Dr. Phil - Open Marriage



  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    Ok, not going to bring up religion or anything like that...
    No, I wouldn't. Not because it's a sin or anything like that. If you are open and honest with your partner I think it will be easy for things to work out sexually with the two of you. Most problems in the bedroom happen because people can't tell their partner what their fantasy's are because they are afraid that they will be looked at different. I don't think 3-ways can work in a relationship either. in the words of Steve-o there will always be one of the two your more attractive to, if it's your wife, why bring in the other girl, if it's the other girl then there is going to be a problem. I believe that goes the other way as well. Another reason why I personally wouldn't want it is because 50% of Americans have HPV. There are all kinds of problems that can cause from serious to minor and I never want to have to deal with that. I have a friend who has to see an OB because her HPV causes cysts on her ovaries and she has to go in every 3 months to get them removed. Neither I or my husband have HPV and that mainly has to deal with the fact that my husband and I have only been with each other.
    Note: this is for me, not for anyone else, different strokes for different folks...
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Ok, not going to bring up religion or anything like that...
    No, I wouldn't. Not because it's a sin or anything like that. If you are open and honest with your partner I think it will be easy for things to work out sexually with the two of you. Most problems in the bedroom happen because people can't tell their partner what their fantasy's are because they are afraid that they will be looked at different. I don't think 3-ways can work in a relationship either. in the words of Steve-o there will always be one of the two your more attractive to, if it's your wife, why bring in the other girl, if it's the other girl then there is going to be a problem. I believe that goes the other way as well. Another reason why I personally wouldn't want it is because 50% of Americans have HPV. There are all kinds of problems that can cause from serious to minor and I never want to have to deal with that. I have a friend who has to see an OB because her HPV causes cysts on her ovaries and she has to go in every 3 months to get them removed. Neither I or my husband have HPV and that mainly has to deal with the fact that my husband and I have only been with each other.
    Note: this is for me, not for anyone else, different strokes for different folks...

  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    You know, being unaccepting of those who are OK or IN Open Marriages is (in my book) right up there with those that are unaccepting of gays, other skin colors, other cultures, or other religions. I mean, I have my limits - Pedofilia, necrophilia, rape (etc), but in the scheme of life, this is a non-issue. I can "Live and let live" as far as this one is concerned.

    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    There is always value in knowing, how the other side sees you....
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    to be or not to be

    and if it is to be

    selfless, or selfish

  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    I think that what he's trying to say is that INTOLERANCE of any kind is not a good thing. There's a difference between disagreement and judgement. Disagreement is cool; letting it progress to judgement would be intolerant, and wrong. As is racism.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    You know, being unaccepting of those who are OK or IN Open Marriages is (in my book) right up there with those that are unaccepting of gays, other skin colors, other cultures, or other religions. I mean, I have my limits - Pedofilia, necrophilia, rape (etc), but in the scheme of life, this is a non-issue. I can "Live and let live" as far as this one is concerned.

    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    In my book, yes. People that are judgmental towards others are the same people that are usually discriminatory by nature also.

    Open mind = open heart. Closed mind = closed heart
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Yep, this thread will be closed soon.


    This!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    I think that what he's trying to say is that INTOLERANCE of any kind is not a good thing. There's a difference between disagreement and judgement. Disagreement is cool; letting it progress to judgement would be intolerant, and wrong. As is racism.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    You know, being unaccepting of those who are OK or IN Open Marriages is (in my book) right up there with those that are unaccepting of gays, other skin colors, other cultures, or other religions. I mean, I have my limits - Pedofilia, necrophilia, rape (etc), but in the scheme of life, this is a non-issue. I can "Live and let live" as far as this one is concerned.

    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    In my book, yes. People that are judgmental towards others are the same people that are usually discriminatory by nature also.

    Open mind = open heart. Closed mind = closed heart

    I personally don't agree with Open Marriage & I am strictly against racism/ableism (all that), so please, don't jump to conclusions. Just because I think the Marital bed should not be shared with anyone that isn't married to you (but do what you want, it's your life, just 'cos I don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop you), does not mean I advocate racism! That's ridiculous.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Saying "I don't want an open marriage for myself" is totally cool.

    Saying "I think that open marriage is bad for society" is annoying, but fine to debate endlessly about.

    Saying "Open marriage is bad for everyone and there's something wrong with you" is busted judgmental crap.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    You know, being unaccepting of those who are OK or IN Open Marriages is (in my book) right up there with those that are unaccepting of gays, other skin colors, other cultures, or other religions. I mean, I have my limits - Pedofilia, necrophilia, rape (etc), but in the scheme of life, this is a non-issue. I can "Live and let live" as far as this one is concerned.

    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    In my book, yes. People that are judgmental towards others are the same people that are usually discriminatory by nature also.

    Open mind = open heart. Closed mind = closed heart

    I personally don't agree with Open Marriage & I am strictly against racism/ableism (all that), so please, don't jump to conclusions. Just because I think the Marital bed should not be shared with anyone that isn't married to you (but do what you want, it's your life, just 'cos I don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop you), does not mean I advocate racism! That's ridiculous.

    No one said you were a racist, they said that you are intolerant. Racism is a type of intolerance, not all intolerance is racism.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    noun 1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc

    ahh to add to the clarity :flup:
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    You know, being unaccepting of those who are OK or IN Open Marriages is (in my book) right up there with those that are unaccepting of gays, other skin colors, other cultures, or other religions. I mean, I have my limits - Pedofilia, necrophilia, rape (etc), but in the scheme of life, this is a non-issue. I can "Live and let live" as far as this one is concerned.

    So just because you don't agree with open marriages, you're on the same level as a racist? Oh my:noway:

    In my book, yes. People that are judgmental towards others are the same people that are usually discriminatory by nature also.

    Open mind = open heart. Closed mind = closed heart

    I personally don't agree with Open Marriage & I am strictly against racism/ableism (all that), so please, don't jump to conclusions. Just because I think the Marital bed should not be shared with anyone that isn't married to you (but do what you want, it's your life, just 'cos I don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop you), does not mean I advocate racism! That's ridiculous.

    No one said you were a racist, they said that you are intolerant. Racism is a type of intolerance, not all intolerance is racism.

    I'm not Intolerant, if they want to have an open relationship, then let them! Just because I don't agree doesn't mean they need to stop.
    Their lives their choices & opinions, just like this is my life, my choice & my opinion.
    I don't see why, just because I don't agree & wouldn't take part in an open marriage myself, all of a sudden I'm made out to be a horrible person?
  • Brandontidd
    Brandontidd Posts: 8 Member
    *shakes head*

    Simply amazing how society has regressed.

    No matter what society (nowadays) tells you. It is absolutely possible for one man and one woman to be happy together, work through problems, and remain satisfied and not have to *kitten* around.

    "I wasn't made that way" is just a big excuse.

    BY THE WAY. Yes. I am judgemental. I have my beliefs that have been held for thousands of years, and have never remained changed to the perversion of society, when you judge me and call me names for my beliefs, you are being WORST than I am. I would never make fun, call names, or ridicule people for their core beliefs. Remember that.

    And stop it. Homosexual rights are NOT THE SAME as black people getting their rights.

    Remember, homosexuals aalready have the same rights we do. They want special treatment and rules to be made for them because they don't like the law. If you don't like the law, get it changed. It will be noted though that in the 27 states a provision has been voted on, not ONE has passed. It looks like the people have spoken and the only way to get your way is to get liberal judges to reject the vote of the people!
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    further clarification for those to see fully:

       [juhj-muhnt] Show IPA

    an act or instance of judging.

    the ability to judge, make a decision, or form an opinion objectively, authoritatively, and wisely, especially in matters affecting action; good sense; discretion: a man of sound judgment.

    the demonstration or exercise of such ability or capacity: The major was decorated for the judgment he showed under fire.

    the forming of an opinion, estimate, notion, or conclusion, as from circumstances presented to the mind: Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.

    the opinion formed: He regretted his hasty judgment.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    Why bother to get married then?

    For the tax break???

    Now what fish bowl do I put my keys in again?:wink:

    This man is a genius.

    I am great a sharing. :D
  • *shakes head*

    Simply amazing how society has regressed.

    No matter what society (nowadays) tells you. It is absolutely possible for one man and one woman to be happy together, work through problems, and remain satisfied and not have to *kitten* around.

    "I wasn't made that way" is just a big excuse.

    BY THE WAY. Yes. I am judgemental. I have my beliefs that have been held for thousands of years, and have never remained changed to the perversion of society, when you judge me and call me names for my beliefs, you are being WORST than I am. I would never make fun, call names, or ridicule people for their core beliefs. Remember that.

    And stop it. Homosexual rights are NOT THE SAME as black people getting their rights.

    Remember, homosexuals aalready have the same rights we do. They want special treatment and rules to be made for them because they don't like the law. If you don't like the law, get it changed. It will be noted though that in the 27 states a provision has been voted on, not ONE has passed. It looks like the people have spoken and the only way to get your way is to get liberal judges to reject the vote of the people!

    Homosexuals want special treatment? Did you really just write that?? You scare me. You really, really scare me.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member

    As for your Christians/Catholics, I'm sure you're all free from any wrong, since you are all ready to cast the first stone.

    Adultery in the bible (sleeping with someone other than your spouse) is a sin , the bible says we can judge in righteous judgement, so we can judge on the basis of sin.

    I think it's odd, but hey, if that's how they want to live their lives, there's nothing I can do about it & I'm not going to hate on the people, but I will voice my opinion.

    Since we are quoting the Bible, why don't we go with the verse that says don't defile your body with tattoos and piercings? (Leviticus 19:28)

    Since you have snakebites and other piercings, you must be sinning.

    The Bible isn't pick and choose. If you are following it, follow it. If you aren't, don't. But don't judge others when you are committing sin from a biblical perspective as well.
  • Wileyjoe
    Wileyjoe Posts: 282
    uh, i just posted the definition of judgement and yet we continue to judge. Is judging okay or not - I is confused :flup:
  • Brandontidd
    Brandontidd Posts: 8 Member
    *shakes head*

    Simply amazing how society has regressed.

    No matter what society (nowadays) tells you. It is absolutely possible for one man and one woman to be happy together, work through problems, and remain satisfied and not have to *kitten* around.

    "I wasn't made that way" is just a big excuse.

    BY THE WAY. Yes. I am judgemental. I have my beliefs that have been held for thousands of years, and have never remained changed to the perversion of society, when you judge me and call me names for my beliefs, you are being WORST than I am. I would never make fun, call names, or ridicule people for their core beliefs. Remember that.

    And stop it. Homosexual rights are NOT THE SAME as black people getting their rights.

    Remember, homosexuals aalready have the same rights we do. They want special treatment and rules to be made for them because they don't like the law. If you don't like the law, get it changed. It will be noted though that in the 27 states a provision has been voted on, not ONE has passed. It looks like the people have spoken and the only way to get your way is to get liberal judges to reject the vote of the people!

    Homosexuals want special treatment? Did you really just write that?? You scare me. You really, really scare me.

    Tell me this. What rights do homosexuals NOT have that everyone else does?

    Could I go out and marry a man? Nope.... Could you go out and marry a woman? Nope. The laws are the same. They have equal treatment. They want special provisions in the law for their particular lusts. Should we grant the same to a man who is in love with his car? Or dog? You know what is considered normal NOW (homosexuality) was pervers 10 years ago, what is perverse now (think pedophilia and the NAMBLA group) could be in this same human rights battle in 10 years. Mark it on your calendar...