Help! Does this count as water?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    so if I add cranberry juice to my vodka does that make it not vodka anymore,because I could give a *kitten* about water
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    so if I add cranberry juice to my vodka does that make it not vodka anymore,because I could give a *kitten* about water
    You're watering down your vodka! :sad:
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Probably because the human body is able to extract the water from the soda and use it like any other water. Just like your body can extract water from fruit. For example, if you eat a big wedge of watermelon, it's going to have a hydrating effect on your body.

    I don't personally drink soda, but if I did I am certain it would count toward my water for the day.
    So you suggesting we start logging watermelon and brocolli as water? They all contain water.
  • 0EmmeNicole0
    0EmmeNicole0 Posts: 180 Member
    My rule of thumb: If it doesn't have water in the title then don't count it as water. So sparkling water, flavored water, coconut water, watermelon, etc... COUNTS AS WATER! Anything else, does not in my book. (I don't actually log watermelon as i can't figure out how much actual water i got from the fruit, but power to anybody who does). So if you choose to call your drink mix, kool-aid water, then by all means count it.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    I was drinking peach flavored water, until I decided I didn't want the aspertame in it. I decided to make my own.

    0 calories koolaid (the kind with no sugar added)
    Sparkling water

    Can I log this as water?
    This sounds delicious but i would not drink it in the same numbers i drink water, which is 3L a day minimum.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Probably because the human body is able to extract the water from the soda and use it like any other water. Just like your body can extract water from fruit. For example, if you eat a big wedge of watermelon, it's going to have a hydrating effect on your body.

    I don't personally drink soda, but if I did I am certain it would count toward my water for the day.
    So you suggesting we start logging watermelon and brocolli as water? They all contain water.

    If you knew exactly how much, yes, you could idd do that if you want to be REALLY exact. MFP only says 8 glasses of water to just be safe. You're already getting lots from your food and other drinks anyway.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Probably because the human body is able to extract the water from the soda and use it like any other water. Just like your body can extract water from fruit. For example, if you eat a big wedge of watermelon, it's going to have a hydrating effect on your body.

    I don't personally drink soda, but if I did I am certain it would count toward my water for the day.
    So you suggesting we start logging watermelon and brocolli as water? They all contain water.
    Your body certainly 'logs' it.
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    Wow. you have all GOT to be joking me. I asked a simple question. Does my concoction count as water. I did not ask if it would kill me, or summon demons from space, or how many chemicals it had. I didn't ask if you were so high on your diet horse that you only count pure spring water from the mountains of malaysia. I did NOT ask ANY of that. Some of you were VERY condescending and literally made me FEEL GUILTY for drinking KOOL-AID. SO, why don't you KOOL off and log your water however you want. I'm logging my sparkling water and chemicals and articificial colors as water xD Nobody needs to get on their high health horse. Next tiem, I just want a scientific answer. You're free to give your opinion, but you don't have to be conceited about it.

    As for god making water the way He did, um...yes. But I somehow doubt that you've never eaten anything flavored, colored, or processed. I'm putting water in my body regardless of what I mix with it...

    ALSO, for the record, AGAIN, i'm not using sugar free koolaid!. I'm using the old fashion koolaod flavoring that you add your own sweetener too. No aspertame or anything like that.

    Thank you everyone, regardless of your opinion, who replied to me with evidence and composure =) Even if you ONLY count pure water, that's great! But thank you for not making anyone feel belittled.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Probably because the human body is able to extract the water from the soda and use it like any other water. Just like your body can extract water from fruit. For example, if you eat a big wedge of watermelon, it's going to have a hydrating effect on your body.

    I don't personally drink soda, but if I did I am certain it would count toward my water for the day.
    So you suggesting we start logging watermelon and brocolli as water? They all contain water.

    If you can figure out how much water is in them, sure. Go to town.
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    I don't want to calculate that xD
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Water is water. If there are any ingredients besides water, it is not. If there are calories in it, you are only cheating yourself by logging it as water. Those little things add up.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Exactly. Log it as soda
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Water is water. If there are any ingredients besides water, it is not. If there are calories in it, you are only cheating yourself by logging it as water. Those little things add up.
    Calories isn't the point. Hydration is the topic.
  • DavyHolly
    DavyHolly Posts: 44 Member
    Water is water. If there are any ingredients besides water, it is not. If there are calories in it, you are only cheating yourself by logging it as water. Those little things add up.

    Again, I am not asking about calories. I am asking about WATER. If I drank water, then ate a piece of candy, do I have to pretend like I never drank any water? That makes no sense. If I have water with my meal, it isn't water? So, in order or water to count, I cannot intake any calories? I would die. I AM logging the calories (very few) that I consume in my water concoction. I'm not cheating myself.
  • RangerSteve
    Water is water. If there are any ingredients besides water, it is not. If there are calories in it, you are only cheating yourself by logging it as water. Those little things add up.

  • RangerSteve
    I guess I shouldn't be surprised by how many people know so little about basic physiology and how your body absorbs water. It just maked me sad.
    By some of the 'logic' here I probably need to double up on my water since I added lemon to it. Now I have gone and changed the composition and god didn't mean for that to happen. Or perhaps he has given me the power of alchemy!

    This pretty much sums it up every time I read one of these threads.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I'm so confused. Why would you log SODA as water?

    Exactly. Log it as soda
    i log it as soda with whichever meal i have it with, and add it as water to the water counter ;p
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Yes. See how you typed "Sparkling water"?

  • kattygirl0499
    kattygirl0499 Posts: 41 Member
    I actually had a long talk with both my physician and a nutritionist friend about this. While neither of them would advocate for drinking large quantities of alcohol, carbonated and/or caffeinated beverages, they both said they would count towards my water intake. Juice would too. The water in them counts - the "other" ingredients that come along with it count as calories. :)

    Generally, I drink very little soda anymore. I have a morning cup of coffee and then switch to herbal teas. I just don't care for plain water - and I drink it much better if I have a little flavoring in it. My current fav is mio watermelon strawberry. And I guarantee you I'm not giving my my glass of wine or beer when I'm out with friends. I just have to account for it on the calorie side. And I probably won't count the alcohol towards my water intake - as it does act to dehydrate you.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • qwe3nz
    qwe3nz Posts: 29
    I was drinking peach flavored water, until I decided I didn't want the aspertame in it. I decided to make my own.

    0 calories koolaid (the kind with no sugar added)
    Sparkling water

    Can I log this as water?

    Hell no . its not water if youve added something to it.. Eg you add instant coffee to a cup of hot water. Is that still water??? No, it is now coffee