheated. Since just about every single function food is at the center, I have to learn to make better choices for myself. If I should eat something that is not necessarily considered a food that a person would have to try and lose weight, I make sure I only have a very small portion and stick to my healthier choices the rest of the day. So far it's working for me, so I'm thinking that with this mindset I will probably actually stick with it to my goal and know how to maintain better once I get there. I bought a fitbit a few weeks ago and it really helps to keep me motivated as far as activity goes. And groups like this help me enormously because I know that all of you are facing the same kind of obstacles that I am.

    It's a beautiful day here in northern Colorado (albeit on the cool side!), and I'm planning on walking during my lunch hour. I am SO glad tomorrow is Friday!

    I hope you all have an awesome day!! :happy: :wink: :flowerforyou:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning! I am back at work today after a day with the three year old yesterday. He didn't want to go home last night. He just looked at his mother and I with his best sad expression and said, "All I really want to do is spend the night with my grandma. It is the only thing that will make me happy." So cute, but didn't work for him!

    Suzy Q - yes, that link takes me to my recipes. Although there are some good ones on my page, I really wanted to see yours. :laugh:

    jb - Thank you. I printed your post out and plan to use it for my quote to focus on in March.

    My quote of the day from a friend's status:
    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change. The strength to change the one I can. And the wisdom to know it is me. ~Author Unknown~

    Have a great Thursday! Mary
  • JuliesJourney
    JuliesJourney Posts: 58 Member
    Glad I saw this topic today - my plan is to ride the exercise bike today twice. I can't believe I am saying that!
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    We can do this!! We might be 50+, but there is no stopping us!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Ok...I'm 51 and have been struggling with my weight since I was 45. It seems the older I get, the harder it is to get it off. In fact, I really watch what I eat, try to exercise daily...even if it is only for 1/2 hour, and I'm still gaining. With a 4'11" frame, I'm getting dangerously close to 150 pounds. Not the kind of results I'm looking for. Who else out there has been going through this kind of ordeal and what have you done about it? They say my thyroid is normal and I'm suppose to be healthy. But I really don't feel that great. Even with exercise, I feel sluggish. Thoughts and suggestions anyone?

    I hope this quote worked...... Hi and welcome. I'm not 4'11", but I have very similar issues. Turned 50 in June and have been struggling................ I'm trying something very new this week and so far it's working!! I have had so many thyroid tests, blood sugar etc... My issue is litterally bloating after almost every meal and even carrying water in my legs and arms and face. Long story...... but

    This is what I am trying for 30 days - Elimating all grains, add healthy amount of fats (olive oil, avacados etc..), one fruit a day (berries), protein with every meal and still keep at your calorie goal, no sugar, no simple carbs. Friend me if you'd like. I have tried everything!!! Very motivated as I have 2 large family functions and I am so tired of feeling like a stuffed tomatoe.

    Good luck!
  • Sammyk50
    Sammyk50 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi all, I don't post much in the forums but this thread caught my eye. This is a thread and not a closed group? Thought I had better bump it because I will probably never be able to find you again. Are new people welcome? :)
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    Hi everyone, I just joined last Friday, Feb 10th. I am 61 and started last year to try and lose this "baby" weight. LOL My oldest is 32 but I sure do love blaming kids on it. Any how, I did lose 28 pounds last year, kept it off, but fell off the wagon of trying to watch what I eat. So this year I am back on track and sure do like that this site counts my calories for me. Good luck to us all.
  • JanuaryJan
    ha! I kept wondering why I was seeing posts everywhere with nothing but the word "bump" in them, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it meant!

    Now I get it. duh!!! :blushing:
  • mimi7grands
    Just a quick hello. I used to be a regular here but life got in the way. It's amazing to see the number of new faces! A few old faces too (ahem, let's just say long-time - old is a mindset and we aren't settin' our minds that way!) I just enjoyed a book about aging - and romance too! I don't do much reading any more, trying to be more active and that doesn't leave as much time for reading (thank goodness). if you have a lazy day planned, you might take a look at Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. Okay, enough digression.

    I spent almost a week at my folks house then had someone here at my place working on the kitchen (the never-ending project). It is still hard for me to stay on track when I'm not in my routine - and when I'm thinking about other people when I cook. I do much better when I focus only on myself. Selfish? I don't think so. Just taking good care of myself. In the long-term, when I don't take care of myself, I can't take good care of anyone else either.

    It's a beautiful day here. Time to get out and about.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Checking in on the new thread. I have a long 4 day weekend, I am so ready for it. Nothing special planned, catching up on things that need to get done and getting in extra exercise. I lost .2 pounds last week, a real loss not just my up and downs, hopefully a little more this week, I am creeping ever closer to my goal with 6 pounds left. Even ifI do it .2 pounds at a time I know I will get there.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hi all, I don't post much in the forums but this thread caught my eye. This is a thread and not a closed group? Thought I had better bump it because I will probably never be able to find you again. Are new people welcome? :)

    Yes, we are a thread and not a group. We are not closed in the least; we welcome newcomers! So, to you, and the other newcomers, let me say WELCOME! Come back and let us get to know you! Mary
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    It's a beautiful day here in northern Colorado (albeit on the cool side!)

    No No No Janet.... no talking about beautiful Colorado. It just makes me homesick. lol My husband says he moved me out of Colorado 34 years ago but he's never quite gotten the mountains (or the ranch girl) out of me. That's okay, he's not really complaining. I will admit though that I've adapted well to the warmth of the south and now sadly when I go home to visit family the 9,000 ft. elevation where I grew up tends to slow me down for a day or two.

    I had great plans for today and my daughter asked me if I'd drive her down to her doctor's appointment. Tomorrow is her due date and she's just uncomfortable these days. So I did and it ended up being an all day at the hospital doing tests and getting an ultrasound. Seems her blood pressure just won't drop so they've put her to bed. She really doesn't want to be induced and would rather baby just comes in it's own sweet time but the blood pressure may push the issue. We'll see how she does with bed/couch rest. Her husband is great and will baby her and keep her from doing anything. Sooo...... I didn't get anything done today that I'd planned. But that's okay. Daughter and grandbaby #7 are more important.

    It rained and poured all day yesterday. After a year of terrible drought I thought I would never get tired of rain but nope, it happened. I'm ready for it to stop raining for a few days!

    Hope everyone's doing well! Going to run tonight and get back into longer distances. Go me!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi my friends....
    i haven't been posting the last few days...it turns out that i now have bronchitis , and have to starts antibiotics and an inhaler, along with some cough med at night(cant take it during the day or i will be sleeping all day and night)the stress of moving has manifested itself by one a stomach flu and now bronchitis, i have been sick it seems all of February, i have only been able to workout 3 days, and now i wont be able to workout for at least a week.....i have been reading all the post(i enjoy reading them so much)as cathy and mary mentioned i also vote for keeping the thread, it seems like we are talking together...anyways have a lovely night all, :flowerforyou:

    PS@janemarin...i hope your surgery goes well...{{{{{hugs}}}}}
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Hola, young ladies and gentlemen!

    Tiz I, Happy Duck, back to lavish you with the minutiae of my day! :glasses:

    Several of you have asked about the Credit card, and Drivers License I lost on Valentine's Day. No, they haven't shown up yet, but I am still hopeful that the dogs or puppies got hold of them and have them hidden away under a bed somewhere. My back is still not into bending, so I'll save that hunt until later.

    I don't want to get a new credit card because I have the number of my old one memorized. That is really convenient when you do as much online shopping as I do. Plus, I have a lot of automatic payments going on there. I much prefer making one payment a month to trying to keep up with a half dozen or so separate ones. So, for now, I'm watching the account activity like a hawk with my online access.

    As for the Driver's License...that is a whole new story in itself. Sandy drove me in today to get a replacement. Knowing I would have to have a picture taken, I darkened my eyebrows (they are so silver as to appear non-existent) and a some liner on my eyes. That's more than I do most of the time anymore. :laugh: I put on a pretty top with a plunging neckline :devil: , brushed my hair and called it good. Once again, head high and confidence to the fore, I swaggered (Gotta stop that swaggering. It always leads to something bad.) into the little Licensing office at the Courthouse. Great thing about living in a small town...no terrible waits at the DMV. So, I got my ID verified, signed the organ donation form and popped myself down in the little chair in front of the blue screen. The clerk said "just a second", so I'm left trying to arrange my face and posture into the most pleasing pose I can imagine when she says, "Done!" ARKGHHH?!?!?! :huh:

    Two minutes later, I'm in possession of my newly minted, laminated Kentucky Driver's License. My right eye looks straight into the camera lens, but my left eye seems to be concentrating on something on the wall a mile or so away. My hair is swinging wildly, and my mouth looks like...well, you know those vampires on TV and the Big Screen? How they sort of drop their jaw back and poke their top teeth out just before dropping the fangs? :bigsmile: Yep, that's me. If I ever get pulled over and asked for my license, it will probably scare the bejezus out of the poor cop. Or turn him into a believer...

    If you don't believe me, I'm uploading a pic of my driver's license...

    Another day in the life.

    Hugs to all of you...gotta get walking!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just a quick hello. I used to be a regular here but life got in the way. It's amazing to see the number of new faces! A few old faces too (ahem, let's just say long-time - old is a mindset and we aren't settin' our minds that way!) I just enjoyed a book about aging - and romance too! I don't do much reading any more, trying to be more active and that doesn't leave as much time for reading (thank goodness). if you have a lazy day planned, you might take a look at Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. Okay, enough digression.

    I spent almost a week at my folks house then had someone here at my place working on the kitchen (the never-ending project). It is still hard for me to stay on track when I'm not in my routine - and when I'm thinking about other people when I cook. I do much better when I focus only on myself. Selfish? I don't think so. Just taking good care of myself. In the long-term, when I don't take care of myself, I can't take good care of anyone else either.

    It's a beautiful day here. Time to get out and about.

    Mimi - it was so good to see you back here:flowerforyou: I had heard that you were off taking care of your Dad (I think). I see that you are still working on those pounds and your picture shows the progress that you have made...WOW:noway: Everytime I roast Veggies I think of you:wink:

    Have a great evening.
