

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Marking my spot. I will be scarce this month as two good friends up north have decided March is "visit Florida month". It's odd that two of my three best friends are ones I made 25 years ago when I lived in Illinois. We see each other at least once a year and we pick up with each other just like we saw each other last week. I feel blessed that we have been able to maintain a long distance friendship.

    I am having trouble keeping up here lately. There are so many people now, which is a great thing! It's wonderful that we are growing; that means more and more of us trying to get healthy. :happy: However, we are so large now that it is difficult to get to know and respond to everyone as I would like. I may be better suited to a smaller group. It's probably just me, I have never been accused of being very social. :wink: I may take a break from posting for a while, while still logging my food, and see how it goes.

    Have a great day!

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    :happy: :happy: :laugh: yikes! one day and i am so far behind!
    i never posted my goals for march
    so here goes:

    1) drink more water
    2) work my mare at minimum 3 days per week
    3) stay within my calories at least 6 days per week (i tend to give myself a pass on weekends)
    4) gym work 5 days

    i was so happy to see that i can count horseback riding as an exercise! hopefully that will motivate me to work her more often, as we BOTH need it! :laugh:

    @lisa - my mother always said (about her children) 'be happy while they're happy, time enough to be sad when they are sad.' that being said, i can understand your feelings....my son married a girl who turned out not to be what we thought. other people tried to tell us how she was, but we didn't listen, and then when we figured it out, he didn't.. long story short...you just never know and now he is divorced. it devastated him. so be there for your son, support him as much as possible but don't compromise what you believe. sometimes they just have to figure it out for themselves. so...just do your best and let God do the rest! GOOD LUCK !!! :heart:

    @kackie - i could do with some snow...we have had an EXCEPTIONALLY warm winter....78 degrees yesterday! :glasses:

    can't remember all the replies i was going to make....gotta do better about logging on!

    oh and the most important goal of all: take my 4 year old grandaughter to her first horse show on her pony!!!!!
    i know, that doesnt really have anything to do with weight loss, but...i couldnt help myself, she is so precious!

    good luck to everyone with all your goals....peace and happiness! :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just a quickie to say that I got my copy of the Happiness Project and started reading it in the coffee shop after my hospital appointment. I think I'm going to enjoy it - even if I don't always agree with it.

    Have fun my lovelies.

    Amanda x
  • knewme77
    knewme77 Posts: 10 Member
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Great to read your posts this morning. I am still sick!!!! This is a test in patience for me.....just hanging in there..
    Have a good day!
  • SandyChampWins
    SandyChampWins Posts: 133 Member
    During the month of February (my 1st month) I lost 3 lbs and 4 & 7/8 inches. In March I would like to double that!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I forgot to tell you that I did try quinoa for the first time last night. I liked it and my husband pronounced it "edible". We'll see if he will go for it a second time or not! Mary
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I am having trouble keeping up here lately. There are so many people now, which is a great thing! It's wonderful that we are growing; that means more and more of us trying to get healthy. :happy: However, we are so large now that it is difficult to get to know and respond to everyone as I would like. I may be better suited to a smaller group. It's probably just me, I have never been accused of being very social. :wink: I may take a break from posting for a while, while still logging my food, and see how it goes.


    I feel that way sometimes too. Try posting to your news feed every day and responding to your mfp friends who do likewise. It will keep you accountable in a smaller world. :wink:
  • qadosh2him
    hi Ladies....
    I will not be 50 until December....wow. That's a surprise...It hadn't yet occurred to me that I'm turning 50 this year! lol.
    Anyway.. I'm a newbie here. Just joined the site today. I've been a member of SparkPeople for over two years now...Lost 70 pounds with them two years ago...and regained almost all of it over the past year---especially in the past month as I 've been on and off of steroids and just got home from the hospital after a two week stay and high dose IV steroids. Those drugs are lifesavers...but they just make me HUGE! So now I have at least 60 pounds to lose...AGAIN.

    I have a really severe case of Psoriatic Arthritis--it's an auto immune inflammatory disease that is systemic--similar to rheumatoid autoimmune disease (or "RA" rheumatoid arthritis) and this has necessitated three hip replacement surgeries (one had to be redone)...and now I desperately need both of my shoulders to be replaced as well as my elbow. ... I also suspect that my spine, which is severely affected by this disease , also needs surgery as every time I stand for a couple of minutes, my legs both go numb. This disease has made driving impossible for me...had to give that up about two years ago. I no longer can work nor do my artwork or any other fine motor skill activity. Fortunately I can still type.... I am pretty much home bound and spend a lot of time in my automated recliner.

    I look forward to getting to know some of you...
    I love the Lord Jesus and my screen name is a Hebrew word meaning "holy, or devoted, or separated for the purpose of worship" ("Qadosh")

    I have a daughter who will soon be 20 and probably will also soon be announcing her engagement. I am a fairly recent empty nester. Married for 22 years....Made a living as an artist for many years and most recently worked as a unit secretary in two local hospitals.

    I can use some encouragement as pain and loss of mobility really hamper my exercise efforts....Any ideas would be appreciated. Some days (like today..) just making it to the bathroom is about all I can do. Other days I can do about 15 minutes on the treadmill or of an exercise DVD...I like doing Leslie SAnsone and two years ago, could easily do 4 miles with her. Now, my breathing is a big problem ( I have severe asthma and just got out of the hospital for pneumonia and asthma...) as well as my spine.

    I was really really looking forward to gardening this year as last year I was unable to because of all the hip surgery. this year, I'm afraid my arms will create a problem and am not sure I can pull it off...but will be trying to anyway!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I can use some encouragement as pain and loss of mobility really hamper my exercise efforts....Any ideas would be appreciated. Some days (like today..) just making it to the bathroom is about all I can do. Other days I can do about 15 minutes on the treadmill...

    Welcome, you've got my support. I am in the same boat but with osteoartritis, two bad knees and two bad hips, have had one hip replacement. Some days I feel great and can walk a lot and other days it's hard to get off the couch. I do a lot of strength training--spread it out throughout the day. It helps to work at home, gives me a lot of opportunities to do one set at a time.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    qadosh...jeez, woman. I can't say I feel your pain, but my partner is in a very similar boat. I know what you are going through. Just do what you can, and squeeze just a wee little bit of motion into your day. You'll feel better, emotionally, that you were able to accomplish it. Baby steps are still steps!


    I'm back to post my results and goals, as promised.

    Yesterday I did a walk I reported as "Pulling the dog". LOL I can see why walking a dog burns more calories than just walking alone.

    Our house is truly a 'dog house' with doggie doors that go to the dog run area so I don't have to walk any of them. At any given time we have between 17 and 20 adult Shih'Tzus and who knows how many puppies running around in the living room and camping out on our beds. I live on a busy State Route, so walking along the road is out of the question. Interestingly enough, a bypass is being built around our small town to accommodate the new I-69 corridor. A strip of road almost a half mile long, next to the existing State Road was constructed last year. It is blocked off right now. They have yet to begin construction this spring, so I have been using it as a 'walking path' the past few days.

    Scooter is a young male Shih'Tzu...about a year old. To say he is 'schitzoid' is an understatement. He is always running and jumping, playing and feinting with the other dogs in the house. He had a jacket on that had a built-in harness. Perfect. So I scooped him up, hooked him up and out we went.

    Did I say he is a coward?

    Leash well in hand, I motored off, trying to achieve a good heart rate on my Polar FT7
    HRM. He didn't want to go. "Aha, " I thought, "I'll just keep a firm hand on the leash and keep him in the heel position. He'll catch on in a minute and start walking/trotting right along side."

    I was wrong. :noway:

    Every car that went by, he tried to bolt. I ended up walking and holding him up by the harness (the jacket was his harness, no acute force was used on his neck or chest area) and leash so he was tip-toe trotting along side me. "Fine," I thought," I'll just zip into this little one street sub-division where there is hardly any traffic." And off we went.

    First thing, not a hundred feet in, we met a HUMMER. And the driver did NOT want to give up his right of way to his part of the road, which was most of it. :grumble: I pulled Scooter in close and stood off to the side while it passed. Scooter learned how to do donuts on the leash.

    Sheesh. That was over soon enough, and we didn't meet another car the entire time we walked/trotted on that street.

    I didn't reckon on the dogs, though. Little sub-division outside city limits. Dogs. Nice dogs, but dogs all the same.

    Did I say Scooter is a coward? Oh, yes, I guess I did. :huh:

    Up and down the little hills we trekked, meeting and greeting. No time for niceties, I had to keep my HRM happy.

    Have you ever seen a Western movie where the valiant white guy was captured by the heathen red Indians and forced to run the gauntlet? Yep, you have the picture. Here I was, being the valiant hero(ine), and I had my cowardly partner right next to me. Well, we survived that. I decided to return to the blocked off street.

    Scooter by this time was getting his walking legs under him and trotted off nicely beside me. Then, he discovered the grass by the road. "What's THAT?!?!?!" "YIKE, it MOVED!" and another quarter mile went by with me tugging and correcting his behavior. By that time we had gotten almost to the unfinished bridge. NOW he decides he likes being out and walking and wants to investigate. "Nope" say I, "This is the turn around point."

    Ever seen a dog pout? He pouted, and threw a tantrum. He wanted to go play in the mud. I didn't.

    I ended up carrying him the last half mile home. :grumble:

    Now, agreed, Shih'Tzus are not a large breed. He'd probably top the scales at about 12 pounds. But try speed walking...UP a hill...carrying a dog under one arm. The HRM topped out at 149, so I guess it wasn't TOO bad...LOL...but I was panting like a dog by the time I crested the hill.

    Maybe today I'll just drag a bag of potatoes along with me on the walk. :wink:


    Now, the reporting part. I didn't really set specific goals for myself when I started this fitness journey. I was just going to keep track, eat cleaner and get active. I have five measurements I am tracking. Since December 30, 2011 when I took my first measurements, I've lost 6.66 inches. YEP, 6.66. I had to laugh when I crunched the numbers.:laugh: I've also lost 14.5 pounds as of today. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE networking with all you here :flowerforyou: on myfitnesspal.com. The constant support and suggestions are vital to my success.

    March goals:

    Drink 90 ounces of WATER a day.
    Weigh under 210 pounds by my birthday on the 30th. This should be easy, since I'm at 213.5 now. I just like the number 210 better than 209 or 208...LOL
    Walk AT LEAST 30 minutes every day, with 20 minutes being in the fitness range on my HRM.
    Do the ENTIRE 5 Big Miles workout (Leslie Sansone) three times a week.
    Start some form of strength training.

    Long term goals...

    Break 200 by June.
    Find something to do with all this crazy energy and feel good vibes I am getting from the endorphin rushes....LOL
    Be at or below 175 by New Year's Eve 2013.
    Keep my A1c results around the 6.5 range. (Diabetic blood glucose measurements. 6.5 is a 'normal' range.)

    I think that's enough for now.

    Ciao, sweeties! :glasses:
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    I look forward to getting to know some of you...
    I can use some encouragement as pain and loss of mobility really hamper my exercise efforts....Any ideas would be appreciated. Some days (like today..) just making it to the bathroom is about all I can do. Other days I can do about 15 minutes on the treadmill or of an exercise DVD...I like doing Leslie SAnsone and two years ago, could easily do 4 miles with her. Now, my breathing is a big problem ( I have severe asthma and just got out of the hospital for pneumonia and asthma...) as well as my spine.

    I was really really looking forward to gardening this year as last year I was unable to because of all the hip surgery. this year, I'm afraid my arms will create a problem and am not sure I can pull it off...but will be trying to anyway!

    sounds like youa re quite a trooper! 20 years ago i was diagnosed with cfids, and for a long time it was all i could do to get from the bed to the couch. really took alot out of me, and so long in recovery. doctors said i would only ever regain 80% at most. now, 20 yrs later sometimes i wonder is it my age or is it the cfids? either way, i am vastly improved, but it still takes alot of effort! i also had a knee replacement done several years ago. so i can't imagine how you are managing all that surgery! i found that the key for me with recovery was rehab, rehab, rehab. i cried ALOT :cry: during those sessions :sad: and even then they were not adequate and now dr recommends gym work. so i got a trainer and did all i could afford (6weeks) and try to keep it up on my own. i have to say i didnt lose any weight during that time but i have gotten stronger, and can actually use my knee now where i couldnt before. my advice? push yourself a little each day. manage your limits. and there's nothing wrong with taking days off now and then, some days it just ain't happening! :noway: congratulate yourself on every step and give yourself a break when you need it. :drinker: meantime, know that we are all behind you and rooting for your progress! do your best and let God do the rest! :heart: keep posted on how you are doing. and good luck with the gardening! :smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Drum roll please! The birthday list is here, and March is a busy month for us!
    50+ thread Birthdays
    5 – csally01
    6 – barmbord
    13 - Qpeace
    17 – grabbit97
    22 - celticmuse
    25 – zuback55
    28 - genealace
    29 - ritamerlot

    2 – doobiedoo
    7 – 2youngatheart
    7 – jeqrosen
    9 – AHealthierSuzyQ
    15 - anotheryearolder

    1 – auntiebk
    3 - arborsong
    4 - heartrw
    6 – jeanne3651
    7 – DebKRN
    7 - vypeters
    8 – pmjsmom
    8 - deb_rn
    8 – Cando055
    12 – glendaaus
    14 – cj1234cj23
    15 – joylaut
    20 - spaniel60
    21 – cjwil01
    25 – barbiecat
    29 - deluda
    30 – BirdieM
    30 - Blissfuldrake
    31 – wizzywig

    4 – Lyn54
    4 - frogmama
    8 – grandee47
    11 – smelliott
    11 – kel7298
    14 - ildi59
    17 - Cindyw7
    22 – sceck

    2 – gracete
    2 – janemartin02
    4 – chicletgirl21
    5 – Debma1010
    6 - smwert
    13 – lovediets
    13 - jberberian
    20 – mimi7grands
    23 - debieanne
    25 – jam0525
    25 – wehavethestars
    25 - sissygok
    26 – vickim26
    27 - rjadams
    30 – msh0530

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    20 - fibrogirl
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56
    30 - RebelRenny

    3 - Iojoi
    7 – Lindaj07
    8 – BarbieCat1
    9 - yvonnemfp
    20 - TeresaSavage
    27 – mynyddisamrs
    31 - randylevy

    7 – MacMadame
    15 - CathiAnne
    18 – bkrbabe57
    24 – cherubcrnp
    24 - Kckramp
    27 - corqueen

    2 – Laura80111
    14 – ItsTerriC
    22 - gloriaandison

    3 – shiddelson
    8 - djdreger
    15 – Jolandolfo
    21 - peepocheck
    23 – rjnandjosh

    11 – kackie
    19 - Benson
    30 – SallyCC
    30 – topaz2986

    6 – cucoyannie
    24 – frogmama
    30 – caharleygirl

    If you aren't on here and want to be, send me a message. Enjoy! Mary
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Hope everyone has a good week-end.
    Started therapy yesterday ,knee was so sore.But it will get better.
    Hubby starts his job wed.Praying it becomes permanet.
    My goals for march are to follow the dr with the therapy and do the ex.he tells me.
    I will continue to stick to my food plan this month.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    @eileen...the thin commandments is a book that barbie recommended and i would recommend as well...i like to listen when i am exercising....i sometimes will listen to the same book many times.....

    @robin....love the pics of your babies!!!

    @kackie....hope you got the yoga in and had a good rest day

    @mary....you had a great february

    @nancy...good luck with the strike

    @laura80111...congrats on @2sons promotions...enjoy your dinner with both sons
    @faye....enjoy your visit with your friends

    @sallycc....sorry that you are still sick....i was sick for most of february is seems....and the cold(which became bronchitis)seems to last a long time..feel better soon

    @mary....i love quinoa, it has replaced rice and pasta in our home....i do make it with low sodium broth instead of just water....

    @jane....good luck with your therapy and with hubby new job

    welcome all newcomers

    i am happy to report that i made to the gym today, 50min of cardio, 10 min of weights and 5 min of stretching...it felt so good to get back to formal exercise and sweat(lots).....looking forward to a spinning class tomorrow or sunday...have a great night all
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi All,

    Welcome to all the new ladies and congrats to all who saw some success in Feb. I didn't fare so well...but I start every day anew. As it's always been..the nights are my trouble spots. I know where my problem spots are...I just need to fix them. This weekend I plan to hit the produce store and run my dehydrator all weekend. Banana chips are wonderful in yogurt!

    I joined our Wellness Committee at work. It's a new program to plan activities and classes for the company to get everyone on board with healthier lifestyles. With the eyes of the co-workers (and company owners) on all of us...we have to be on good behavior. It will be lots of fun...we'll be planning fitness challenges with really good prizes at the end.

    Barbara...Happy Birthday...belated. I hope you had a great day with lots of spoiling and pampering.

    Arborsong...Happy Birthday in advance. In case I don't get to log on tomorrow!

    Lisa...You are in a tough spot...but seem to be handling it very well. My guys know when I think they could have made better choices. I let them know that w/o judgement and tell them I'm always here for them. Patrick is great at deciding he wants to chat at 2am. After the worst is over, they're always happy that their dad and i didn't interfere, but watched and supported them from the sidelines. They have to learn life skills that only experience can teach. Experience is the only thing in life where the test comes before the lesson.

    Jane...Congrats on hubbie's new job and good luck with your therapy...speedy progress!

    I'm not setting goals for March. If i don't meet my goals for whatever reason, I'm great at beating myself up. I just know that
    I'm going to do my best...and hope THAT DAMNED SCALE STARTS TO MOVE!!!! I know 1 day that will be good. On 3/16,
    I'm having a root canal. That will keep my appetite suppressed!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    HAPPY, HAPPY....JOY, JOY:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Grand daughter #2 born this afternoon and is healthy and beautiful:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I will go next Friday, overlap with DIL's Mom and stay on into the next week. Cannot wait to get my hands on her. Her name is Rita Katherine, after my MIL and me. They will call her Rita Kate. Hard to believe how fast your family can change!

    DH and I are on Cloud NINE!!!!!!!!!! :heart: Kackie
  • topaz2986
    topaz2986 Posts: 92 Member
    HAPPY, HAPPY....JOY, JOY:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Grand daughter #2 born this afternoon and is healthy and beautiful:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I will go next Friday, overlap with DIL's Mom and stay on into the next week. Cannot wait to get my hands on her. Her name is Rita Katherine, after my MIL and me. They will call her Rita Kate. Hard to believe how fast your family can change!

    DH and I are on Cloud NINE!!!!!!!!!! :heart: Kackie

    (and Rita is a great name to grow up with:laugh: )

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Remember my saga of the bathing suit? Well, you won't believe what came in the mail today!!!! Yup, a bathingsuit. Admitted, it's not the one that I ordered, it is a Speedo. The tag says that it has a suggested retail price of $84 (but we all know what that means). Since I only paid $49 for the suit, I guess I came out ahead. I'm surprised in that it does fit me quite well. Well, I have a bathing suit down at the condo, it's in BAD shape, I may bring that one home, wear it once and throw it out. I can take the one I bought at Kohl's down there and wear the Speedo. Admitted, it doesn't say that it's chlorine resistant, but I guess at least I got something.

    Marcelyn - those cream eggs sure can be agressive. Better to just give in, you have no idea what they would have done to you if you hadn't....lol

    Did an hour of the deep water today, tomorrow yoga. I need to get the oil in my car changed and then in the evening there's the gala for the Newcomers. Honestly, I'm really starting to not look forward to it. The lady who is in charge wants this to be a really fancy thing. I have a feeling that she might well go over the top. She's going to have assigned seating! I feel like I'm back in elementary school. Even in high school you didn't have assigned seating. She's a real control freak. I'm sure she isn't thinking about healthy food. I'll just have eggs for breakfast, then maybe egg whites and some beef jerky for lunch, that usually fills me up. If I need to have something before I leave, I'll have a piece of fruit.

    For any bakers out there: Consumer Reports magazine had a recipe that to me sounds interesting (as long as I can hide the spinach from Vince). They are spinach brownies. There is a note thata says any commercial brownie mix can be used. Follow the package directions, adding only the spinach (10oz pkg squeezed) and 3Tbs of water. Yet, alongside it is a recipe that calls for 1/2cup oil, 2 eggs, 1pkg spinach, 1/4cup plus 3Tbs water, 1 (20oz) pkg brownie mix. Not sure if the nutritionals are for with the oil or not, I don't think the oil and all that water is probably really needed. For 20 brownies its 170 cal, 0 fiber and some others. What would you ladies do? Just substitute the spinach and 3T of water or add the oil etc?

    beth - congrats on the down one pants size. That's awesome! Much better than just numbers on a scale

    One of my problems (re: lisa) is that the guy Denise is living with, his mom "enables" them. Even tho the first time she cosigned for an apt., they skipped out and she owed like $2,000. So what does she do when Denise has to move out of her place? She cosigns for ANOTHER apartment.

    Barb - loved your birthday card! Happy day to you

    Cindy - I'm sad for you but your friend was right. The love of her life DID come for her on the day of love. What a wonderful thought!

    There's just one problem with getting healthy being addictive. I've found that others who aren't into getting healthy make it sometimes so hard. Like there's very little veges when you go out to eat and what there are are loaded with cream sauces or butter.

    Today in water aerobics we did some yoga in the shallow end. On land, I can't do tree pose with my leg against my inner thigh. Yet in the water I can. I'm just so amazed how much more I can do in the water. I just don't feel it....until the next day.

    Welcome eyewonder, quadosh - look forward to getting to know you better

    Took Bonnie & Clyde to the vet today for their rabies and distemper shots. Hopefully, in the next day or two, we can give them the Revolution and trim their nails.

    Pam - I'm like you in that I like to listen to a good book while I'm exercising. I just have to watch that I don't get too involved with the book and slack off on the exercise....lol. Congrats on getting to the gym

    Rita - I certainly don't envy you having a root canal. Best of luck to you.

    kackie - congrats! Can't wait until you post pics of that bundle

    Time to watch some TV and get to bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.
