Name something you loathe that most others love?



  • thebigwindmill
    thebigwindmill Posts: 98 Member
    I don't like alcohol. I hate the taste. No matter what type; I've tried a lot of different stuff, but bottom line for me: it tastes like cleaning solution and it's EXPENSIVE! Give me a Diet Coke! :)

    This, but without the Diet Coke too. And add Nutella to the list. Yucky.
  • i cannot stand ranch and sour cream!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I'm not being racist at all but black humour like Madea movies and Dave Chapelle. steve harvey? Eddie Murphy, all those I'm sorrry they're not funny
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    cheese and American Idol

    ETA: All awards shows, Grammy's, Oscars... just don't get it.
  • marleymags
    marleymags Posts: 4 Member
    Bruce Springsteen
  • Bigstupid
    Bigstupid Posts: 25 Member
    Dave Matthews Band., C.S. I. Anywhere!
  • I'm not being racist at all but black humour like Madea movies and Dave Chapelle. steve harvey? Eddie Murphy, all those I'm sorrry they're not funny

    Sorry, no disrespect & I know it's your own opinion but it's all you mention-- so it does kind of appear that way.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    In no particular order: Star Wars, Star Trek, olives, rap music, alcohol, children in restaurants and stores (it's NOT cute when they run around and touch everything and everyone), spiders other creatures with more than four legs, vampire books/movies
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    mayonnaise - I HATE, HATE, HATE it! Won't eat any food with mayo in it. Any recipe that calls for mayo is 100 times better made with yogurt or sour cream instead.
  • Yogurt!!! Blahhhh it is so SOUR and no matter how much sugar or fruit they put in it, I still hate it! I will use it in a smoothie for a filler, though.

    Non-food item: Nicki Minaj - I just don't get it. Maybe I am getting old.
  • Dave Matthews Band., C.S. I. Anywhere!

    I agree 100% with Dave Matthews!!!!!!!
  • Seafood! I hate it but I force myself to eat it atleast 3times a week. There are times I just gag it down as quick as I can!
  • Coffee too! Don't like it one bit.
  • jeepie98
    jeepie98 Posts: 114 Member
    The Wizard of Oz
    Regis Philbin
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    Ketchup, hell tomatoes in general. I hate those damn things!! >:(

    Now mustard on the other hand... Mmm.
  • reality tv
    pop music like adele

    NO WAY!! ADELE IS THE BEST!! I :heart: ADELE. lol
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I hate bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok hates..Reality TV people you HAVE to stop watching it. Its one of the cheapest forms of "entertainment " to film which is why producers LOVE it.
    Its killing creativity in the industry. Who needs clever script writers, beautiful sets, talented actors, gripping storyline when you can grab a whole lot of idiots and cram them on an island or in a house?
    As long as people watch it the industry wont be challenged to make anything better.

    The Kardashians, shallow & vacuous super consumers. :sick:

    The Biggest Loser.

    The twilight series for making toxic codependent relationships sound romantic.

    Edward Cullen: I've killed people before.
    Bella Swan: It doesn't matter.

    Bella you sociopath!!!
  • britishstar41
    britishstar41 Posts: 140 Member
    Strawberry flavored or scented things. Love the real fruit though.

    Family Guy. I freaking HATE that show, and it's my husbands favorite thing to watch. Irony.

    Tyler Perry. Come on, guy. Does your name have to preface your show or movie titles every time you make the same film again in a slightly different way?
  • 2Big4MyBritches
    2Big4MyBritches Posts: 23 Member
    Hummus, watermelon, Taylor Swift and video games.
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