Questions For Married Folks (For A Class - Help Appreciated)



  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    Got engaged at 18....he was 29
    Married within 6 months of meeting.....still married 21 years later!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    me 27, he was 18, almost 19. 3 months- I got pregnant, married 4 months after our 1st child was born so a year and 4 months after our first kiss. Been married for almost 7 years, together for 8.

    Wouldn't change a thing. It worked out well.
  • minihaak
    minihaak Posts: 43 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? 26 (he was 33-7 years older than me)
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 3 years
    How old were you when you got married? 27 (13 month engagement - we were also building a house at the same time!!)
    Are you still together? Yes 18 months married, 5 and 1/2 years together :)
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    I as 22 he was 21 (6 month age diff)
    Engaged after 2 months
    Married 3 1/2 months after engagement (5 1/2 total)
    I was still 22 and he was still 21
    Together for 9 years. We have stayed strong through the birth of 4 beautiful children. And the loss of one of those sweet angels. HE is my rock and I am his. MArriage has it's ups and downs, and you learn to either grow together or you will grow apart.
    It has been 9 wonderful years, with MANY MANY more to come :-)
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Met my husband when I was 12, he was 13. First thing I ever said to him was "I am going to marry you someday"
    We got engaged before we ever went on a "date". I had actually been dating another guy for 2 years when out of no where my now husband asked me to marry him. I had just turned 18 and was still a senior in highschool. We got married one year later.
    January 11th was our 20th wedding anniversary.
  • saritabandita
    saritabandita Posts: 67 Member
    I was 24 when we got engaged... we dated for 3 years before getting engaged. Our engagement lasted 7 months. We've been married for 17 years (on February 24th). Can't say it's been easy the whole time we've been married and we've had our share of issues to work out, but our relationship is stronger now than it's ever been.

    Oh, and he was two years older than me. Still is! :laugh:
  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    1st marriage: Knew him for about a year before getting engaged. Lived together for about 4-6 months before we married. Divorced after three years... I was 21 and he was 27.

    2nd marriage: Knew each other nearly 4 years. I was 24 and he was 33. After dating for about a year I found out I was pregnant in November 1992. We married February 20, 1993. Tomorrow is our 19th wedding anniversary! :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? How long had you been together before getting engaged? How old were you when you got married? Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Doing some informal research for a class - answers appreciated!

    Engaged : 24
    Been together before that : 1 year
    Married : 25 (4 months after we were engaged)
    Now: Still together, married over 3 years
  • bestdaysahead
    bestdaysahead Posts: 90 Member
    I was 36, he was 42 when we met
    Engaged about three months later
    Married nine months later in 9/2011
    Two kids later, ages 10 and 8, still happily together!

    This was my second marriage and his first.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,972 Member
    Oh this is tricky! Trying to remember as best I can. I'm always willing to help with class research projects.

    How old were you when you got engaged? I was 20 -- hubby was 34
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? We had been dating about a year.
    How old were you when you got married? I was 21 -- hubby was 35
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? We will be celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary in May, so I guess that's a yes.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I met DH when I was 17 and he was 19
    Started Dating 18/20
    Engaged 19/21
    Married 20/22

    So we dated for 2 years before we got married

    Been married for almost 22 years and have 6 kids together. And yes, we are still together and love each other even more than we did when we married 22 years ago!!
  • quiqui21
    quiqui21 Posts: 19 Member
    I was 18 when I got engaged, my husband was 19. We knew each other for 3 years before that, (I met him in high school) but had only gone out for 1 year before we decided to get married. I was 19 when we tied the knot...and it's been 1 year and 2 months since then! lol
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    Met: me 14 yo him 15 yo
    Dated: me 16 yo him 17 yo
    Moved in together: me 17 yo him 18 yo (I had a bad life at home (whole other story), so moved in with him when i was legally able to: 17 in TX)
    Engaged: me 18 yo him 19 yo (while I was a senior in hs)
    Married: me 21 yo him 22 yo and happily married for 3 months! :-) So happy to be with my high school sweet heart.

    Hope this helps!
  • aprilbrodzeller
    aprilbrodzeller Posts: 1 Member
    engaged at age 19
    had been together for 3.5 years
    got married one month after I turned 21
    Yes, still together
    We have been married for 11 years and 8 months now
  • katwj76
    katwj76 Posts: 60 Member
    I met my husband at 17. We got engages when we were 24, married a year and a half later at 26, and we'll be married for 10 years(together for 19) this summer. I'm so proud of us and I love my family life (we have two girls 9 and 6).
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    18 when we got engaged (him 21), together a year before we were engaged, engaged less than a year - married 26 years this year :heart:
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    How old were you when you got engaged? 20 yrs old
    How long had you been together before getting engaged? 1.5 yrs
    How old were you when you got married? 21 yrs old
    Are you still together (if so, for how long)? Yes - together for going on 9 years, married for almost 7
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    Met March 2002, I was 28 and he was 32 - Engaged May 2002 (yes that quick!) - married October 2004 - We are still happily together!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I met my husband when I was 18 and a half. We got engaged 4 days after i turned 19. We got married 11 months later when I had just turned 20. This June will be our 8th wedding anniversary.

    My husband was 23 when we got together and 24 when we got married and he's 32 now.
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 132 Member
    We dated 9 months before getting engaged in December and got married 6 months later in June. I was almost 21 when we married in 2007 and have been married now for over 4 and 1/2 years and still going strong!