30 pounds to lose...anyone else want to join for support?



  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Welcome to everyone new who has joined! Glad to have you! If you ever need any extra support feel free to pm me! Have a great week-end!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    It's a great Sunday morning and God has blessed us with another day, awesome! I am doing well with eating clean and not feeling hungry.This eating every 2-3 hours is great! I haven't stopped craving junk, but eventually "they" say I will. It's difficult when there is non-healthy food in the house like chips and sweets,but I'm doing it. I keep reminding myself, I WANT to do this, and this is for me, and junk food is no good for my body,inside or out. I have noticed my skin, especially on my face is looking great! I love this! I can't attest for my hair getting healthier, as my hair is so short and I always spike it with hairspray now, but it is really soft before i set it stiff with spray! My nails are growing (and not splitting as they used to) so that is something I have noticed too. I just feel good knowing I putting the right foods in my body to make it healthy. End of next week I will incoporate walking into my plan. Oh, drinking a cold glass of water first thing when I wake up has helped too, suppose to "wake up" your metabolism and help with (bathroom difficulties ) yes I said that. It does work, for me anyway. I hope everyone has a great Sunday and remember one day at a time. We can all do this. Look at all the support we have!
    Again, if anyone needs extra or personal motivation/support feel free to pm me.

    Later everyone, I will check in again tonight.
    Take care of YOU
  • chrissiepooh
    chrissiepooh Posts: 45 Member
    You can do it!!! I have faith in anyone who has the motivation and determination to do it. My motto: Inspiration=Motivation. I blog everyday and some days are struggles for me and others are really easy to get through.. if you need support you can always read my blogs, recently I just interviewed my sister who lost 80 lbs in 1 year. she is on weight watchers but she looks amazing. So if you want to, you can friend me on here and take a look at my blog: www.eatbloginspire.wordpress.com

    Good luck in your journey :)

  • I'm new to this too and have 43 pounds to loose..... we can support each other :O) have added you :smile:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I've lost 33, about 40 or so to go...
  • I have exactly 30 pounds to lose. I lost 10 pounds so far. I will send you are request.
  • I have more than 30 to lost but I am definitely in and you have my support!
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    50 lbs to go for me...any support I can get is wonderful...it all helps right?.. anybodyfeel free to add me too-we can all do this together!
  • christ4life63
    christ4life63 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in:flowerforyou: as well. but I need to loose alot more weight then you :sad:
  • 20More
    20More Posts: 45
    I am 43 and I thought my ultimate weight goal was 15lbs away. Then I went on the Jillian Micheals website, put in my stats and it came back that my target weight is at the high end of where I could be?! I am still going to aim for that weight. Haven't been that thin since I quit smoking 20 years ago and got married. I ordered her Body Revolution CDs and can't wait to commit to 30minutes a day for 90 days. Hoping to look and feel great by late spring. I think it's the goal motivation I need:smile:
    Add me as a friend and we can go this journey together!!
  • suejoy42
    suejoy42 Posts: 12 Member
    you can add me in!!!!!!!
  • Let's do it!!!
  • I'm in 30 to lose
  • wurgin
    wurgin Posts: 241 Member
    its so amazing, all of these people ready to encourage eachother through this journey! I have 50lbs left to lose, I log in several times a day...please add me :)
  • slim422
    slim422 Posts: 104 Member
    I'm just about to lose my first 20 (began Jan 9th) and I will still have 30lbs to go so I'm with you and we're near the same age too!
  • myphenix
    myphenix Posts: 18 Member
    count me in! My goal is also 30 lbs! add me :)
  • ADJ4665
    ADJ4665 Posts: 9 Member
    Count Me in I am on the same goal to lose 30 pounds :)
  • Lisalee15
    Lisalee15 Posts: 7 Member
    Iam hoping on the train also ,
  • I have the same amount to go! I am definitely in. I will add you as well as accept others! Let's go!
  • cjtaeh
    cjtaeh Posts: 3 Member
    I was looking at all the people that joined you in your request that is awesome.
    I would love to be part of the team, I would like to lose 30lbs this year. cheers to the journey :smile:

    I gave up drinking soda 2 weeks ago, I lost 7 lbs that first week of which I'm sure was water weight but I feel lighter and my clothes feel better as well. I have been drinking only water during the day aside from my one cup of coffee in the morning which is a treat I look forward too. I think drinking water is really important when trying to lose FAT, I heard it helps to flush out the fat.