Who is 5'1-5'2



  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
  • Carrie3B
    Carrie3B Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weight 110. I'd like to get down to my weight of 2 years ago--104. I have a petite frame so that doesn't look scrawny. With that being said, I have recently adopted that philosophy that "Strong is Sexy" and would rather build muscle than look bony skinny. I have been getting 1200 calories but I just had my body fat composition test (at the gym) and it says I need to eat around 1350 calories. Trying to mentally overcome the "less calories is better" and feed my body correctly. Especially b/c I've been working out quite a bit. Definitely a lot of trial and error to see what works best!
  • 5'1 gal here, weighting 98 pounds but with a very small frame.
    I'm looking for some lean mass gain, and I eat around 1100-1200 calories. I've always followed a mediterranean diet, so i almost don't eat processed food, with the exception of some mcdonalds on very rare occasions...
  • 5'1 gal here, weighting 98 pounds but with a very small frame.
    I'm looking for some lean mass gain, and I eat around 1100-1200 calories. I've always followed a mediterranean diet, so i almost don't eat processed food, with the exception of some mcdonalds on very rare occasions...
    You won't gain lean mass eating a starvation amount. If you're exercising this is literally starvation--your BMR (which you'd burn completely bedridden) is in the 1100-1200 range. you should really be eating more like 1800 minimum if you're exercising and hoping to even RETAIN the muscle you do have.
  • I'm 5'2.75" and I'm around 120lbs, I go between 118-122lbs pretty much weekly :) I started at 165lbs.

    I'm pretty happy where I am. Maybe not bikini thin but a nice 2-4P without being scrawny.

    Oh and I eat about 1500-1700 calories a day to maintain depending on how much I exercise and I eat every one of my exercise calories.
  • 5'1 gal here, weighting 98 pounds but with a very small frame.
    I'm looking for some lean mass gain, and I eat around 1100-1200 calories. I've always followed a mediterranean diet, so i almost don't eat processed food, with the exception of some mcdonalds on very rare occasions...
    You won't gain lean mass eating a starvation amount. If you're exercising this is literally starvation--your BMR (which you'd burn completely bedridden) is in the 1100-1200 range. you should really be eating more like 1800 minimum if you're exercising and hoping to even RETAIN the muscle you do have.

    I eat the calories I burn WHEN i work out, even if it's only a yoga class.
    Currently I just finished my degree and I spend most of my day sending CVs, so on a daily basis honestly i don't burn much more than the calories i would burn if i was in bed all day. Most of the days I have been forcing myself to eat 1100 or 1200 calories.
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    5"2'! My goal is between 130-133. That's always been my "fighting weight" . I didn't look so hot at 174.:cry:

    I've been eating about 1400 calories a day and now I'm about 7 pounds from my goal!
  • nichole1027
    nichole1027 Posts: 79 Member
    Bump to read all the comments later.
  • wow - sounds like me!! I am "almost" 5'0" and 47 years old. Had a baby at 42 and went from 119:happy: lbs to 135 lbs. When your usual shoe size no longer fits, you know you have to do something. Just started eating right, exercising and tracking it all on MFP and I have to say it is enlightening. Daily goal is 1200 calories a day with some sort of exercise daily - I've already lost 5 lbs in two weeks but feel so energized because of the activity. Favorite snack - raw baby carrotts, baby cucmber and cherry tomatoes with 1.5 teaspoons of President's Choice Blu Menu Baba Ghanouj! (I'm from Canada - not sure if you have P.C. in the States).
  • Hey all! This has been an interesting thread to read - so happy to see people my size, lol! I always tell my husband that I'm screwed because I'm short, so I basically get to eat 1 lettuce leaf a day.

    Anyway, I'm 5'1.5" and currently weigh between 124-126. My goal is to be closer to 120. I am currently eating 1200 calories + exercise calories and feel like I've plateau'd a bit and am thinking about increasing to 1300+exercise calories. Would love to have some friends here that are my size!
  • _LilPowerHouse
    _LilPowerHouse Posts: 365 Member
    Hey all! This has been an interesting thread to read - so happy to see people my size, lol! I always tell my husband that I'm screwed because I'm short, so I basically get to eat 1 lettuce leaf a day.

    Anyway, I'm 5'1.5" and currently weigh between 124-126. My goal is to be closer to 120. I am currently eating 1200 calories + exercise calories and feel like I've plateau'd a bit and am thinking about increasing to 1300+exercise calories. Would love to have some friends here that are my size!

    I had the same issue, so iv'e increased my cal intake to 1390 and I was eating back my WO calories but no real change, until about 2 days ago when i just started eating the 1390 and only about 100 to 200 of my WO calories, and finally the scale actually went down for me.. I hope that this is the formula that I need to break the plateau.. hope you figure it out because the plateaus are a bit discouraging after a while..
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I"m 5' 2" and just started mfp again. I don't eat my sweets, especially chocolate, a big NO for me. I can't control myself around it
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member

    im 5`3`` here tehehehe (still counts, right?) 108 pounds right now, want to get down to 100 or 105 with LOTS OF MUSCLE!!!
  • ttillman19
    ttillman19 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 5'2" weighin 180 at my highest. My SW on MFP was 169. I am now at 167.6. My goal weight is 135, but would love to be smaller. I have quite a bit of muscle mass under the fat, so anything below 125 I look freaky. I am not on a diet per say. I am just trying to exercise more and eat better. I gave up chips, sweets, sweet tea, soda, processed foods, and junk food. I cheat every once in a while though.
  • I'm 5'1. My lowest weight was 116 and I still felt like I could have been lower. My highest weight was 242.... I tried to tone, but having been so heavy for so long (and having had 2 kids), I have a bit of sagging that nothing other than surgery can fix. Right now I'm just trying to get back down to around 120-125 after have a few bad few months of eating and no exercise.
  • sdag
    sdag Posts: 29
    I'm 5'2". I started at 208 lb in July and I'm 163 lb now. I eat about 1300-1450 cal a day and I try to eat at least 50-75% of my exercise calories back. I was eating around 1000-1200 a day but I hit a plateau so I started eating more and it helped a lot! My goal weight is 125-130.

    Oh, and I try to eat very low carb, too, since diabetes is common in my family.
  • jlebert716
    jlebert716 Posts: 92 Member
    I am 5'2 and currently 160, I am trying to get down to 125-130! I have lost 8 pounds so far and havent really cut anything from my diet mostly I have been controlling my portion sizes!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm five foot.. so short:( I'm not going to state my current weight as I wouldn't want to trigger anyone, as I'm in recovery for anorexia, but my set goal weight is eight stone.I know I will get there, it will just take a bit of time. I have finally managed to gain three pounds though, it's my first gain since I started proper recovery again in august, definately happy with this:)

  • I'm 5'2, my current weight is 191 but my SW was 250 in May of 2011. GW is between 130-135. I'm on weight watchers so I go by points (26 points) but when I record it on MFP it comes out to about 1100 calories a day - lots of fruit and vegetables and water.... I exercise 3-4 times a week - about an hour each time doing cardio and weights. The exercise has helped tone the body, I've gone from a size 22W dress to a size 14W dress and I can shop in a lot more stores and have more choices. :smile:
  • I'm between 5'-1 and 5'-2" and weigh between 95 - 100 pounds. I eat about 1500 cal/day. I don't have a goal wieght but I want to keep body fat % low. I am currently doing P90X2 (including the nutrition plan). I did 2 rounds of P90X without following the nutrition plan. On the 3rd, round I incorporated the nutrition plan and the weight and body fat% dropped quickly. Bulding muscle and following a good nutrition plan really keeps weight under control.