daily weigh-in club



  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    I weigh myself multiple times/day:

    When I wake up in the AM.
    Just before workout. (sometimes that's the same as AM weigh-in)
    Just after workout.
    Just before bed.

    I don't document all of these numbers, but I do make mental notes throughout the day/week. This frequency of weighing has helped me better understand my body's tendencies throughout a day and over the course of a week.

    Yesterday AM: 170.4
    This morning: 170.2 (- 0.20)

    I am relatively new to the social side of MFP (had just been using the iPhone app previously) - so feel free to shoot me a friend request.
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday 155.8
    Today 155.3
    No idea why I've gone up been under goal or there about. Ideas anyone?
  • Yesterday 186lbs
    Today 186lbs

    Today will be challenging... going to an afternoon "Gourmet Cooking Club"... group of friends who are passionate about cooking... we gather once a month to bring a dish that fits the theme with wine picked especially to go well with that dish. Then another friend is hosting an Oscar Party where she is serving "Spaghetti Carbonara" among other things. Lot of food. Lot of really really really GOOD food.

    I do believe the trick will be to just tell people I'm on a diet... start with a big salad... then stick to a 1-2 bite rule. And bring tupperware so I can bring home for later this week a serving of the stuff that will re-heat well. Lots of water and only one glass of wine at each gathering.
  • Weighed in today at 219.2.
    That's a 2 lbs drop since my last weigh in and a total of 15 lbs lost.
  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    Yesterday: 170.2
    This AM: 170.4 (+0.2)
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    Yesterday 155.3
    Today. 154.7 (-0.6)
    Not much but going the right way again
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    friday: 129.6
    yesterday: 129.6
    today: 131.2 (+1.6)

    lots of sodium yesterday and a long run so my muscles are holding on the water. hopefully it will be gone tomorrow. the next two weeks are going to be rough. we are scheduled to eat out every other night for 5280 week. :)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    149.8 Yesterday, the 27th.
  • You all sound lovely, I want to join you in doing this to help me stay motivated! Will weigh this eve when I get home & again before bed. To be continued........!
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    Last week I tested weighing myself every day. I find it a bit of an addiction too. What I found most interesting is that one day I will lose, the next day I will gain, but not as much back (unless I have gone out for dinner) and the cycle repeated itself.

    I do my official weigh-ins each week on Mondays, and I didn't weigh in today because I was feeling like I should focus more on making sure I'm out of the house in time.

    I use the wii fit to measure myself. Anyone elso too?
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    yesterday: 131.2
    today: 130.2 (-1.0)
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    2/27 Monday- 189.4lbs
    2/28 Tuesday- 188.4lbs
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
    2/27 Monday- 189.4lbs
    2/28 Tuesday- 188.4lbs

    Yeah! Well done
  • sttrinians
    sttrinians Posts: 94 Member
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Tuesday night....149
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    149 is down .8
  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    Yesterday: 170.4
    This AM: 170.2 (-0.2)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Yesterday: 170.4
    This AM: 170.2 (-0.2)

    A reverse from three days ago. Congrats !!!
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    yesterday 164.5
    today 164.4 (-0.1)

    Soon the scale will move again, as the water retention should leave here in a few days...
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    2/29 Wednesday- 188.4 lbs