Guys....when you send a FR to a girl....



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I just *kitten* them because they look friendly :D

    You "*kitten*" them? Is that a Freudian slip?

    i think it was deliberate
  • JustFloorIt
    JustFloorIt Posts: 19 Member
    Lmao. That was really accidental, but I will leave it unedited for fun. Haha
  • dr0p4ah0y
    I think there are less cavemannish ways to send a request than "you look hot." Not being hard on guys for being guys, because that would imply that all guys are impolite jerks, which they're not. :) A simple "Hi! Looking for fitness friends!" or a "Saw you on the ____ thread, liked the comments you made!" would be good. Just a pro-tip, lol.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    I think there are less cavemannish ways to send a request than "you look hot." Not being hard on guys for being guys, because that would imply that all guys are impolite jerks, which they're not. :) A simple "Hi! Looking for fitness friends!" or a "Saw you on the ____ thread, liked the comments you made!" would be good. Just a pro-tip, lol.

    *writes notes in journal*
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    yet to have that problem but I think it would be a compliment! lol
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    But seriously, what else do we really have to go on??? You have a sexy profile pic up, naturally we're going to be drawn to that, and chances are, that's all we have to go on since we are not yet friends. You ladies are too hard on guys for being guys. A friend request is sent, to get to know you and your fitness, if after accepting, a guy makes inappropriate comments, then cut him free. But dont assume a guy is a *kitten* because he compliments you on how you look when sending a fr.
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    When I reach my goal, I'm taking a picture of myself in a banana hammock and making it my profile pic. We'll see who's denying friend requests then.
    Jipples I know I'm too old and not hot, but please be my friend!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I get " You're a gamer!!!! I am too!! Gamers rule!"

    I'm totally ok with that. HUZZAHHHHHH GAMERS RULE!
  • happyjoyousfree1
    happyjoyousfree1 Posts: 124 Member
    I guess Im confused as to why all the women are begging guys to feed them a BS line other then just be straight with you.??? I mean seriously all I hear all the time is..."He lied to me and just told me what I wanted to hear. "He played games with me" etc....

    So now a guy tells you the straight honest truth and you are throwing a fit?

    Let me ask a question....

    Assume we aren't on the internet and you are in a Coffee shop. A guy approaches you and starts a conversation. Are you all delusional enough to think that he approached you because you were health conscious and got skim milk instead of whole?

    Is it possible that he heard you order and your delicious English accent was hot? :love: Ok Yes that is possible... or That he liked your shoes...Not likely

    The truth is ladies He approached you because he thought you were hot! And then do you know what? He walked up to you and GAVE YOU A LINE!!!! But what he was really saying is, "Hey you are hot i want to get to know you!"
    Get to know you? Are you sure that's what he's really saying?

    Well...In a biblical sense :tongue:

  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    When I get a friend request from a guy I just assume it's because I'm hot. :) lol
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    I think it's a tad odd to accept a friend request and then they immediately send you a message that includes links to their most recent modelling shoots. Just sayin'
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    I always tell them they look good, if they reject request that's for the best because I don't want friends who take themselves too seriously
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member
    OK - I'm a 40 yr old woman and want to say this to all the younger people.....There is a difference between HOT and PRETTY.

    Hot is a result of today's society - its a commodity - its temporary - and any girl can achieve it by clothing and makeup. Ever heard the term "Butter Face"?

    Pretty is a combination of inside qualities & outward appearance - having self respect, brains, morals, taking care of ourselves physically & mentally - something women should aspire to. The "whole package".

    I realize on a site like this when you don't know a person, its hard to tell the difference. So this is more about situations in life. But ladies, if a guy thinks you're pretty, please take it as a much bigger compliment! And when it comes down to it, the guy marries the pretty one!

    So guys - tell us we look pretty! It means so much more.....even if you've been in a relationship for 10 years :)

    I have an 11 yr old daughter and with the influence of today's society, I'm trying to teach her the difference.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    OK - I'm a 40 yr old woman and want to say this to all the younger people.....There is a difference between HOT and PRETTY.

    Hot is a result of today's society - its a commodity - its temporary - and any girl can achieve it by clothing and makeup. Ever heard the term "Butter Face"?

    Pretty is a combination of inside qualities & outward appearance - having self respect, brains, morals, taking care of ourselves physically & mentally - something women should aspire to. The "whole package".

    I realize on a site like this when you don't know a person, its hard to tell the difference. So this is more about situations in life. But ladies, if a guy thinks you're pretty, please take it as a much bigger compliment! And when it comes down to it, the guy marries the pretty one!

    So guys - tell us we look pretty! It means so much more.....even if you've been in a relationship for 10 years :)

    I have an 11 yr old daughter and with the influence of today's society, I'm trying to teach her the difference.

    I call bs. Haven't you seen the "rate the person above you" threads? NO ONE on mfp is below a 7. Everyone on here is hot.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    Options not write it's because ''you look hot''

    it is the fastest way to be declined.

    But thank you for the compliment

    So... how many requests AFTER saying this did you get with just "you look hot" in the message? LOL I was tempted to send one "just because" ;)
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I call bs. Haven't you seen the "rate the person above you" threads? NO ONE on mfp is below a 7. Everyone on here is hot.
    Actually, I think the one time I jumped on there I got like a 6.5, which would make me only slightly warmer than room temperature.

    I am, apparently, the exception to the rule. :sad:

    Oddly enough, however, I have gotten FRs like the one mentioned by the OP
  • caroldot
    caroldot Posts: 388 Member

    I call bs. Haven't you seen the "rate the person above you" threads? NO ONE on mfp is below a 7. Everyone on here is hot.

    Haha!!:laugh: I've never actually participated in one of those threads so I have no idea what my "rate" would be. But don't get me wrong - there are times when I'm trying to achieve hotness! Like on weekends when I go out with my GF's, etc. And I think I even put looking hot in a bikini as one of my goals on my profile....It was just a little lesson in life! :smile:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Options not write it's because ''you look hot''

    it is the fastest way to be declined.

    But thank you for the compliment

    So... how many requests AFTER saying this did you get with just "you look hot" in the message? LOL I was tempted to send one "just because" ;)

    Loads LOL the best one I got was this one :

    XXXXX would like to become friends.
    "Hi, and welcome to my friend request message.

    Table of Contents
    i) Who Is XXXXX?
    ii) Why You Should be Friends With XXXXX
    iii) Utter Randomness

    i) XXXXX (formally known as XXXX) was a friend of yours in his previous existence. He loves to burn calories and his irreverent wit usually keeps laughter flowing around him like a river of melted cheezewhiz (not the spicy kind though, just the regular stuff). He has the body of an Adonis .. not the Greek God, but there is this guy named Adonis that works down at 7-11, he's a pretty okay lookin' dude.

    ii) Because you're hot.

    iii) When you get an itchy ear do you think it's from your brain vibrating too fast? I read that somewhere, actually I just read that here .. I think I am having deja vu. "
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    @CoryIda - you look HOT
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    @CoryIda - you look HOT

    Cmon have to fr when you say that. Get your **** together.