Feb. lose 10 pound challenge



  • darlin930
    darlin930 Posts: 283 Member
    SW - 273.0 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 266 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 ) down -7 lbs
    Week 2 - 269.2 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) up +3.2 lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqB7PFnLiVoidERiYVFTQl9sdTNQN1JNenJUckVUTFE#gid=0 (this link takes me to a June chart. Am I looking in the wrong spot?)
  • chrisvgray
    chrisvgray Posts: 4 Member
    Over the last week and a half I haven't been as conscious of what I have been eating or getting my work outs in. I am disappointed to say that I have gained weight this week. It is really saddening to be at more than my starting weight. It is time to get back on track!

    SW - 165.3 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 164.4 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 ) down -.9 lbs but then two days later I weighed myself and was down to 163.8...
    Week 2 - 166 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) up +2.2 lbs
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
  • cyclingben
    cyclingben Posts: 346 Member
    SW - 352 (Wednesday Feb 1)

    Week 1 - 346 (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 - 342 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) down 4
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
  • SW - 107.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 108.6 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1) GOAL= 103!
  • SW - 107.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 108.6 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 - 109.2 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1) GOAL= 103!
  • maryj2367
    maryj2367 Posts: 219 Member
    SW - 214 lbs (Wednesday Jan 30)
    Week 1 - 213 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 - 212 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cindytwo
    cindytwo Posts: 2 Member
    You are awesome..it's not easy, especially at this time of the year! I want to loose 10 more pounds, I've lost 30 so far..It took me a year or so but I did it ..Now to keep it off
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    Starting weight: 305 (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1- 301 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) [lost 4 lbs]
    Week 2- 301 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)

    Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday March 1)

    Let's do this Ladies and Gentlemen!

    **Found out that I had my starting weight wrong so I'm making the corrections here.

    Starting weight: 313 (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1- 308.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) [lost 4.2 lbs]
    Week 2- 308.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) [lost 0 lbs]
    Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)

    Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday March 1)
  • MichaelaaJ
    MichaelaaJ Posts: 79 Member
    SW - 241.5 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 240.5 lbs (Thursday Feb 9 )
    Week 2 - 241 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) +.5 > hoping its muscle as I started strength training this week! :smile:
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xxx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
  • JDollS
    JDollS Posts: 36 Member
    SW 167
    wk 1 - 166
    wk 2 - 168 (ugh, sick and not working out...)
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 434 Member
    SW - 100.8Kg = 222.23 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 -101.9Kg = 224.65lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 -101.5Kg = 223.77xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) **** too bad
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    SW - 289.4 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 287 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
    Week 2 - 282.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15)
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)
  • hoggma
    hoggma Posts: 14 Member
    anuary Total Loss - 13.6lbs!!

    SW - 224.2 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 222.6 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) lost 1.6lbs!!
    Week 2 - 222.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) +.2 lbs - oops! - rough week taking heavy duty drugs for back injury, but I'm back on track now!!
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xxx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)

    February Total To Date: -1.4 lbs!!
    January Total Lost - 13.6 lbs!!
  • tami7447
    tami7447 Posts: 23 Member
    SW - 152lbs (Wed Feb 1)
    Wk1- 150lbs (Wed Feb 8)
    Wk2- 148lbs (Wed Feb 15)
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Whoops, forgot to weigh myself Wednesday! I think I'll switch to Mondays for this, since that's my actual weigh in day and I never forget that!
  • Starting weight: 194 (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1- 190 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8) [lost 4 lbs]
    Week 2- 189 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) [lost 1 lbs]
    Week 3- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4- xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)

    Total Lost: xx lbs (Thursday March 1)
  • norzip
    norzip Posts: 168 Member
    SW - 215.7lbs (Wed Feb 1)
    Wk1- 215lbs (Wed Feb 8)
    Wk2- 215lbs (Wed Feb 15) URGH
  • jmjones66
    jmjones66 Posts: 145 Member
    Week 2: 226.50 UGH! Struggling this month. I need to make this weight start moving again!!
  • SW - 168.8 lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
    Week 1 - 166.2 lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 ) 2 down 8 to go!
    Week 2 - 168 lbs (Wednesday Feb 15) gained :-( could be because of TOM!
    Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
    Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
    Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)