To all the ladies out there who have photos solely of your h



  • Very motivational and down to earth. Not a ploy to see boobies. If you wanted to see them, I'm sure you'd find other means instead of posting on a weightloss site, disguised as support. Jeeez. People. I'm not at all offended. I'm motivated to upload some more photos of me to motivate myself AND others. Thanks for your energy. More people need it!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Ummmm.... most photos of people are of their face. I don't get why this is a sign of being uncomfortable with your body. I could post a pic of my *kitten* but no one would know who the hell I was :/

    Personally I prefer to see someone's face. That's the bit I talk to in real life so why would I talk to someone's abs online?

    OP: I know you mean well but I really don't think it means someone is uncomfortable with their body if they post a head shot. Not for most people anyway. Head shots are just the norm

    This pretty much sums it up. It's sort of like the open diaries. No, you really DON'T "need" to see my diary OR my entire body. You're making a judgment of all people based on your personal opinion. I don't mind seeing anyone's body, but I'd much prefer to see their face. What a bizarre conclusion to jump to. :huh:
  • I really don't understand the assumption that people who choose to put their face as their profile photo have issues with their bodies.

    Mine is of my face because it's perfectly normal to show your face on a profile photo! Only on MFP would it be considered the norm for your primary photo to be of your bulging biceps, washboard abs or buns of steel. I'd rather see faces, thanks very much.
  • Just saying first off: topic was never meant to slander those with non body shots. Was simply mean to encourage. Sorry if it came off negative.

    That is how I took it. Many are just overly sensitive IMO
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    The first step to weight loss is seeing that you have undesirables and facing that fact head on!


    I think we should all face our fears however and kick this weight in the rear!

    I have to say, I agree 100% with this. I have a friend who has recently lost 68 lbs. We live 10 hours apart. I asked her to send me a pic - I was so proud of her! I was excited to see the new her. But she wrote to me saying she just couldn't do it. That although she had lost a significant amount of weight (and looking fantastic from what my sister - her best friend - tells me) that she just can't bring herself to take a full body photo of herself (or have someone else do it).

    I told her she had to - she had to let go of the things that has held her back for so long - embrace the change - admire her new, healthier self - learn to accept who she was and move on knowing that's not who she is... hell - she was able to join roller derby but not take a picture - it breaks my heart that she hasn't been learning to lover herself through the process of weight loss... (YET!)

    and of course - not EVERYONE has the same issues, but its not like it doesn't happen either. If this is not the case for some, then it wasn't directed at you personally... I just took it as a nod of support!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have no head ...
    Not trying to be creepy, but with abs like that, you really don't need one.

    that was my EXACT thought lol. :heart:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    To the OP:
    I totally understood your intention in writing this post. Glad you didn't take the negativity of some posters to heart. And it's nice to see such insight from a young guy :flowerforyou:
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Was rather disapointed to see that the final word for this topic was ..head.

    To all the ladies out there who have photos soley of your h.........hoo-ha now that would have been a funny thread to read!
  • Im out no boobies here!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    I need to read all the way through the thread before posting so I dont repeat others!! But really! Hoo-ha, hootenanny, hoochi coochie, hooters, etc..was hoping for much more than head. lol
  • Not sure how much further this post is going to go but despite the fact that there is so much negativity i still want this to continue. I never once said it was just because people were not happy with their bodies so thats why they dont have body pics. I said this was one of the reasons, and the reason for why i made this post. If your not happy with it i understand, i needed to get my point across and it was made. I wanted to be a help but for some people it was offensive. And for those of you who were, then this post was not for you and your input on the subject is fine, but also not needed. There are those out there who have this going for them and as you can see many were helped by this subject. I hope the world one day realizes the difference between an offensive post and one simply meant out of a kind gesture.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I hope the world one day realizes the difference between an offensive post and one simply meant out of a kind gesture.

    I hope the world one day realizes the difference between negativity and disagreeing with someone.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I try to show my progress as much as possible while being decapitated in all of my pics. Unfortunately I get reported on a regular basis and my pictures get taken down because people apparently don't know how to use their track pads and just scroll down or click to the next page when they don't like something.
  • I hope the world one day realizes the difference between an offensive post and one simply meant out of a kind gesture.

    I hope the world one day realizes the difference between negativity and disagreeing with someone.

    ^ This, this and THIS.

    I haven't seen any negativity here, simply people disagreeing with the sentiment. In fact, I think it's negative to assume women hate their bodies just because they haven't got photos of themselves prancing around in a sports bra posted on the Internet.
  • I hope the world one day realizes the difference between an offensive post and one simply meant out of a kind gesture.

    I hope the world one day realizes the difference between negativity and disagreeing with someone.

    ^ This, this and THIS.

    I haven't seen any negativity here, simply people disagreeing with the sentiment. In fact, I think it's negative to assume women hate their bodies just because they haven't got photos of themselves prancing around in a sports bra posted on the Internet.

    First off. Never said anything about sports bras. If you had read the original post the way i had it, you would understand, also the fact that i threw it out to men. I had only seen it present more in females. Secondly. I have already had so many responses to the fact that it is the exact reason why they do not post it. If you seriously think im making this thread to see women in sports bras, you need to look through every one of the posts that were made and then reevaluate your thinking pattern.
  • I don't have that problem. Mostly body...and my smile. Taken with my cell phone in a fitting room. :smile:
  • mld2003
    mld2003 Posts: 31 Member
    Didn't even think about it when I put my own pic up, but I do see your point and think the positivie outlook is a nice change everyone should try.
  • jasonr1442
    jasonr1442 Posts: 67 Member
    Bahahahaha.. It's amusing to see who buys this load. You want to see 90% naked women, I'm cool with it. Are you grabbing your junk in your profile pic? Nice..
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member

    omfg i just about died hahahaa

    if anyone wants to see a pic of me then add me and check the others lol