Here is what a competitive Bikini model winner looks like



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym

    I appreciate you saying this but you can't really have an opinion on what being in my arms feels like compared to what someone else who has more fat... unless you've been romantically involved with someone like that.

    I could say "I can't imagine being held by a fat person, all that fat rolling around me and that fat squishing against me as I held her - thats revolting". See what i'm getting at?

    Like you say tho, in terms of personal preference, absolutely - there isn't a right answer. All I ask is people think a little more about the feelings of others and what they'd like commented against them and people who are similar. I'd rightly get kicked off the site if I mean about people who are holding excess fat because its simply rude and not required.

    Thank you for taking the time to post tho in response to mine without turning it into a slanging match :drinker:

    But I have been involved with a man who was in about the same shape you are. Even though it is my own insecurities, I felt this way. I felt like the ugly duckling that he was taking pity on. I was told as much by my parents and "friends" too. Unfortunately he was not the best example to go by. He became controlling of what I ate and physically forced me to throw up when I ate something he deemed innapropriate. I am the one that broke it off..... because I didnt feel like I "fit" with him. I may not feel that way one day in the future when I don't hate myself so much, I hope I CAN get there. Again, I was not trying to be hurtful in any way. I remember a particular hurt that may or may not ever mend.

    OMG, sweetie. Now THAT mentality is AWFUL! I'm sorry you had to endure that. No one should. If someone wants to eat right and get healthy (or beyod, etc) they should not force others to go along with them. That is not right at all.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    I appreciate you saying this but you can't really have an opinion on what being in my arms feels like compared to what someone else who has more fat... unless you've been romantically involved with someone like that.

    I could say "I can't imagine being held by a fat person, all that fat rolling around me and that fat squishing against me as I held her - thats revolting". See what i'm getting at?

    Like you say tho, in terms of personal preference, absolutely - there isn't a right answer. All I ask is people think a little more about the feelings of others and what they'd like commented against them and people who are similar. I'd rightly get kicked off the site if I mean about people who are holding excess fat because its simply rude and not required.

    Thank you for taking the time to post tho in response to mine without turning it into a slanging match :drinker:

    But I have been involved with a man who was in about the same shape you are. Even though it is my own insecurities, I felt this way. I felt like the ugly duckling that he was taking pity on. I was told as much by my parents and "friends" too. Unfortunately he was not the best example to go by. He became controlling of what I ate and physically forced me to throw up when I ate something he deemed innapropriate. I am the one that broke it off..... because I didnt feel like I "fit" with him. I may not feel that way one day in the future when I don't hate myself so much, I hope I CAN get there. Again, I was not trying to be hurtful in any way. I remember a particular hurt that may or may not ever mend.

    OMG, sweetie. Now THAT mentality is AWFUL! I'm sorry you had to endure that. No one should. If someone wants to eat right and get healthy (or beyod, etc) they should not force others to go along with them. That is not right at all.

    What she said. That guy was a douche. But don't punish all guys who may look like him for his sins.

    My ex used to get on my case when I was around 120#, poking me in the stomach saying "You have to watch that," and he had a build like Steve Urkle. Similarly, one of the first guys I met online dating, who was the very definition of skinny fat, told me he "thought I'd be thinner." I was 105#. Comments and actions like that come from the insecurity and inferiority complexes of THOSE individual men, not anything that's wrong with you, or me, or anyone.

    And I'll be honest, the only bodybuilder guy I ever dated (very briefly) was dumb as a box of hammers. Sweet, but dumb. Once again, that was that particular individual, and the muscly guys on here prove that brain, brawn and kindness can all come in one package.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Agreed! Sounds like a right *kitten*.

    But then you don't have to be a body builder to be a controlling person. Everyone is different.

    Thanks for the controlled responses - nice to debate in a respectful way :smile:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I have a lot of issues with myself from my past. I used to be 342 lbs. I am down to 171, and still have about 30 to go. But my mind hasnt re-set. I do see a counselor. It is hard to train a brain to think in a way that it never has. I have always been bigger, and have never thought much of myself. Maybe one-day. I am generally a very positive person, happy and smiling and fun. I dont let it get in the way of life too much. I get irrationally anxious about my appearance often, but I hide it well.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    This wasn't a post to say this is what you should look like. This was to praise someone who worked hard and was dedicated to her sport. Then the haters come out, it has nothing to do with you. Change the channel if it offends you.
  • tracy80s2003
    tracy80s2003 Posts: 24 Member
    What does one have to do in order to get legs like that?? What is the routine she follows?
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    This wasn't a post to say this is what you should look like. This was to praise someone who worked hard and was dedicated to her sport. Then the haters come out, it has nothing to do with you. Change the channel if it offends you.

    That didnt offend me. This was a tangent conversation, I know that I shouldnt look like that. (because I dont feel it is right for me) If you will, please look at my initial post. I said that while I do not strive to look like that, I am completely enamored by her dedication to the sport she has chosen. And really, yeah, she looks badass! She has to have SO much determination and dedication to be that successful!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    What does one have to do in order to get legs like that?? What is the routine she follows?

    squats, lunges, bike, treadmill, standing weighted calf raises, ab machines, a proper nutrition, etc...
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    This wasn't a post to say this is what you should look like. This was to praise someone who worked hard and was dedicated to her sport. Then the haters come out, it has nothing to do with you. Change the channel if it offends you.

    That didnt offend me. This was a tangent conversation, I know that I shouldnt look like that. (because I dont feel it is right for me) If you will, please look at my initial post. I said that while I do not strive to look like that, I am completely enamored by her dedication to the sport she has chosen. And really, yeah, she looks badass! She has to have SO much determination and dedication to be that successful!

    Only said to the haters...I don't have that type of determination or dedication, good for her. Wish I did though.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    Only said to the haters...I don't have that type of determination or dedication, good for her. Wish I did though.

    HA!!!!! Me and you both!!!!! I would be one hot mama if I had even half of it. I should remember this the next time I dont feel like running or want a whole pizza to myself.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    This wasn't a post to say this is what you should look like. This was to praise someone who worked hard and was dedicated to her sport. Then the haters come out, it has nothing to do with you. Change the channel if it offends you.

    That didnt offend me. This was a tangent conversation, I know that I shouldnt look like that. (because I dont feel it is right for me) If you will, please look at my initial post. I said that while I do not strive to look like that, I am completely enamored by her dedication to the sport she has chosen. And really, yeah, she looks badass! She has to have SO much determination and dedication to be that successful!

    Only said to the haters...I don't have that type of determination or dedication, good for her. Wish I did though.

    and i do have the determination to achieve my goals. I just don't have the money for the tits....and even if I did, I don't want to be complicit in the expectation that women should look unnatural (the boobs i'm hating on here, not the buff).
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.

  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.


    judge harshly????

    My harshest comment is: HUBBA HUBBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!
    You are a goddess and give me hope!

    I think you look fantastic and you have boobies!!!!!!!!!! :)

    you put a big smile on my face and my girls thank you for giving them hope that they will survive my mission to have a six pack!

  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    UM. Wow. I can only dream of looking like that. Amazing.
    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.

    *image deleted*

    judge harshly????

    My harshest comment is: HUBBA HUBBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you!
    You are a goddess and give me hope!

    I think you look fantastic and you have boobies!!!!!!!!!! :)

    you put a big smile on my face and my girls thank you for giving them hope that they will survive my mission to have a six pack!


    Aw, shucks, :blushing: thanks! (Chicken cutlets, lol). I hope to be more defined for September.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks to this thread, I now realize that I have "stick-on lego fake boobs." Sigh...
  • aprilshowers262
    aprilshowers262 Posts: 96 Member
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.


    UM. Wow. I can only dream of looking like that. Amazing!!!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.

    *mage deleted*

    UM. Wow. I can only dream of looking like that. Amazing!!!

    thank you!
  • fozzie500
    fozzie500 Posts: 177 Member
    my only beef with all of this is the damned implants. I'm really disappointed that the fitness community would be all praising what we can accomplish by the sweat of our own brow, except ladies have to get the boobs.

    I think it's a fitness fail.

    Not the girl- obviously she worked hard.

    But the scene.

    UM. Wow. I can only dream of looking like that. Amazing.
    Maybe i'm wrong to think that when we are talking about body builders and fitness, we are talking about people who did it naturally? Or are we looking at people who took steroids, got lypo, implants, and that's how they got there?

    I am pro lifting for women, btw. I'm actually REALLY into it.

    I'm just totally disappointed that even in this world of praising health and the great accomplishments of mankind, we are still apparently requiring/expecting/or just plain normalizing the idea that for a strong fit woman to be sexy, she has to have fake boobs.

    I'm with you. I'm not against fake boobs and what not, but for me personally, I'm keeping mine. This is a pic from my 1st ever competition, so please don't judge so harshly, but it is all natural me.


    that is pure honey right there!