What was ur first job :-?



  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Worked for a program that was, for all intents and purposes, a day care. It was fairly awful.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Lifeguard at a city pool, I loved it!
  • at my local boys and Girls club :) i played all day with the kidos best job ever
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Wilkos :D (Those in the UK will know)
    For people elsewhere in the world, it's just a general household items store.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I was a kennel/veterinary assistant. I would wash dogs, feed them, walk them, medicate them, pick up their poo, hold them for shots or nail trims... I've been pee'd on, bitten, and scratched more times than I can count, but I really loved that job.

    I was 17, and I quit because the woman I "worked" with would sit and read magazines or wash her car, while I worked, and then take half of the credit for what I had done. My supervisor didn't believe me, so I quit. 8 years later, and the b*tch still works there. D:
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    Waitress at Fridays.
    Sucked *kitten* lol
  • ashley_jorah
    ashley_jorah Posts: 71 Member
    First offical job @ 13 - belay staff in a rock climbing gym (the person that controls the ropes for people that don't know how to climb). Worked there casually for about 6 years.

    Before that I'd do odd jobs like cleaning and filing for my parents upholstery shop.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    Hot Dog on a Stick...

    Imagine a big booby girl jumping on the lemonade every hour- how embarrassing!!!
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,226 Member
    store helper
  • sjebert
    sjebert Posts: 212 Member
    16 year old working at a Holiday Gas Station making $3.35 per hour and I thought I was rich, at 18 I got a full time job and went from $3.75 to $5.00 per hour, what was I doing with all the money I was making?
  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    Feed Store clerk....I loved and learned so much from that job! :)
  • You had to be 18 to work at McDonalds?? I worked there when I was 16 for a bit but hated it. Anyways I started working at 14 at a ranch paid under the table by my friends mom. Then at 15 worked at Tim Hortons, turned 18 started working for The Red Cross :D
  • mbar12
    mbar12 Posts: 125 Member
    Paper route at 10 yrs old.
    Worked at Mr. Quick burger place at 15. (Our asst. mannager accepted a whole truck of green hamburger, and because the manager was away, decided he had to serve them...)
    Worked at Big Boy at age 16
    While in college, cleaned houses, worked in food service, worked as a lab assistant
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    I made fairy floss
  • solskinnzombie
    solskinnzombie Posts: 122 Member
    Kmart and it was awful.
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 247 Member
    Seasonal Cashier at K-mart when I was 15.
  • I worked at the local Dollar Movie Theater. I thought I owned that place.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Boy Scout Camp Counselor (Rifle Range, Campcraft and Trading Post)

    Good times (Except for nearly being shot by a few 8 year olds)
  • An aerobic-taebo instructor!
  • Zombie.