Anyone starting from around 230-250?



  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I started at 233 on July 4th, 2011. It doesn't come off in a day, but it will come off.
  • I am starting at 250 lbs!

  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,637 Member
    I started at 300 in 2009...and recently re-started at 269. You def aren't alone on here.
    I'm down to 251 as of this morning. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • I'm 5'3" and started a little lower than that but definitely in the neighborhood. Started just before the holidays :noway: and 3 1/2 months later I'm down over 25 lbs. My goal is, no matter what I weigh, to wear cut-off jean shorts and a tanktop on my beach vacation in September, and be comfortable doing so...7 1/2 months to go! :smile:

    Best of luck to you. I am one of the laziest people I know, but If I can do it using MFP, anyone can!
  • Hi, I'm Michelle. I am starting this at 5'6'', 260 lbs. Good luck to you! Feel free to add me :)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Heaps of us here! I'm 218 at the moment, down 28lb from starting, with another 26 to go to get to my first goal. I'll probably be aiming for another 10-20 after that. I'm 5'8".
  • Hi, I'm 5'7"and currently 247 lbs. I was 288 at the end of October 2011. I've only just started using MFP again but it is a great way to track your intake and be inspired. Good Luck!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I'm 5'10", Starting weight was 257lbs, current weight is 248lbs, I'm losing it slowly.
  • I just started last week. 5'4" & 246 pounds. Seems so daunting.... It's great to hear such encouragement from everyone. Thanks!:heart:
  • shmkdnls
    shmkdnls Posts: 10 Member
    I started at 235 on January 2 and now at 214...5'6...Feel free to add me
  • Geez, its nice you have the height going for you...I'm 5'2'' and 255. Today is my first day.
  • Hi. I've started mfp at a weight of 264.5 pounds, it's day 2 for me. I'm looking to lose 80 ish pounds....good luck. I'm 5'10
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I'm 5'5 and my starting weight is 245,I feel like I have so far to go anyone willing to motivate please add me as a friend!
  • my starting weight on 2-10-12 was 258 went to dr today for b12 shot and weigh in and was at 250. i walked out very upset and disappointed that i did not lose more. Just felt i should have seen a bigger lose. But as the day has gone by i know that that it is all good and it did not get put on in two weeks and will not come off in two weeks. but came home and had a great salad for lunch instead of letting my defeat get the best of me
  • I started on Ash Wednesay at 246. My goal is to loose at least 100 lbs. Anybody have any tips? For lent I gave up all the "bad" things, fried foods, chocolate, booze....
    Exercise is a BAD word that I wash my mouth out with chocolate. Someone sent this to me I just had to share!
  • You're not alone. :) I'm 5'6" and I just started yesterday at 233. I want to lose 100 pounds before I say I'm done. I have quite the road ahead of me, and I'm definitely going to need some motivation to get there...

    Anyone willing to help me or in need of encouragement yourself, feel free to add me!
  • grimesfamily
    grimesfamily Posts: 12 Member
    I am! I started at 249! I have been doing this now 5 weeks!
  • stacey522004
    stacey522004 Posts: 7 Member
    I am! I've been going strong since January 1st and have lost 15 lbs! You can do it. Feel free to friend me. Good luck!
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    Started at 223. First goal is to get down to 200. Feel free to add me!
  • I am in the 250's now and i would love to have some "friends" who are working towards that same goal:)