Women who eat more than 1800 calories a day !!!!



  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I started upping my calories this week. I'm not expecting an initial loss...but I am curious to see what happens in the next few weeks. I have noticed that I have more energy, not experiencing crazy cravings, and I am actually a lot pickier about where my calories are coming from. Sure, I know that I need to eat more, but surprisingly, I haven't had the urge to inhale 14 thin mints just to meet my calorie goal. This certainly wasn't the case when I was starving myself.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    bump :happy:
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I haven't had any energy lately and been feeling like crap. My mood has also evidently suffered and I've turned out to be an overall beotch.
    Someone in our 2000+ group just coined a word for that - "hangry"

    Love it!:laugh:

    I get very irritable and "hangry" if I go more than a few hours without food.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Mainey (and others) - please don't get discouraged if you show a small initial gain! I think the problem is that women say "Okay, I'll up my calories", they try it for like 3 days, the scale shows a fluctuation upwards and they freak out. Your body will need 2-4 weeks to readjust! Trust it.

    Is it considered 'normal' to still not lose even 3 weeks later? I was hoping for a loss on the scale but am still stuck at the same number! :sad:

    Are all of you that eat more lifting heavy? Maybe that is my problem I pretty much focus on cardio since I have so much to lose still.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Mainey (and others) - please don't get discouraged if you show a small initial gain! I think the problem is that women say "Okay, I'll up my calories", they try it for like 3 days, the scale shows a fluctuation upwards and they freak out. Your body will need 2-4 weeks to readjust! Trust it.

    Is it considered 'normal' to still not lose even 3 weeks later? I was hoping for a loss on the scale but am still stuck at the same number! :sad:

    Are all of you that eat more lifting heavy? Maybe that is my problem I pretty much focus on cardio since I have so much to lose still.

    Just doing cardio isn't going to get you lean and sexy. Weightlifting will!
  • asfischer
    asfischer Posts: 19 Member
    bump to remind :-)
  • salemsister
    salemsister Posts: 1 Member
    I am LOVING this posting thread! Please feel free to add me! :happy:
  • Hi there!

    So I don't have pics but I'll share some real numbers, and hopefully it will translate to whatever your situation is/goals are.

    PAST: I'd always been slightly overweight, but never anything troubling for the typical American. I'm 5'11" and weighed, at my most, 186 pounds, which was evenly distributed on my body. When climbing subway stairs became a bit exhausting, I decided to start WW. Much like this amazing FREE site, WW combines tracking within a calorie limit with community building. Over the course of about a year, I lost 25 pounds and maintained a weight of approx. 162 for over 5 years. It's the long-term maintenance that I find more important than how many calories I ate each day!

    During that year of weight loss, I consistently ate more calories than I was allotted. Every week, without fail. Not MUCH more, and I always tracked it. But as a young single lady at the time, it was more important to me that I join friends for dinner and drinks than meeting my calorie limit. Also, it was more important to me that I could maintain 162 pounds living an acceptable lifestyle (of eating and exercise) than to starve myself (as you said) and hold my weight at, for example, 158. For what?! :-)

    PRESENT: Only recently, my lifestyle changed such that I started to gain some weight, which is what brings me here :-) Tracking wins again, as I've just lost 2.5 pounds in my first week. True to form, I am going slightly over my calorie limit almost every day, but I've been eating healthy foods that I like and which keep me full, AND I still lost, so there. Perhaps I'd lose more and more quickly, but this system works for me :-)

    My main take-away's that I'm putting back into practice this time around:
    1) Short term frustration can lead to giving up, so I say stay honest by tracking everything, even if it takes you over your calorie goal from time to time.
    2) I learned that I could pass on the office birthday cake, but I NEEDED my afternoon cookie. Decide what you REALLY enjoy and try passing on the things that are only so-so.
    3) Befriend the almost-no-calorie condiments which can give a LOT of flavor: mustard, soy sauce, garlic powder, dried onions, and my favorite - nutritional yeast! Don't be afraid of the name. It's delicious and cheesy and a great source of B-vitimins (which helps with energy). I find that some spicy herbal teas also tend to fill me up for a while (spicy as in cinnamon-y)

    Hope this offers perspective!
  • I am 5' and 125 pounds currently. I was at 1200 cal and stalled out, no loss and no energy. Upped my calories and I now eat at least 1800 a day, about 1400 net. I lose about half a pound a week most weeks, and if not losing weight then my inches still go down.

    If you eat 1800-2000 calories do you have to up your workouts too? IDK i'm trying to lose but i'm at a plateau stance.....GRRRR! let me into your world. :happy:
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Bump for later - this is exactly what I needed to hear!!!
  • Shawnjay75
    Shawnjay75 Posts: 81 Member
    I am eating around 1800 (goal) but have my MFP goal of 1900 net. I do tend to eat more when I work out. I have lost 55 in the last year, doing it slowly. I don't want to drop a ton and have serious skin issues. Plus I don't feel deprived! I will eat b-day cake at parties and not feel guilty at all. I've gone from a 24 pant to 18. I think I got the the photo in. :smile: Feel free to friend me!

    I guess I should add, I am 33 (almost 34) 5'6" and my starting weight was 331.2. I go to Weight Watchers meetings, but count calories. It's my way of having accountability. I am currently at 276. My first real big goal is 60 lb (4.8 lb away), which is what I weighed when I was a freshman in HS doing track.

    You're doing a great job...I'm sure you'll loose that 4.8 pounds in know time. I ran track in HS also, now I get winded walking quickly upstairs. Keep up the good work!
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Bump - I need to read this later.
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    I have seen a physical difference nothing dramatic on the scale yet but it makes perfect sense!!
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    So I have gotten a lot of new friends due to my response here, then realized more recently I have been eating closer to 1700/day. I swear I didn't intend to be a hypocrite lol. But even having been a bit below 1800, I eat much more than most of the 5' tall women I see here.
  • forty3fab
    forty3fab Posts: 148 Member
    I love this concept! I have just started following the Fat2Fit podcasts and love listening to them. Eat more, weight less. Love it. I would love more friends following this type of lifestyle change, please feel free to add me!!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I just cant believe the success stories while eating 1500 - 2000 + calories! It baffles me. I have never eaten that much in my life.
    I am 5' 5" and 150lbs, 37 yrs old. I have been eating 1200 calories for a few years and exercise religiously 5-6 x a week doing spinning or heavy weights. I have also ran 3 marathons. Even while training, I never ate that much. I guess that's why I never lost weight! I think when you eat 1200 your body adjusts. I make healthy choices and never really feel hungry. Im going to start eating 1500 calories/day (my BMR is 1450) but I dont plan to eat back my exercise calories. Im REALLY nervous to try this because I dont want to gain anymore weight.

    But seeing some ladies on here that are my age, height, activity level, and eating 1800 + calories and losing weight, I now feel inspired to give it a try. Here's hoping my years of struggling will pay off.......:)

    I'm 34 years old, 5'5" and 122lbs. I also have run marathons (4 done, in training for #5) and could have written your exact post not too long ago. I've been eating around 2000/day (give or take a couple hundred) since January 1. I lost a couple pounds, then the scale went up a few and now I'm back down and actually have hit the lowest weight I've seen on the scale in a LONG time.

    And (I hope this will catch your eye as a fellow runner) - my runs are ROCKING! I've got more energy than ever before and I'm running faster with less effort. I feel like I'm on track to easily run my fastest marathon ever this spring. And no wonder....I'm finally giving my body the FUEL it needs to perform its best!

    Is 2000 your net? I'm training for a half right now, then a full in a few months, I net about 1400 a day right now, (so I eat between 1400 and 2600 depending on the workout that day). I'm 5'5 150lbs and I'm stuck! I'd love to be 135-140!

    No, I do gross calories and then base my deficit off what my BodyMedia Fit tells me my burn was for the day. My gross is usually 1900-2300 depending on the day.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    That's great EbayMommy! Im hoping you have your PB this marathon!

    So, to be clear, when you upped your calories, you gained a bit at first? I shouldn't be too worried when I weigh myself next
    weekend and the scale is up? Maybe I should eat more than 1500 cal? Maybe aim for 1600 or 1700...

    Well, I started upping my calories right after Christmas. We had been traveling for about 10 days and all the Xmas goodies (treats) and lets just say I have bathroom issues while being away from home for long periods.....so having said that I actually initially had small losses for about 3 weeks straight after upping my calories. However, I'm attributing that to getting rid of the constipation issues and the holiday bloat. Then after the 3rd week in January my weight went up....about 4lbs total over the next 3-4 weeks. This last 10 days to 2 weeks it has been trending back down and when I weighed in yesterday I saw the lowest number I've seen on the scale since....well.....a long time. But even during those 3-4 weeks when the scale was showing a gain I felt better, my stomach was way less bloated and my measurements were down (waist and hips) a bit as well AND I was getting to eat piles of good food so I happily gave the scale the middle finger because I was feeling so good about myself I didn't care a whole lot what the number said.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I do. Started about 3 weeks ago. Some days are still a struggle mentally because I thought that less was better for sooo long. But I'm loving the eating and the results so far. :) Feel free to friend me as well. the more the merrier. :0
  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    I recently got on board with eating more, not killing myself with cardio and not starving myself restricting cals to 1200 (at one point I had actually convinced myself that this was a normal cal intake and that everyone else was just greedy!!).

    I'm also doing a bulk to help increase my muscle mass (love heavy lifting!). My cals range from 2000-2200 depending on my wo for the day. The scale is up 3-4 lbs after 4 weeks of increased cals, but because my goal is to increase muscle mass, that's to be expected and desired. I'll start my cut in April and reduce cals no lower than 1800.

    Love to hear about women that are eating and not starving!!!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I recently got on board with eating more, not killing myself with cardio and not starving myself restricting cals to 1200 (at one point I had actually convinced myself that this was a normal cal intake and that everyone else was just greedy!!).

    I'm also doing a bulk to help increase my muscle mass (love heavy lifting!). My cals range from 2000-2200 depending on my wo for the day. The scale is up 3-4 lbs after 4 weeks of increased cals, but because my goal is to increase muscle mass, that's to be expected and desired. I'll start my cut in April and reduce cals no lower than 1800.

    Love to hear about women that are eating and not starving!!!

    TRISH...OH MY GOODNESS you crack me up...everyone else is just greedy!!! ROFLLLLLL. Girl I know I will have to do the bulk soon to get the results I want but the thought of eating 2300 a day makes me feel sick already...LOL