30 day shred starting on Monday 20th Feb...any takers??



  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    I started yesterday and have a friend doing it as well. looking for anyone else who is in the same place as me so we can help support each other!
  • Rivka007
    Rivka007 Posts: 26 Member
    I started L! yesterday as well.. would LOVE to be part of some group support!
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Started on D3 today. I have a question for you all: I'm thinking of walking for 20 minutes before hand to warm myself up even more. I seem to die during session one and then get better during 2 and am fine during 3. What do you think? Will a little more warm up help? Also, what do you think about doing more stretching afterward, cause I hurt. And am wobbley. Would this help?
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member
    I absolutely can't do the 30ds everyday, I hurt too much!!! It's hard but it is an awesome workout. I tried to do day 3 last night but only made it 10 minutes. I'm a weenie!
  • cnick21
    cnick21 Posts: 24 Member
    This DVD is simpy amazing!! Even though its called 30 day shred, I've been doing it for 365 days now...and have had tremendous results! No lie..she will hand your *kitten* to you! BUT, it challenges your body like nothing I've experienced before. In the beginning, I had to breaks here and there until I got used to the exercises but I wasn't in the best shape when I started either. SO, dont get discouraged in the beginning..it takes time for your body to adapt to that type of workout if you are not used to it. I have tried numerous DVD's and thsi is the only one that I have stuck with and had amazing results with! Good luck girls/guys...you can certainly do it if you set your mind to it!
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    I must be in better shape than the last time I tried the 30DS. After day 1 I'm not sore at all. I'll have to push harder today to see if I can 'get the burn'. :tongue:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Just finished day 8 and feel amazing!
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    I finished day 3 today! I feel great 300 lbs and if I can do it we can all do it right!?!!

    I am new to MFP but wondering how do we track this particualr workout in our diaries?

    I put it in as circut how do you ladies enter it?

    Add me if anyone wants to!
  • solarpower4
    solarpower4 Posts: 250 Member
    I am planning on starting it on the 1st. Would you consider holding off until then?

    My DVD arrives this week, so I would LOVE to start it on the 1st with you!! I'm not at all familiar with any of her DVDs other than what I've read in the last few days here on MFP. (I don't watch TV.) Anyone else want to start March 1?
  • tvicks
    tvicks Posts: 1 Member
    I am planning on starting it on the 1st. Would you consider holding off until then?

    My DVD arrives this week, so I would LOVE to start it on the 1st with you!! I'm not at all familiar with any of her DVDs other than what I've read in the last few days here on MFP. (I don't watch TV.) Anyone else want to start March 1?

    My DVD should be here on the 28th, so I'll start on the 1st with you guys, too.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    What poundage are you guys using for dumbbells? I started with two each which was way easy, but the next size up I have re 7 lb and I found that too hard for certain exercises. I find the strength most difficult. The cardio is too easy for me, and so are the abs, but I'm on,y on level 1. So we'll see. I feel good after he workout though.

    I am the exact opposite! Strength for me is easy, cardio is the struggle for obvious reasons! But I am a lifter, I havent lifted since highschool... about 6 years now but its still great to know my form and strength are still there! I am using 8lbs but day 4 (tomorrow) I will move up to my 10's.
  • ThinkThin85
    ThinkThin85 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm on day 3 level 1! Do you know how long you should stay on each level? Until it becomes easy or after 10 days?
  • rgoodman1979
    rgoodman1979 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll start again this monday :) I've been doing it off and on all month, but I've never made it more than 3 days in a row....just can't get over that hump.
  • dianacannon89
    dianacannon89 Posts: 235 Member
    I'll start again this monday :) I've been doing it off and on all month, but I've never made it more than 3 days in a row....just can't get over that hump.

    Time to get over the hump! I am right here getting over the hump with you!!
  • Hey I am going to join in as well if thats okay!! I am on day 4 of level 1. On Shred days I do the shred then I do 90 mins. on the elliptical, then Tuesday and Thursday I go to kick boxing class, and Sunday is rest day. I tried to do this program awhile back and I struggled and quit..This time around is much easier for me (still gives me a good workout, but can do it without stopping--even though sometimes I want to LOL) I think is it easier this time bc kick boxing got my butt in pretty good shape. If you want friend me!! Thanks :)
  • I finished day 3 today! I feel great 300 lbs and if I can do it we can all do it right!?!!

    I am new to MFP but wondering how do we track this particualr workout in our diaries?

    I put it in as circut how do you ladies enter it?

    Add me if anyone wants to!

    I have been tracking it as 20 min of circuit training :)! Hope this helps!
  • Yesterday was Day 6 Level 1. Before I started working out my 5yr old "encouraged" me by telling me I only had 4 more days to go until I move up a level.

    Day #6 is getting easier. The one exercise I am struggling with is the "bicycle ab" workout. Either it is my quads are tight or I lack coordination to do this exercise. I will get it....it will just take time.

    My wife also asked me if I could switch my elliptical and 30DS shred workouts so she could workout with me. She requested I do the elliptical in the AM and the 30DS after I get home from work. We shall see....?

    Well at least for tonight I will be doing the 30DS at night as I was unable to get this AM for either a 30DS or elliptical workout.

    Got to get at it....I have goals to achieve.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Fianlly managed to do day 3 level 1 hope that this week will be better then last week.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    I made it two out of three days last week (Mon/Wed). Can't wait to get my burn in tonight!
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    Yesterday was Day 6 Level 1. Before I started working out my 5yr old "encouraged" me by telling me I only had 4 more days to go until I move up a level.

    ^^^ This is very cute! Love it :)
    Day #6 is getting easier. The one exercise I am struggling with is the "bicycle ab" workout. Either it is my quads are tight or I lack coordination to do this exercise. I will get it....it will just take time.

    ^^^ I struggle with them too - think it's mainly the co-ordination thing for me.

    Just about to do Level 1, Day 7