Government recognizing Gay and Lesbian



  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 749
    I think today its hard enough to find someone who is committed and loyal these days. If someone finds that in someone of the same sex, I am happy for them either way even tho my personal choice is to be with a man, I don't pass judgement on anyone. Who is anyone else to judge. Especially the government. They already control most every other part of our life. The least they can do is let everyone have the CHOICE of who they want love.
  • allysonb80
    allysonb80 Posts: 109 Member
    If you don't like gay marriage then don't get one. That easy.

    *clap*clap* ^^This!!

    I never understood how it was anyones business who marries whom except the people getting married.
  • twinsanity
    twinsanity Posts: 1,847 Member
    I hope someone brought popcorn...

    It SHOULD be legal! For so many reasons. I, for one, have yet to see how it's not unconstitutional for it to not be legal. I could swear there's a document somewhere that says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL in this country, and ALL should have the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Many people, such as those who break the law, choose to give up some of those rights. However, being gay, lesbian, bi..etc. isn't against the law, and therefore those who are gay should be entitled to the same priviledges and rights every other American is entitled to. Plain and simple. Mariage brings with it certian rights as well, which again, our government is denying to those who are gay, simply on the basis that they're gay.

    Here's what I see to be the bigger issue. So many Americans push for the separation of church and state in this country...when it's convenient that is. Gay marriage is a religious issue, not a goveernment issue. THIS is where American's don't want to see the separation of church and state, because if they were truly separated, we wouldn't have this issue to begin with. The government defines marriage based on religious beliefs that marriage should be between one man and one woman. Yet, since there were humans on this planet, there has been homosexuality, heterosexuality and polysexuality. Truly separate church and state and gay marriage should solve itself!
  • HappyathomeMN
    HappyathomeMN Posts: 498 Member
    I so not see any rational reason for two consenting adults to be prohibited from getting married.

    There would be many benefits to allowing more marriages - an increase in the wedding industry - more jobs, more businesses receiving income that they can't realize currently. Also, unfortunately, more divorces, because they will happen too.

    In a "big picture" sense, there really isn't any RATIONAL reason to prohibit gay marriage. It comes down to emotion and the people who are fighting it are using fearmongering and hate to disallow what should be a right.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Marriage has nothing to do with religion, it's a legal classification. Everybody should be able to get married, regardless of who they want to marry, and all the legal protections and advantages it affords.
  • CrzyAte
    The government has to be involved with marriage. It is, most importantly, a legal institution. Think about it. If a spouse dies, who is entitled to his/her wealth? Who is entitled to the children? Who is responsible for burial? These all seem like common sense questions, but without the force of law then legally "no one" is the correct answer. Also it would be easy to have conflicting claims. Maybe a business partner claims the deceased's fortune, claiming he helped earn it and it should be his, not the widow/ers. Maybe the grandparent did almost all of the parental care for the children and wants legal custody now the father/mother has died.

    These are reasons why marriage falls in the realm of law, but also why homosexual marriage should be permitted. They have the same issues as the rest of us do, and need the same protections.

    But I think there is even a more basic reason government should stop discrimination against sexual orientation and gender identity.


    Even though I am not a homosexual, "Unions" wouldn't be acceptable to me. That would be "Separate but equal", a.k.a. segregation.

    Loved this post!!!! Very well said.
  • Jenncoc86
    Jenncoc86 Posts: 203 Member
    if you don't want to be gay married then don't get gay married,J/k love is love it doesn't matter who your with.
  • DzzyButterfly
    DzzyButterfly Posts: 61 Member
    I honestly find it ludicrous that we even have to have this conversation. Our country has SO many other problems-- why are we even talking about marriage and having it at the forefront of our political campaigns? Marriage should be legal for EVERYONE. Our current law is blatantly unconstitutional and does not allow everyone the freedom they deserve. We should change the law nationally and MOVE THE HELL ON to focus on our bigger issues. Who you choose to bed with and have children with is a personal decision and governments/religions need to keep their hands off of it.

    For the religious crazies who are saying marriage is sacred--- I laugh in your face. Go look at the divorce rates.

    Just to lighten the mood---- if we did change the laws, we would take care of our failing economy REAL QUICK! Just imagine all of the "fabulous" and financially spectacular weddings gay men would have! The economy would BOOM! :)
  • jenniakers
    More weddings=More cake, where is the downside here?????

    LOL :drinker:
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    It makes me so sad that this issue is even an 'issue' at all. Although I very much disagree with them, I understand and respect the religious values that influence so many people. They are free to live their lives any way that they choose; why shouldn't my girlfriend and I have that same freedom?

    We daydream about having a little house of our own someday, with a garden and a nice big front porch, and maybe a dog. We want to find better jobs; we're willing to work hard. We're kind to strangers and believe in respecting everyone. Our idea of a good time is sitting under a tree with a couple of library books. Oh, yes, I can definitely see where our outrageous lifestyle is a danger to society and why we should be denied the same rights as straight couples.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Why not should be the question. If we are a country that pushes freedom, why not push to have all American's free and able to have the choice to marry the person they love? I am gay. I've been with the same wonderful man for over 11 years. We can get married in DC, but live in Virginia... so when we are home we aren't married.
    I served in the military proudly and now work for the Government, again proud to do so, but let me marry who I want to marry. I'm not asking for anything to be changed for anyone else. Just let me enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness like all American's should.

    You guys should cross the river already... life is much better over here in DC!
  • jennalink807
    jennalink807 Posts: 226 Member
    Gay marriage should ABSOLUTELY BE LEGAL!!!

    And as a religious person and a youth pastor, I absolutely believe that there is NOTHING WRONG with being gay. I apologize for the religious people who are ignorant and give the rest of us a bad name. Love of ALL KINDS is sacred, and should be celebrated.
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I am a Christian..but believe that God made everyone..regardless of sexual orientations..(God doesn't make mistakes). So anywhooo..the sermon was about standing up for what is right. The pastor went to talk about the movie The Help..and how many of those who opposed civil liberties were God-Fearing Christians... He put it out there..would we be pushing for the equal rights..or would we be the ones hindering the progress.

    I know most of the congregation would be they would be helping with the rights..but then he said flip it to today..what Civil items are these "Christians" trying to he said that if they are trying to stop certain civil liberties today..they would have been the same ones who would have been against the Civil Liberties in the 1960s...I thought it was very interesting..and hoping some of those God Fearing Christians...squirmed in their seats.

    I think its funny how lots of people think Gays getting married destroys the sanctity of marriage...but its OK for Kim K to divorce after what ...60 days..and same with Brittney Spears...
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    I'm sure sooner or later the idiots will take over this thread and start bashing, but before that happens, let me say that it is so wonderful to read all of these comments from straight people in favor of gay marriage. or Just in favor of the government NOT having the right to say who can or can't get married.

    It so hard when you don't have any rights in regards to your partner. I really don't think it should be based on "man and women" . SO MANY 'men and women' are divorced or cheat on their partners. What makes that any better than two people of the same sex wanting to express their love?

    I really wish the 'haters' would take a second and really THINK about how they would feel if someone told them they couldn't marry the person they love. or go into the hospital room if they get really hurt. or be able to share custody of their children and so many other things.

    To have someone scream horrible hateful things at you for no other reason then you LOVE someone is so very wrong. To have someone wish you to DIE for no other reason then you LOVE someone is just WRONG.

    I've been with my GF for over 6 years now and I'm PROUD if our relationship...and if we could get married we would.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Agree with the OP.

    If straight couples didn't keep having gay babies the problem wouldn't exist. Its completely natural.

    There are so many shades of grey in this life. Live and let live.

    As for god, we all know about Lilith, Eve and Adam etc, so if its anyones fault, its god for making the partnership unequal rather than leaving it balanced :wink:
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    More weddings=More cake, where is the downside here?????

    Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I'm sure sooner or later the idiots will take over this thread and start bashing, but before that happens, let me say that it is so wonderful to read all of these comments from straight people in favor of gay marriage.

    I was thinking the same thing. How refreshing! I am straight and I see absolutely no reason that a gay couple should not be able to benefit from the same rights I have as a heterosexual married person.
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I'm sure sooner or later the idiots will take over this thread and start bashing, but before that happens, let me say that it is so wonderful to read all of these comments from straight people in favor of gay marriage. or Just in favor of the government NOT having the right to say who can or can't get married.

    It so hard when you don't have any rights in regards to your partner. I really don't think it should be based on "man and women" . SO MANY 'men and women' are divorced or cheat on their partners. What makes that any better than two people of the same sex wanting to express their love?

    I really wish the 'haters' would take a second and really THINK about how they would feel if someone told them they couldn't marry the person they love. or go into the hospital room if they get really hurt. or be able to share custody of their children and so many other things.

    To have someone scream horrible hateful things at you for no other reason then you LOVE someone is so very wrong. To have someone wish you to DIE for no other reason then you LOVE someone is just WRONG.

    I've been with my GF for over 6 years now and I'm PROUD if our relationship...and if we could get married we would.

    Being bisexual I still long for the day that everyone will be able to marry the person they love...regardless of sexual orientation...
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Marriage has nothing to do with religion, it's a legal classification. Everybody should be able to get married, regardless of who they want to marry, and all the legal protections and advantages it affords.

    My thoughts exactly.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I'm sure sooner or later the idiots will take over this thread and start bashing, but before that happens, let me say that it is so wonderful to read all of these comments from straight people in favor of gay marriage.

    I was thinking the same thing. How refreshing! I am straight and I see absolutely no reason that a gay couple should not be able to benefit from the same rights I have as a heterosexual married person.

    It is refreshing indeed. As a single heterosexual woman, I hope one day to get married, and I can't see any reason why a homosexual person should be denied that hope just because they'd rather marry someone of their own gender instead of the opposite! I work in the performing arts, where attitudes towards homosexuality are fairly relaxed, and I'm often stunned by the intolerance and bigotry I frequently see when discussing this issue outside my professional sphere. Nice not to have found it here!