Tell me One weird fact



  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    I cannot burp - never have, doubt I ever will. Tons of beers, many sodas - it does not make a difference. Not sure what the deal is.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I love this thread.

    I own over 300 bottles of nail polish (sorry dude up there! ^)

    I read a book a day.

    I think I have "misophonia" after reading this up there. Can't wait to research it.

    I love the hole in the roof of the mouth thingy. I'd love to hear it! I mean that in the nicest way! ♥

    (I lol'd at the BS and BA ref. Yeah. I have to do simple addition on my fingers!)
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I am afraid of crumbs! Everyone who knows me knows this. A crumb can be a piece of food, hair that's not attached to a head, lint or fuzz - any little piece of ANYTHING freaks me out and I will go to drastic measures to make sure it doesn't touch me! I shake the bed out every night before I get in it. If my boyfriend's already in bed, I make him get out. I can't lay down in it without shaking out the crumbs. I wipe the bottoms of my feet off before getting in bed so I don't bring in any crumbs in that way. I don't walk on hard floors barefoot because I can feel the crumbs on the bottom of my feet. I don't like crumbs or food particles left in the sink. I just hate crumbs! I have ever since I was little. My dad had this recliner and it had a spot in the middle of it, so I would sit squished on either side, but never would I ever let that spot touch me. Same with car seats. I get freaked out because I just know there are crumbs in the crack of the seat - especially if it's raining outside because I just know they'll stick to me.

    I guess I'm kinda OCD. I'm always wiping down counters and stuff like that. I Clorox wipe everything all the freakin' time. I take at least two showers a day and a bath, sometimes more. Even if I don't work out. I like the volume on the TV, my car radio, etc. to be a multiple of 5. I inspect all my silverware, glasses, plates and stuff before I eat to make sure there are no crumbs or water marks or anything on it that looks dirty. Even if I know I just locked the door, I often have to go back and check or for my car door, press the lock button 30 times to make sure it's really locked. I'm also really weird about the way fonts look and I hate ending a sentence in a "T" because I hate how this looks --> t. Why does that little tail have to stick out and touch the period? I'm a weirdo for sure.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    I am afraid of crumbs! Everyone who knows me knows this. A crumb can be a piece of food, hair that's not attached to a head, lint or fuzz - any little piece of ANYTHING freaks me out and I will go to drastic measures to make sure it doesn't touch me! I shake the bed out every night before I get in it. If my boyfriend's already in bed, I make him get out. I can't lay down in it without shaking out the crumbs. I wipe the bottoms of my feet off before getting in bed so I don't bring in any crumbs in that way. I don't walk on hard floors barefoot because I can feel the crumbs on the bottom of my feet. I don't like crumbs or food particles left in the sink. I just hate crumbs! I have ever since I was little. My dad had this recliner and it had a spot in the middle of it, so I would sit squished on either side, but never would I ever let that spot touch me. Same with car seats. I get freaked out because I just know there are crumbs in the crack of the seat - especially if it's raining outside because I just know they'll stick to me.

    This totally reminded me i hate water on counters or tables it drives me crazy when i eat out everyone has to put a napkin under their glasses so the condensation doesnt end up on the table because i will literally sit there wiping it off and making them wipe it off my grandma also does this!
    I guess I'm kinda OCD. I'm always wiping down counters and stuff like that. I Clorox wipe everything all the freakin' time. I take at least two showers a day and a bath, sometimes more. Even if I don't work out. I like the volume on the TV, my car radio, etc. to be a multiple of 5. I inspect all my silverware, glasses, plates and stuff before I eat to make sure there are no crumbs or water marks or anything on it that looks dirty. Even if I know I just locked the door, I often have to go back and check or for my car door, press the lock button 30 times to make sure it's really locked. I'm also really weird about the way fonts look and I hate ending a sentence in a "T" because I hate how this looks --> t. Why does that little tail have to stick out and touch the period? I'm a weirdo for sure.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I cannot burp - never have, doubt I ever will. Tons of beers, many sodas - it does not make a difference. Not sure what the deal is.
    That would suck. I can burp the alphabet. My 9 year old son is very impressed.
  • I can lick my elbow!!! (even though its supposed to be physically impossible)

    ps (bet you just tried!!) but really I can! haha
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    I had a heart attack when I was 16 and had a near death experience. Woke up 6 days later on life support and I am now deaf in my right ear. I was originally admitted to the hospital because I had a fever of 105F. I had Toxic Shock Syndrome from using tampons and it caused my organs to shut down.
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    I had a heart attack when I was 16 and had a near death experience. Woke up 6 days later on life support and I am now deaf in my right ear. I was originally admitted to the hospital because I had a fever of 105F. I had Toxic Shock Syndrome from using tampons and it caused my organs to shut down.

    Thats scary :frown:
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    teeth freak me out. If i see someone brushing their teeth i get sick to my stomach. i have no clue why. i can not even stand it on tv. if i someone is brushing their teeth on tv i have to turn the channel. i can not even help my kids brush their teeth. it makes me sick!
    Ag, me too. If someone is talking with toothpaste in their mouth, I MUST get away! It makes me literally feel sick. Also, I can't stand eyeballs. Any show that shows a lasik surgery I cannot watch!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I have a condition called misophonia. Basically I get driven insane at repetetive ambient sounds, like the bass from a TV in another room, someone clipping their fingernails or people chewing. It skyrockets my blood pressure and makes me more angry than anything else in my entire life. When I heard that there was a word for this, I was elated that I wasn't the only one. I've had to eat alone since I was 13 years old, which is about the time when most people begin to show symptoms. It's definitely made my life... interesting.

    OMG! I might have this!
    When I'm in my shared office and my coworker starts crunching on his lunch... seemingly FOREVER, I find myself wanting to beat him to death.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I love this thread.

    I own over 300 bottles of nail polish (sorry dude up there! ^)

    I hope you keep it in the fridge. Nail polish will spoil eventually if it's room temperature.
  • Fish scare me...and I hate it on the game Kinect Adventures when the shark hits the glass and the music goes "dun-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun". Get's my pulse
  • sistahbigbone
    sistahbigbone Posts: 13 Member
    I like soggy cereal.
  • I put ketchup on pretty much everything....
  • HeidiRene
    HeidiRene Posts: 335 Member
    I have severe insomnia. Once I didn't sleep for 4 straight days.
  • Trophyyf
    Trophyyf Posts: 218 Member
    The United States has more bagpipe bands than Scotland does. To be verified But would appear to be true since Scotland has a population of only 5,000,000, compared to the U.S. at 304,059,724
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I sing to my dog. I take "regular" songs and make up words on the spot that include her name or stories about her. I will sometimes catch myself doing this when other people are around. My good friends don't really seem to blink, but it definitely catches people who don't know me very well off guard.

    I do that too, to my cat. His name is Duck. My favorites are "Hark the herald Duckman sings ...glory to the new born Duck"...or the theme for batman.."Nananananananananananana DUCK MAN" ....or classic Police...."DUCKKKKKKKKKKMAN (at the top of my lungs) You didnt have to put on the red light...DUUUUUUCK MAN" lol
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    How about one weird fact NOT about me?

    There are no blue fireworks.

    You probably think you've seen them but it's not true. The closest is purple!
    My wierd fact is that I knew that wierd fact. Wierd!!!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I love tomato juice with lemon juice in it. Seriously, it's tasty.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I need a hug.