Last 10 - kick-off



  • ChaChaMommy
    OK, so I won't post my calories in for yesterday, since I ate over 2000 :noway: . I did run in the morning, biked a bit and walked in the evening, so that balanced it a bit, but not enough :ohwell: .

    Today I was too busy to log :cry: and I have plans for the weekend, which might keep me away from computer, so I might be unable to log properly... Yet, the plans involve quite a bit of walking, so yeay! (I seem to lose weight when I have to walk all day :wink: )

    I am wondering: is Wednesday a good day for weigh-in? Should we start a new thread on a given day or should we keep this going as it is?

    It might be easier to find if we stay with one thread...?? but I'm not used to how to find things yet so my main concern is how we check-in? Do we just give our daily calorie in/out for the previous day or at the end of that day?.....I usually weigh in the morning, but every day gets too depressing!:sad:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    It might be easier to find if we stay with one thread...?? but I'm not used to how to find things yet so my main concern is how we check-in? Do we just give our daily calorie in/out for the previous day or at the end of that day?.....I usually weigh in the morning, but every day gets too depressing!:sad:

    I weight in daily, too, but for sanity :wink: I sugest we post out weight only once a week. Maybe make this free-style and let anyone chose the days the find more appropriate, and post then in the format:

    Check-in Weight - Goal Weight - This week's weight - Total loss/gain (hope not!)

    I agree with one thread - will just have to see how big it gets. For readability, I suggest we post things like this:

    LESSONS LEARNT: dadada
    MISTAKES: dadada
  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    can I join?

    I just spent the past week out of state at a funeral and totally got off track. I haven't exercised and I have been eating crap nonstop:explode: !!!

    I'm 5.2 and was 130 before I went I'm 134!

    I started on mfp in May and haven't lost a pound or an inch but I'm still trying! I will be happy to see the scale at 125 and I will be thrilled if I ever get to 120. My mail goal it to be more toned and I'm hoping that will come with running and losing the last 10!

  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    Height: 5'9
    Weight: 145 (5 pounds away from goal)
    Calories in: 1865
    Calories out: 311 (ran/walked for 35 min.)
    Sleep: 7 hours

    Lessons learnt today: still gotta leave the marshmellows alone, luckily they are almost gone. I did get up early this morning and went for a run and it felt really good. I am going to try and do this again tomorrow.

    Fitat41- jump right in, the more the merrier.

    I try to weigh myself once a week on Friday's. I feel I don't get so stressed out about little fluctuations I might have. This is the third week in a row that I have only weighed in on Friday.

    Maybe we could do a month to month thread. Like this is the Last 10- July. That way it hopefully won't get to big.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Don't weight fluxuations drive ya nuts!! I weighed in Wed at home 141, at work which is my "official weigh in" I was 140.2. So that's okay, then Thurs morning "felt" thinner, weighed at home 138.9!!! Weighed in again at work, 139.8!! I did go under 140, I was thinking i need to change my weigh in day, this has happened multiple times!!! :laugh:

    worked 12-8 yesterday, i always eat more this shift, can't seem to figure out why. But didn't really go over just ate a brownie, then was stuffed.

    yesterday cal: 1380
    exercise: 250
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    ok yesterday was a very good day.

    I even had to eat 2 cookies and drink a glass of milt to use all my calories:ohwell:

    What I learned yesterday : Harvey's grilled chicken salad is very yummy and only has a little bit more than 200 cal.

    I weight myself everyday, it help me to have a better day that way!!!
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    i've been doing my cardio except for the one off day i had.. but been missing out on the ab workout.. and the results are obvious.. tummy feels kindov NOT so lean.. which it really wasnt much earlier either.. but then thats relativity eh! :blushing: this is issue number 1 for today.

    issue number 2: i am just not hungry. at all. period. forcing myslef to eat some every now and then.. but i am way below my caloric intake.. and i hope this sorts out soon.. or atleast doesnt effect what im trying to acheive, negatively.. :ohwell:

    happy place: my walk speed is improving.. but now i think i need to change my joggers.. they've worn out.. speed is still good!! need to take it up some more though

    challenge: get motivated enough to do my workout alongwith cardio.. grrr!!

  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Where's everyone been? :grumble: I leave this place for a few days and... silence! :noway:

    Anyways :smile: , I had a very pleasant weekend and I've been hiking and also walking quite a bit. Plus, TOM finally decided to pay me a (late) visit, so I hope this will make me get back on track (I hate waiting, in general :wink: )

    fm1304, what kinda workout do you have in mind and for how many times a week/minutes a day? I could join, though I'm not going to a gym (but ab workout can be done at home, where I also have some light weights I can use to shape arms and legs :wink: ). So let's do this!

    I need to learn to listen to my body. Something tells me it's the mind dictating the cravings and not the body. Also, I think my body would be happier without deserts. How do I learn to listen? :ohwell:
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    hey there dewdrop

    first the good news: i've lost a kg!!!! yipee yippee am SO excited. i just hope its not temp though :huh:

    when is our next weigh in due??

    as for the exercises. emm. the place im living in now doesnot have a gym close by.. so yea im thinking home too.. used to regularly go to one earlier but cant anymore :cry:

    any which way.. i usually (on my good days) do two exercises each for each ab group.. 3 sets with 12 reps per exercise. and that takes a solid 15 minutes atelasr if done properly..

    but these days i jsut cant seem to :( the weather is horribly hot and humid and my walks drain me out completely.. :angry:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I really burned a lot of calories yesterday. Husb and I walked around the trails downtown for minutes, I was beat when we got back to the car, burned 300 cals!! total for day about 600. Had a big dinner, flank steak with lots of zuccini, squash blossoms, mushrooms, so really worked that off. total cal for day about 1600.

    when is weigh in day? I weigh in at work on Weds.

    I've started keeping almonds in the house to munch on instead of crackers ( i have a bad cracker addition) though I'm still craving 'em. Might have to still have some around so I don't overeat on the almonds.

    I have trouble exercising outside when it gets hot too!! Forunatelt here in Pitts, all week its been cold and cloudy, good for exercising at least, going to get hot by end of week.

    going on vacation next week, we rented a cabin on seneca lake in NY. Hopefully i'll be able to plan meals and have good choices there to eat. the only thing is we're going there to visit the wineries and go to wine festival.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Well done, ladies!

    Like I said, pick your own day for reporting on the weight and keep track of it each week. Say:

    Mo: XX lbs (start, last wednesday) - XX lbs (6th of July) - XX lbs (13th of July) ... - XX (goal)

    Does that sound fair? It's not optimal for the comparison with the others, but don't want to see this as a challenge among us, but as an individual challenge to fight the last pounds. Each of us has their preference for weigh-in (I've got none so far, I still check it daily).

    fm, congrats on the 1kg! :drinker: mnichol, well done with the walking! :drinker: Give those crackers a miss, they lead to water retention (as all salty things). Get some fruit handy or some carrots. Repetion is the mother of habit. :wink:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Oh, and fm, I'm with you on the workout. Let's do the 15 mins everyday. :glasses:
  • vjar
    vjar Posts: 17
    I finally broke the 130, and had a weight check of 128.5!

    I didn't have to track things this weekend and really stayed quite close to target cals (was able to be accurate going back and entering because I didn't snack over the holiday weekend and just stuck to small meals)

    I've discovered that I can actually learn how not to overeat....
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I finally broke the 130, and had a weight check of 128.5!

    I didn't have to track things this weekend and really stayed quite close to target cals (was able to be accurate going back and entering because I didn't snack over the holiday weekend and just stuck to small meals)

    I've discovered that I can actually learn how not to overeat....

    WOW; well done! Both on waving the 130s goodbye and on eating right even without logging in.

    I did not do the 15 mins workout yesterday, but did go for a walk (which saved me from eating past 9). Working from home was not a good idea, but I was so tired yesterday :yawn:, that I felt sick every now and then.

    Oh, I'm out of the 130s again myself! :drinker: (why do I insist on loging my weight during TOM? I should know better).
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    im still at 130 :cry:

    feeling kindov low on myself for the last few days..

    havent put in the 15 minute workout myself either. was tied up with guests and entertaining. and now id be travelling for a few days... so walk hopefully stays.. workout i dont know.. and the pounds.. hope they begin to fall soon now..

    good luck everyone
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    im still at 130 :cry:

    feeling kindov low on myself for the last few days..

    Nothing wrong with 130. :flowerforyou: So don't feel low, girl, I'm sure you look better than you have the courage to accept. Enjoy the trip and the walking. Walking not only burns calories (more than one would think), but also keeps your mind and hands away from food :wink: . Have fun and keep us posted! :smile:

    I was thinking about quitting logging (don't shoot) :embarassed: . I seem to get discouraged half through the day at the sight of the 4 digits... :frown:

    How's everyone else?
  • ChaChaMommy
    No I haven't dropped out:embarassed: ....but I've started our fifth wheel vacation and have been "off-line" for several days. I also realize that I won't be able to weigh-in until our return (couldn't bring the scale with us and I'm VERY wary of using different scales where I might find them). But that actually might be better for me since my emotional roller coaster of watching the scale each day makes me a little crazy! I'm planning on checking in when I can get internet access along the way and trying to keep my food and exercise log up as best I'm able....You ALL sound like you're doing well and I continue to root for you!!!! Bless you all and I'll touch base soon! BTW: Other than a couple of days where I know I blew it a little when our company stayed with us....I'm sticking to the 1200-1300 calories and am walking, bicycling, and playing golf. YEAH!
  • vjar
    vjar Posts: 17
    Yesterday I ate sushi and vowed not to weigh myself for 4 days so I wouldn't get discouraged from water retention...gotta love soy/wasabi. Today's oral surgery makes fast work of my dietary indiscretions however, so I'm spared from some guilt. I had to walk for longer than I wanted yesterday to make my calories fit...I guess that's part of real life though isn't it?
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Weighed in at work today, finally under 140, I'm at 139.7!!

    calories so far: 980

    exercise: 260
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    vjar, Sushi shouldn't be thaaat bad :wink: . But stay strong, if you think weighing in could bring you down. I think the state of mind is the key to the weight loss.

    mnichol, this is to you :drinker: . Well done!

    Now, with regards to what i just told vjar, I'm so under stress :cry: ... Yet, today I'm attending some event and I put on a skirt which I have since high-school and which only fits me when I'm bellow 130. So hey, it must be good. (if I manage to take a photo, I might share :wink: )