Piercings & Gauges... Like them, hate them, or have them?



  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    Three in each ear lobe that I haven't used in years. Had the upper ear cartilage done, too, but they didn't heal right and hurt all the time, so I took it out. I think ear lobe piercings on guys looks sexy. I get really, really turned-off and grossed-out when I see a bunch in the eyebrows, nose (except tiny ones in the side), lips and tongue. I can't even look that person in the face. Sorry...
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I have both traguses pierced (going on 10 years on my next birthday!) 5 normal ear lobe piercings (3 in one 2 in the other). Had my nose pierced a long time ago. It's been out and closed together for a while.
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Like them both, but don't have any.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Don't mind piercings in normal locations, but I think they can be overdone (especially like 4 in each earlobe and noses and lips) and the overdone ones along with gauges scream "Hey, look, I'm going to be self-employed someday!" since they turn many employers off from the first impression.

    Yea that. Or "I'm going to have a job with a nametag."

    I think it looks ridiculous. I don't really care since it's not my body but if you intentionally go out and make yourself look like a freak don't get all insulted and offended when it works and people think you look like a freak.

    WOW... Okay so because its not how you would look it makes the person look like a 'freak' you need to grow up... People are all different & unique no need to judge or call names.
  • saradougz
    saradougz Posts: 12 Member
    Used to have my lip ierced, for now just 1/2 guages, both nostrils, septum, and frenum!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i have a dermal anchor in my wrist...

    my ears pierced (i did stretch when at uni)

    belly button pierced at the lower naval


    I'm always weird about dermal anchors. I heard that people have a hard time with them sometimes because of rejection and that the body tends to eventually push them out? (That may sound stupid, I could be confused)

    ive had mine for about 3 years now, perfectly fine, never have any issues.

    it wont reject as its an implant not a piercing. its no different to having a metal plate somewhere.
  • hipbonesthighgap
    I love piercings and gauges :)
    I have 17 piercings and 11 tattoos :)

    Piercings I have:
    Earlobes x3 in each ear (2 of those stretched to 16mm)
    Cartilage x2
    Nose x2
    Labret x2
    Tongue x2

  • hipbonesthighgap
    Don't mind piercings in normal locations, but I think they can be overdone (especially like 4 in each earlobe and noses and lips) and the overdone ones along with gauges scream "Hey, look, I'm going to be self-employed someday!" since they turn many employers off from the first impression.

    Yea that. Or "I'm going to have a job with a nametag."

    I think it looks ridiculous. I don't really care since it's not my body but if you intentionally go out and make yourself look like a freak don't get all insulted and offended when it works and people think you look like a freak.

    WOW... Okay so because its not how you would look it makes the person look like a 'freak' you need to grow up... People are all different & unique no need to judge or call names.

    ^^^^^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^^^
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    Why are people so discriminating against piercings and tattoo's. Its the way we look, yes its our own choice but why should people be denied the free will to appear as they like. I've got 40mm tunnels in my ears, septum, spiderbites and tattoo's down my arm, neck, partly on my thoat and I still managed to get a job as Deputy Store Manager in a large UK company. I can understand people who just don't like the look but can accept us for what we look like but people who reckon that we look disgusting or it somehow affects our abilities as a human cos were so 'gross' need a lesson in acceptance. I've gotten into a lot of arguments and even been put in hospital just for the way I look.
  • mfisher16508
    mfisher16508 Posts: 269 Member
    i have a tongue peircing, did have Nips done but I took them out a long time ago. Also have 6 tats in odd places. I want one more tat of a dragonfly and my best friend and I are getting the same one with the year we met, that was 1990
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Personal choice, but I'm not a fan. I think it's a shame when a woman covers herself with too many tattos, piercings and gauges. It's like defacing a work of art. I don't care how good the modification is done.

    If you paint a Rembrandt over the Mona Lisa, you've still defaced the Mona Lisa.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Piercings I like the usual - I don't love the eyebrow or lip piercings but they look OK on others... you can always remove them too and it's pretty much invisible. Gauges I personally don't like the look on anyone I have seen with them.

    My nephew had to have expensive ear surgery to fix his lobes back to normal... to the tune of about 8k - cosmetic surgery not covered by insurance. So much for just a phase without consequence.... so if considering very large gauges I hope you really love the look,want it permanently,and realize it's expensive to go back.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 754 Member
    Love tattoos and piercings but I'm not a fan of gauges.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    :bigsmile: I love it when people call me freak because of my tats or piercings. It is a compliment because in reality what they are trying to say is, I have a life, I live it my way and I don't care what others think and say about how I look or do with my body, therefore I live without regrets. They just don't know that's what they're trying to say :wink:

    And this is my list:
    1- Eyebrow 3 times 16g (retired)
    2- Rook 16g (retired)
    3- Labret 16g (retired)
    4- Earlobes started worked my way from 14g to 4g
    5- Septum 12g
    6- PA started got it done at 10g and now is at 8g
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Why are people so discriminating against piercings and tattoo's. Its the way we look, yes its our own choice but why should people be denied the free will to appear as they like. I've got 40mm tunnels in my ears, septum, spiderbites and tattoo's down my arm, neck, partly on my thoat and I still managed to get a job as Deputy Store Manager in a large UK company. I can understand people who just don't like the look but can accept us for what we look like but people who reckon that we look disgusting or it somehow affects our abilities as a human cos were so 'gross' need a lesson in acceptance. I've gotten into a lot of arguments and even been put in hospital just for the way I look.

    You see, that's what pisses me off big time, when people get physical because of others looks. Like I said, I have no issue with the name calling and all that silliness, that's basically their way of taking their frustration in others for not having the balls to do what they wish they could do without being judged. And nothing wrong with not liking something, but the whole verbal or physical attack that's nothing but frustration. When I'm on the streets, I always hope no one ever tries to get physical with me because of my piercings, because at the end they'll be the ones getting pierced with stitches after I'm done with them.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    Not for me.. but I've seen some people pull it off and look great. For the most part, I'm not a fan of strectched out ear lobes it just looks painful and it's one of those things that you can't really hide. I guess I'm pretty stright-laced when it comes to piercings and tatts. The most I've ever had, 3 piercings in one ear and 2 in the other and my belly button pierced. Now, I only wear earrings in the bottom holes and took out my belly ring several years ago. No tatts either, not because I never wanted one.. I've never settled on an image I would like permanently.
  • lookslikeyoda
    lookslikeyoda Posts: 161 Member
    Why are people so discriminating against piercings and tattoo's. Its the way we look, yes its our own choice but why should people be denied the free will to appear as they like. I've got 40mm tunnels in my ears, septum, spiderbites and tattoo's down my arm, neck, partly on my thoat and I still managed to get a job as Deputy Store Manager in a large UK company. I can understand people who just don't like the look but can accept us for what we look like but people who reckon that we look disgusting or it somehow affects our abilities as a human cos were so 'gross' need a lesson in acceptance. I've gotten into a lot of arguments and even been put in hospital just for the way I look.

    You see, that's what pisses me off big time, when people get physical because of others looks. Like I said, I have no issue with the name calling and all that silliness, that's basically their way of taking their frustration in others for not having the balls to do what they wish they could do without being judged. And nothing wrong with not liking something, but the whole verbal or physical attack that's nothing but frustration. When I'm on the streets, I always hope no one ever tries to get physical with me because of my piercings, because at the end they'll be the ones getting pierced with stitches after I'm done with them.

    Hopefully I'll be ready to (successfully) defend myself next time then. I'd prefer there not to be a next time tho.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    Why are people so discriminating against piercings and tattoo's. Its the way we look, yes its our own choice but why should people be denied the free will to appear as they like. I've got 40mm tunnels in my ears, septum, spiderbites and tattoo's down my arm, neck, partly on my thoat and I still managed to get a job as Deputy Store Manager in a large UK company. I can understand people who just don't like the look but can accept us for what we look like but people who reckon that we look disgusting or it somehow affects our abilities as a human cos were so 'gross' need a lesson in acceptance. I've gotten into a lot of arguments and even been put in hospital just for the way I look.

  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    Love piercings, hate gauges.
    My ex had his ears gauged, & I would just cringe...like omg, why do you want huge holes in your ear??
    Not that I don't think people should have them, they're just odd to me. :[
    Piercings are hot, though.
    I like lip ones the best.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Some piercings look really nice...but I don't like over kill. One hole in each ear, maybe a nose, maybe a belly button. That is it.

    I only have my ears pierced, and luckily my babysitter snuck me out behind my mom's back and got my ears pierced when I was 3 years old...otherwise I would have had to wait until I was 13 (that is when my mom allowed my sister)....if I had to wait until I was 13 I'd probably never have gotten my ears done. I'm a wimp and avoid pain at all costs! hahahaha

    I am not a huge fan of gauges. Other than for cultural reasons I don't get why ppl do it personally but each to their own. Whatever floats your boats.... :)