What was ur first job :-?



  • First job was a fry girl! I would bread and drop the fried chicken into a huge vat of grease!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    walking paper route at 12
    Wendy's at 15
  • Santa's Elf.... Seasonal job, lol,
  • Dunkin Donuts.
  • This one place called AU BON PAIN; I dubbed it "AU THE PAIN";lol
    Anyhow, I made a feeble attempt to make sub. sandwiches & turned out busing/cleaning tables & washing trays instead!
    Talk @ YUCK!!!
  • ara005
    ara005 Posts: 32 Member
    health insurance pre-certification specialist during the summers of high school...being put on hold all day :ohwell: but...put money in my bank account!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    14, I washed cars at a honda dealership that a friend at the time Father owned.
  • cleaning houses
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    Burger King for a year and a half. Even made manager. I agree with you about McDonald's. Bleh.
  • DanielleDavids
    DanielleDavids Posts: 96 Member
    I worked at a two-screen movie theatre in my town from 15-18. I attribute that job to at LEAST 10 lbs thanks to all the free theatre popcorn, pop & candy. It was a great job for high school though. Got paid to do homework, watch movies and chill out while the movie was playing.
  • The juniors clothing section of JCPenney. Needless to say, I rarely took home a paycheck!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Worked for Pacific Bell as an operator in the San Fernando Valley. Really loved it.:smile: Got paid well, worked 4 hours after school. The days with cord boards and answering lights on the board with the saying "Operator may I help you?' Stayed with Bell in different departments for quite awhile.:flowerforyou:
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    I have had one job - a social worker but in various statutory settings. I did not work during school or university years, and i would have been hopeless working in a shop, restaurant etc. I would however be an excellent cleaner and often think of this job as a nice change.
  • mandamommy3
    mandamommy3 Posts: 297 Member
    Pharmacy Cashier at my local Rite Aid. Realized how loco most of the people really were in town working in the pharmacy.
  • keywestsunset
    keywestsunset Posts: 139 Member
    weeding and picking strawberries when I was 14. I was really slow, and we got paid by the pound for the strawberries so I didn't make much!!
  • I worked at a place called Cornerstone Gardens like 3 days before graduation when I was 17. Watering flowers and so forth for the summer. Paid less than min wage since it was considered farm work.
  • McDonalds.

    I was 15, wanted to make money, so i applied to McDonalds and a million other places.
    Got the job, forged my parents consent on the form since i wasnt 18 yet.

    Great time, simultaneously miserable, tho fun.

    btw, never eat @ McDonalds, jesus, dont. Believe me. Dont. EVER.

    AH!! why?! lol
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    Library page in a small town library, from age 14 untl 18, then off to college. Paid my way through school with that job.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    My first job was a cleaner for a real estate company on Saturday mornings when the other staff weren't there. The girl who had done the job before me was the daughter of one of the real estate agents, and she left because she was moving away for University, but then changed her mind and asked for her job back, so they fired me for no reason after four weeks so they could hire her back. They didn't even employ me officially either, they paid me each week in cash so they wouldn't have to go through the paperwork or pay tax. So when they fired me, I couldn't really do much about it. I was 16 then, so I wasn't too bothered.
  • McDonalds.

    I was 15, wanted to make money, so i applied to McDonalds and a million other places.
    Got the job, forged my parents consent on the form since i wasnt 18 yet.

    Great time, simultaneously miserable, tho fun.

    btw, never eat @ McDonalds, jesus, dont. Believe me. Dont. EVER.

    AH!! why?! lol
    the cooks hate you