30 day shred starting on Monday 20th Feb...any takers??

:heart: So my dvd arrived in the post this morning, mixed feelings of excitment and dread lol! So I'm planning on starting it monday morning with my fiance loyally by my side (aawww bless) . Jst wondering if anyone else out there is tarting it on monday or has started it recently, maybe we could encourage and each other and complain about the pain together :laugh:

But seriously looking forward to it and need a quick start as getting married in July WHOOP WHOOP!!:heart::bigsmile: :heart:


  • I've been considering starting it again! So, I'll try it out with you :) Every second day we do it..And the opposite day we do just cardio.Thats what worked for me the last time I did it! Her workouts are fabulous and lots of fun and really not that hard.
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm in! I'll do it monday,wednesday,friday and sat!

    Hopefully do some cardio aswell!
  • I'll start doing this again! I think i'll be doing it every other day rather than every day because I'm training for some races at the moment but really need to work on my strength etc so this will be really good!
  • I just got mine in the mail too!! I'm gonna try to start it but not sure if I can make it, my body isn't that used to exercise.
  • I started 2 days ago, happy to join in though x
  • I've been considering starting it again! So, I'll try it out with you :) Every second day we do it..And the opposite day we do just cardio.Thats what worked for me the last time I did it! Her workouts are fabulous and lots of fun and really not that hard.

    so it's not everyday?!?!?! That makes me feel a little better about getting started! The most exercise I've been doing is walking with Leslie Sansone so I was afraid this would be too hard core for me.
  • k8sum
    k8sum Posts: 1
    Hi, I've just ordered the DVD - expecting to get it tomnorrow! Let me know how you get on - I'm a wee bit scared!
  • Good morning. Just wondering, how to track the shred video? I do it often, for a quick work out when i don't have a lot of time. OIt is really good! I love Jillian! Any ideas?
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    I just got my DVD too!
  • annalicous
    annalicous Posts: 55 Member
    Happy To Join In. x
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    Happy To Join In. x

    Brilliant!! shall we do it everyother day the mon, weds fri and one day on the weekend like some people have suggested with cardio in between?
    everyone seems very enthusiastic which is great! I'm sure we can keep it up together :drinker:
  • Frankilou25
    Frankilou25 Posts: 57 Member
    I've been considering starting it again! So, I'll try it out with you :) Every second day we do it..And the opposite day we do just cardio.Thats what worked for me the last time I did it! Her workouts are fabulous and lots of fun and really not that hard.

    great! so what cardio did you do on the opp day? and how much weight/inches did you lose?
  • Me too...and feel free to add me. I noticed some people doing the 30 day shred logging as circuit trainning.
  • Count me in on this! was thinking of dusting off the dvd again every other day is good for me to as i am training for some races.
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 228 Member
    Yep I'm in!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm getting it today, so I'm in!!
  • buddy707
    buddy707 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had mine for a few days now, but have been hesitant to start. I will join the group too. I need motivation to keep going!!
  • nikicrin
    nikicrin Posts: 40 Member
    Perfect am training for a race too so every other day sounds great... Will this make it a 60 day shred tho? Cos ur meant to do each level 10 times I think? Or am I being dumb?! I did it before every day and lost about 10 inches all over xx
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Today will be day 3 for me hoping I can do it since my leg muscles are killing me. Feel free to add me, its a great work out!
  • Fesko
    Fesko Posts: 1
    I'll join in as well -- great idea!