The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • kit8kat
    kit8kat Posts: 48 Member
    Great post! Thank you for the tips :-)
  • auranda
    auranda Posts: 59 Member
  • jc46
    jc46 Posts: 14 Member
  • calgirl43228
    calgirl43228 Posts: 7 Member
    The real key to losing weight is expending more calories than you consume. It's The First Law of Thermodynamics: calories in = calories out + accumulation. If you burn more calories than you consume, your body will draw the calories it needs from your fat stores and you will lose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat or when you eat it from day to day. It's calories in and calories out. When you're moving, your body burns calories at a higher rate. When you sit down or sleep, your body returns to its base metabolic rate. If you want to know what really worked for the first poster, take everything in his post that is related to consuming less calories and burning more calories, and discard the rest. You'll then have what really led to his fine physique. All the rest is the "red hat": magical thinking and superstition that defy the First Law of Thermodynamics.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    The real key to losing weight is expending more calories than you consume. It's The First Law of Thermodynamics: calories in = calories out + accumulation. If you burn more calories than you consume, your body will draw the calories it needs from your fat stores and you will lose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat or when you eat it from day to day. It's calories in and calories out. When you're moving, your body burns calories at a higher rate. When you sit down or sleep, your body returns to its base metabolic rate. If you want to know what really worked for the first poster, take everything in his post that is related to consuming less calories and burning more calories, and discard the rest. You'll then have what really led to his fine physique. All the rest is the "red hat": magical thinking and superstition that defy the First Law of Thermodynamics.

    If it were really that easy then you could just fire all the personal trainers and nutritionists in the world. Way to boil down the complicate subject of nutrition and body mechanics down to Burn More than you Consume.

    Your forgetting that your body doesn't immediately go to your fat stores right away.
  • Had to weigh in here...(sorry for the pun) but my nutritionist said that the all day eating is NOT good, that your body needs time between meals to process the food you take in at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    2.) Frequency of Eating:

    The typical American diet is to skip breakfast, grab a decent lunch, over-eat at supper and snack at night. BAD IDEA!! To promote your body's metabolism, you should eat 5-6-7 times small meals per day. [/quote]

    And while we're on it, MFP really needs to stop telling people to only eat 1200 calories, that's starvation mode.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Had to weigh in here...(sorry for the pun) but my nutritionist said that the all day eating is NOT good, that your body needs time between meals to process the food you take in at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    2.) Frequency of Eating:

    The typical American diet is to skip breakfast, grab a decent lunch, over-eat at supper and snack at night. BAD IDEA!! To promote your body's metabolism, you should eat 5-6-7 times small meals per day.

    And while we're on it, MFP really needs to stop telling people to only eat 1200 calories, that's starvation mode.

    Agreed, I know know why everyone is obsessed with this arbitrary 1200 calorie number they need on the screen. They need to get themselves tested to determine their personal caloric needs.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's not MFP's fault everyone sets their profile to the maximum weight loss it allows. The problem isn't MFP telling people to eat so little, it's people trying to rush to lose weight, instead of taking the time to do it the healthy way.

    Also, it's not MFP's fault that these same people ignore the exercise calories that they should be eating.
  • calgirl43228
    calgirl43228 Posts: 7 Member
    "If it were really that easy then you could just fire all the personal trainers and nutritionists in the world. Way to boil down the complicate subject of nutrition and body mechanics down to Burn More than you Consume."

    What I described is not easy, but it's not complicated either.. If it were easy to burn more calories than you consume, we'd all be slim. We wouldn't be pumping billions of dollars into the weight loss, nutrition, exercise industry that's built around people looking for a magic solution to their weight problems. The real personal trainers and nutritionists are saying exactly what I said. Eat Less. Exercise More. All the rest is red hats. There would be no profit for the hacks, promoting a bunch of junk nutrition and physiology if we'd all just face the facts: we're not going to weigh less unless we put down the fork and get up off of the couch.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    "If it were really that easy then you could just fire all the personal trainers and nutritionists in the world. Way to boil down the complicate subject of nutrition and body mechanics down to Burn More than you Consume."

    What I described is not easy, but it's not complicated either.. If it were easy to burn more calories than you consume, we'd all be slim. We wouldn't be pumping billions of dollars into the weight loss, nutrition, exercise industry that's built around people looking for a magic solution to their weight problems. The real personal trainers and nutritionists are saying exactly what I said. Eat Less. Exercise More. All the rest is red hats. There would be no profit for the hacks, promoting a bunch of junk nutrition and physiology if we'd all just face the facts: we're not going to weigh less unless we put down the fork and get up off of the couch.

    Actually the ones I've met certainly don't put it in such simplistic terms. You need to ingest a certain number of calories over your BMR and do some good exercise to lose weight in the long term safely and in a healthy manner. I've actually been eating substantially more than I ever have and I am still losing weight because I've finally learned that it not about simply eating less and exercising more, it's about giving your body the proper nutrition levels and then exercising in the correct way.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    It's not MFP's fault everyone sets their profile to the maximum weight loss it allows. The problem isn't MFP telling people to eat so little, it's people trying to rush to lose weight, instead of taking the time to do it the healthy way.

    Also, it's not MFP's fault that these same people ignore the exercise calories that they should be eating.

    So now this has turned into an exercise calorie thread...

    Dude, obese people lose weight faster and draw upon fat stores more readily than muscle. It is safe to net calories below "MFP's guidelines". The obese and morbidly obese have no choice but to lose weight quickly. Some are in serious medical need of rapid weight loss now. If MFP really wanted people to follow just their guidelines, then they would not allow you the option of modifying your goals. MFP isn't a diet. It is a tool. That tool can be used however someone sees fit. Sure, there are some that will abuse the tool for unhealthy weight loss. But that doesn't mean that anyone who opts not to follow the guideline has an eating disorder. Good grief!!
  • big_dog8
    big_dog8 Posts: 43 Member
    Excellent info. This for sharing!
  • calgirl43228
    calgirl43228 Posts: 7 Member
    The reason you're losing weight is you're expending more calories than you consume. Any other explanation defies the laws of physics.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    The reason you're losing weight is you're expending more calories than you consume. Any other explanation defies the laws of physics.

    Again your over simplifying the science of nutrition. You've proved your point, yes Burning more Calories than you consume means an eventual drop in weight but the real questions are

    1) Is it a healthy way of doing it
    2) Are you losing the weight from the right areas.
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    Excellent post! You hit all of the generally accepted scientific concepts (a couple of studies that appear to prove something otherwise mean very little except to say that more research needs to be done) and managed to keep it relatively simple. Thank you:)
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    The reason you're losing weight is you're expending more calories than you consume. Any other explanation defies the laws of physics.

    Again your over simplifying the science of nutrition. You've proved your point, yes Burning more Calories than you consume means an eventual drop in weight but the real questions are

    1) Is it a healthy way of doing it
    2) Are you losing the weight from the right areas.

    I didn't realize you could choose where you lost weight from? How does one spot reduce?
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    The reason you're losing weight is you're expending more calories than you consume. Any other explanation defies the laws of physics.

  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    The reason you're losing weight is you're expending more calories than you consume. Any other explanation defies the laws of physics.

    Again your over simplifying the science of nutrition. You've proved your point, yes Burning more Calories than you consume means an eventual drop in weight but the real questions are

    1) Is it a healthy way of doing it
    2) Are you losing the weight from the right areas.

    I didn't realize you could choose where you lost weight from? How does one spot reduce?

    I have never said you spot reduce, but are you losing it from fat stores or converting muscle to fuel a calorie deficit.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    wow- some ppl are just MEAN. Thank you for the post and info. And everything I've read says water IS vital. Every doctor I've ever talked to said if you feel thirsty YOU'RE ALREADY DEHYDRATED.

    I would bet anything the poster who drinks only when thirsty is dehydrated. And here's the thing - it's difficult to drink TOO much water but VERY easy to not drink enough. I'd rather error on the side of caution. Dehydration is NO JOKE.
    Also, MANY people feel hungry when they are REALLY thirsty. I drink water all day long - when I feel hungry, I know it's hunger & not thirst, but I'll have a drink anyway, just to make sure. I have a BIG drink right before bed and FIRST THING in the morning.
    If you drink a glass of water in the morning, you'll be surprised how thirsty you WERE without realizing it.

    This man is ONLY trying to help. WHY would he waste HIS time with mis-information? And who are YOU people who are shooting him down!? are YOU nutrionists?
    eat or don't eat- drink or don't drink. NO excuse for being rude to other posters.
  • Hi ask4itall - I'm new to the forum. I agree with all of the good advise you gave. Just wanted to add too that how people eat is important too. I have to remind myself that eating slower is better than scarfing down your food. Helps the body realize when it is full.