Health Food is too.......



  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108

    What is killing us is that we really want to move and we would need to pay double what we pay now for our mortgage. And we RENT now...we can't even find a rental for less than double what we pay now. Then I hear how the housing market is doing better and people are buying houses which will in effect raise the prices of homes. If I had no faith I would be crazy...for real!! LOL

    Oh let me tell you!! I am SOOO thankful that we even have a home, b/c in our area, people are losing their jobs due to the car industry crashing. But, we moved into our house 5 years ago thinking we'd build a little equity and be out in 3-5 years. Ha! I have no clue when we will be able to move. We have a tiny house, and with 6 of us, it doesn't work so well! But that's ok. I'm just plugging along until things pick up a little bit more. :smile:

    Amen, sister!! I live in a crackerbox house too with a family of five. I bought this house 10 years ago before the "unexpected 3rd child came". We are cramped--having one bathroom (small) with three other girls---sometimes the mornings are nightmares from hell! I do thank God for what I do have and I can afford (barely) my mortgage + other bills, etc. It is nothing fancy, but I was never the type to keep up with the Jones'. My little town of 1,000 people - well it looks like a ghost town. (One grocery store and one dollar general-yahoo for this store :laugh: )
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I have a suggestion for everyone that is talking about how expensive boneless skinless chicken breast is. Have you considered buying either whole chicken (not as healthy a breast but still good for you) or chicken breast with the bone and skin still attached? I know around here is can be much cheaper (I've seen bone-in chicken breast get as low as $.99/lb) and you can remove the bone and skin yourself. More work but WAY cheaper. Also, you can grind your own meat. A manual grinder is about $30 new but it can be a lot cheaper to by the meat and grind it than buy it pre-ground but again it can be a lot more work.


    Boneless, skinless chicken. :noway: That's a LUXURY choice IMO.

    Your paying alot extra money because someone else deboned it and took skin off.
    Totally absurd if you ask me.
    I wouldn't say alot more work. A few slices here and there, and skin is off and breast is away from bone.

    I used to buy chicken breasts with bones, and sometimes re-use the bones and make some chicken stock. I did the same with a whole chicken.

    I haven't bought chicken breasts for years though.
    Now it's chicken thighs from Costco, buy a big amount and split it up into 4. When using 1 of those 4 packs, our chicken stir fry's make 3-4 meals.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ive nevered used it as an excuse...but i have noticed when i eat healthier I spend more money...the price of turkey and chicken are more expensive than hamburgers and usually by double...the produce here is only cheap 2 out of 12 months because the other 10months are winter....I actually just spent 7dollars on a bag of clementines the other day (2lbs)....the fresh brocolli was about 3 dollars for a small head of it ... but its not so much the produce that's expensive it's the meat...I love getting my protien in and i love the fact of eating when i change my eating habits i only buy chicken (skinless boneless) and ground chicken and ground turkey ...and the skinless boneless chicken was 9.50 for a little over a pound the ground chicken was the cheapest and thats what i mostly eat which is only 5dollars a pound and ground turkey is usually 8 dollars a pound

    We just started cooking with tofu in addition to meat, b/c it helps with the protein and it isn't as expensive. Plus, it adds to the variety. I think we've averaged it about once a week so far, but it helps.

    the only thing is i love my meat....i was raised mostly on red now that im giving that up i need something telling my brain im eating meat atleast...and i do like tofu, but that doesnt cut it as a substitute...I eat atleast one real meat product a day lol I know thats sad, but I think its just something that was learned as a child to do
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I have a suggestion for everyone that is talking about how expensive boneless skinless chicken breast is. Have you considered buying either whole chicken (not as healthy a breast but still good for you) or chicken breast with the bone and skin still attached? I know around here is can be much cheaper (I've seen bone-in chicken breast get as low as $.99/lb) and you can remove the bone and skin yourself. More work but WAY cheaper. Also, you can grind your own meat. A manual grinder is about $30 new but it can be a lot cheaper to by the meat and grind it than buy it pre-ground but again it can be a lot more work.
    the only thing is a lot of people dont have good self control...I know i dont and if i buy the chicken with the skin I will devour it...I'd crisp up the skin and eat all of it...*sighs* one of the reasons I dont indulge ever... because with my addictive personality type I will not just stop at is true with prob a few other people...atleast i hope im not the only person with this prob lol (cuz maybe i should see a shrink if i am):ohwell:
  • misty589
    misty589 Posts: 319 Member
    I was at Sobey's tonight, and I just simply can not afford chicken. I remember when my friend from the US came up to visit she couldn't believe the cost of chicken here.

    Chicken may as well be gold here in NB.

    what part of nb are you in?
    I'm in saint john and we travel twice a year to mulders meat in Oromocto for their sale I get big boxes of chicken breasts for $20 and LOADS of other stuff. I don't ever buy meat at the grocery store, it's crazy especially poultry. I looked at ground turkey and chicken yesterday at the superstore and it was a small little lump about 1/2 - 3/4 of a lb and it was more than 7 dollars! can you imagine..............
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with this one. Managing my money in the paycheck-to-paycheck land means I go get groceries once a month. Which also means that I eat all the fresh stuff for the first week or two, and by the end of the month am living on non - perishables, and pretty much whatever I can get til I get paid again.

    Some healthy choices are the same price or cheaper, and the apple over snickers makes sense. But sometimes it's not just possible to eat healthy without spending more, and that's when those dollar burgers start looking like the smart choice.

    I'm not saying that all the excuses are justifiable, cuz there's some pretty bad ones out there. But I definitely understand the difficulty.
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    I think it's more of a convenience issue for most people.

    I can go to McD's (ew, by the way, haha) and get a double cheeseburger, fries, and a HUGE over-sweetened sweet tea for $3.00 plus tax.

    It's almost too easy to find cheap, unhealthy food.

    Eating healthy does require extra effort, and in some cases, extra money. I get most of my produce at a local farmer's market, and it's much cheaper than the grocery store, but when food is out of season or the market doesn't carry it, I have to get it where I can.

    I live paycheck to paycheck and do believe that it is cheaper to eat unhealthy.

    I'm committed to eating healthy and have learned to cut out expenses elsewhere so that I can afford to eat better.

    Sorry if you think that's an excuse. :smile:

    Yeah, meant to use this as a quote. Apply!!! :blushing:
  • visiologist
    ABSOLUTELY agree! Well said.

    But did someone say we are eating LESS? I don't get this. Now that I am eating 6 meals per day and working out like a fiend, my calorie consumption has gone way UP! My metabolism is burning like a furnace I think - I used to weigh nearly 200 lbs, but now I am about 179 and trying to build lean mass up slowly - I've been increasing my calories a bit every few days until the scale no longer goes DOWN or stays the same but creeps up slightly. I'm now eating 3,500 calories a day and finally starting to see a slight upward trend.

    I wonder if a lot of people are actually in "starvation mode" and don't realize it.

  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I have a suggestion for everyone that is talking about how expensive boneless skinless chicken breast is. Have you considered buying either whole chicken (not as healthy a breast but still good for you) or chicken breast with the bone and skin still attached? I know around here is can be much cheaper (I've seen bone-in chicken breast get as low as $.99/lb) and you can remove the bone and skin yourself. More work but WAY cheaper. Also, you can grind your own meat. A manual grinder is about $30 new but it can be a lot cheaper to by the meat and grind it than buy it pre-ground but again it can be a lot more work.
    the only thing is a lot of people dont have good self control...I know i dont and if i buy the chicken with the skin I will devour it...I'd crisp up the skin and eat all of it...*sighs* one of the reasons I dont indulge ever... because with my addictive personality type I will not just stop at is true with prob a few other people...atleast i hope im not the only person with this prob lol (cuz maybe i should see a shrink if i am):ohwell:

    Even the chicken with the bone IN is quite expensive most of the time (the chicken breast that is)....
    The WHOLE chickens are crazy expensive too- these teenie tiny SAD little birds were $13....and I"m talking....they made a pigeon look tasty!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    I have a suggestion for everyone that is talking about how expensive boneless skinless chicken breast is. Have you considered buying either whole chicken (not as healthy a breast but still good for you) or chicken breast with the bone and skin still attached? I know around here is can be much cheaper (I've seen bone-in chicken breast get as low as $.99/lb) and you can remove the bone and skin yourself. More work but WAY cheaper. Also, you can grind your own meat. A manual grinder is about $30 new but it can be a lot cheaper to by the meat and grind it than buy it pre-ground but again it can be a lot more work.
    the only thing is a lot of people dont have good self control...I know i dont and if i buy the chicken with the skin I will devour it...I'd crisp up the skin and eat all of it...*sighs* one of the reasons I dont indulge ever... because with my addictive personality type I will not just stop at is true with prob a few other people...atleast i hope im not the only person with this prob lol (cuz maybe i should see a shrink if i am):ohwell:

    Even the chicken with the bone IN is quite expensive most of the time (the chicken breast that is)....
    The WHOLE chickens are crazy expensive too- these teenie tiny SAD little birds were $13....and I"m talking....they made a pigeon look tasty!

    Are there 4-H groups in your area? 4-H kids raise and sell livestock for their fair projects here. maybe you could buy some dressed out birds fresh and support the 4-H . IDK about where you are though.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I totally agree eating healthier is more expensive then crappy food. Most of the processed food is on sale and have coupons for. Veggies and fruits while inexpensive go bad quickly and you have to replenish often thererfor you tend to grocery shop more often and every time you go in the grocery store you spend more then you were going in for..great marketing
    As stated before the price of chicken or turkey or beef with a lower fat % is more expensive. If it was just me eating then no it wouldnt be a problem but with a family and a DH that can EAT ALOT its very expensive since 1lb does not go far. Me making my own food seperate is not an option.
    Of course you can break it down to make it look inexpensive. ie a banana in 29 cents..But if you seperated a bag of Dortios into their portions it would be even cheaper.
    I do it and I pay but my grocery bills are HUGE
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I was at Sobey's tonight, and I just simply can not afford chicken. I remember when my friend from the US came up to visit she couldn't believe the cost of chicken here.

    Chicken may as well be gold here in NB.

    what part of nb are you in?
    I'm in saint john and we travel twice a year to mulders meat in Oromocto for their sale I get big boxes of chicken breasts for $20 and LOADS of other stuff. I don't ever buy meat at the grocery store, it's crazy especially poultry. I looked at ground turkey and chicken yesterday at the superstore and it was a small little lump about 1/2 - 3/4 of a lb and it was more than 7 dollars! can you imagine..............

    I'm in Fredericton. I actually got a pretty good deal on chicken breast strips today at Superstore. I got 2 small packages for about 4 each. I think they're intended for stir-fry, but I'll probably coat them with something and bake them up. They were on for half price.

    I know- ground turkey. I paid almost 8 bucks the other day for a piece big enough for one taco salad.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I am so curious.....

    so many of the people who are posting about very expensive prices are from Canada.

    is there some reason you know of that your grocery expenses are so high?
    Is it because of taxation rates?
    lack of availability of accessible food imports?

    the reason I am so interested is because I hear all the time about how high the tax rates in Canada are, and it always seems to be linked to the healthcare system in the country.
    Is there any correlation you know about there?

    just curious......
    any Canadian neighbors care to comment?
  • Shanimal84
    Shanimal84 Posts: 34
    Damn... I guess the Texans have it easy. I bought a few pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts today - they were on sale for $1.97/lb...
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I am so curious.....

    so many of the people who are posting about very expensive prices are from Canada.

    is there some reason you know of that your grocery expenses are so high?
    Is it because of taxation rates?
    lack of availability of accessible food imports?

    the reason I am so interested is because I hear all the time about how high the tax rates in Canada are, and it always seems to be linked to the healthcare system in the country.
    Is there any correlation you know about there?

    just curious......
    any Canadian neighbors care to comment?

    I really don't know why prices of some foods are so high here in Canada- I do know it varies throughout the country. I'm expecting some government intervention at some point to regulate food prices here.

    - Nearly one in five Canadians forgo at least one type of food almost every time they shop because of the cost.
    - Almost one-quarter of Canadians have to go without lean meat and poultry, while one in five Canadians have to forgo fruit and vegetables.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I am so curious.....

    so many of the people who are posting about very expensive prices are from Canada.

    is there some reason you know of that your grocery expenses are so high?
    Is it because of taxation rates?
    lack of availability of accessible food imports?

    the reason I am so interested is because I hear all the time about how high the tax rates in Canada are, and it always seems to be linked to the healthcare system in the country.
    Is there any correlation you know about there?

    just curious......
    any Canadian neighbors care to comment?

    I really don't know why prices of some foods are so high here in Canada- I do know it varies throughout the country. I'm expecting some government intervention at some point to regulate food prices here.

    - Nearly one in five Canadians forgo at least one type of food almost every time they shop because of the cost.
    - Almost one-quarter of Canadians have to go without lean meat and poultry, while one in five Canadians have to forgo fruit and vegetables.

    I think the answer (specifically about fruits and veggies) is simply because most of it has to be imported from outside of the country. We have a very SHORT *growing* season here compared to places like Florida or least that's always what I thought? I could be totally wrong! lol
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I have a suggestion for everyone that is talking about how expensive boneless skinless chicken breast is. Have you considered buying either whole chicken (not as healthy a breast but still good for you) or chicken breast with the bone and skin still attached? I know around here is can be much cheaper (I've seen bone-in chicken breast get as low as $.99/lb) and you can remove the bone and skin yourself. More work but WAY cheaper. Also, you can grind your own meat. A manual grinder is about $30 new but it can be a lot cheaper to by the meat and grind it than buy it pre-ground but again it can be a lot more work.
    the only thing is a lot of people dont have good self control...I know i dont and if i buy the chicken with the skin I will devour it...I'd crisp up the skin and eat all of it...*sighs* one of the reasons I dont indulge ever... because with my addictive personality type I will not just stop at is true with prob a few other people...atleast i hope im not the only person with this prob lol (cuz maybe i should see a shrink if i am):ohwell:

    Even the chicken with the bone IN is quite expensive most of the time (the chicken breast that is)....
    The WHOLE chickens are crazy expensive too- these teenie tiny SAD little birds were $13....and I"m talking....they made a pigeon look tasty!

    Are there 4-H groups in your area? 4-H kids raise and sell livestock for their fair projects here. maybe you could buy some dressed out birds fresh and support the 4-H . IDK about where you are though.

    I'm in a teenie tiny fishing every time I go *grocery shopping* I have to travel 20 minutes or 45 (depending on if I want Sobeys or Superstore)....
    Walmart?? Almost TWO hours away!
    So, I tend to go to the Sobeys at least once a week (because that is where the Dr.'s are, etc- so we go there for appointments/physio for my husbands injury)....
    I don't know of any 4-H groups specifically in my area....=o/
  • want_to_be_skinny
    Totally agree... Read the lable.. I was buying weight watchers whole wheat english muffins 2.99 for 6 but hey needed them they were low in calories 140... WRONG... the store was out of them one day... underneath where they should have been was no-name brand whole wheat english muffins... .97cents for 6 and only 130 calories... wow i was sure surprised... read the lables and compare you are in for a surprise

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Damn... I guess the Texans have it easy. I bought a few pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts today - they were on sale for $1.97/lb...
    yep I agree. I'm in Odessa- I just purchased boneless,skinless chicken breast for $1.66 a pound. Heb ALWAYS has great meat sales. Cindy :heart:
  • teachparents
    teachparents Posts: 225 Member
    I think the difference for most people (especially those with LOW income)...
    Is that they can't afford to run back and forth to the grocery store all the time to pick up fresh things, especially when those thins go bad quite quickly.

    ......and I don't know where you guys are from but here in NS Canada, we pay a LOT for produce (depending on the time of year).....but then when summer hits we get the good deals from locally grown stuff...
    I LOVE fresh cherries, grapes, etc- but I can't afford to pay the high prices in the winter...and I've seen a head of brocolli cost $3.99 before, for a very SMALL's crazy!
    I think it depends on the income and where you live- personally I think it is quite expensive to eat 100% healthy all the time.
    Take for example low fat whole wheat tortilla's....LOVE those.....they are $3.99 here for a 10 pkg. A pack of 10 does NOT last long when you have three kids and two adults to feed.

    lol edit// except one of the three kids only eats breast milk at the moment..=oP

    I was in nova scotia visiting my mother .. she had me go to the local store for milk.... when i saw the price i told the cashier i just wanted the bag, not the whole cow!!!!! and chocolate milk!!!! that was insane... we pay .99 a litre here on sale, it was like 4 bucks there!!!

    i feel your grocery budget pain