my very secret goal...what's yours



  • Wow now I feel seriously shallow for wanting visible collarbones...

    LOL That's my goal and I'm stickin to it!

    Mine too!!

    That was my goal too! I've always considered visible collarbones to be the true mark of a skinny person. They are my favorite bones.
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    To do 5 push-ups and to rock climb. Because I have rheumatoid arthritis, I'm unable to do these things now. I'd really like to be strong. Like how I was before the RA.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I want to get back into the sexy black outfit I wore dancing one night when DH and I were dating, its his all time favorite thing I have ever worn, and it is super tiny. Id love to surprise him with that one day!
    Also to do a bad *kitten* pushup, I want to be able to do real, manly, military push ups and a bunch of them. I have never been "strong " before, and I so badly want to know I could put up a great fight.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    My secret goal is to one day do a fitness model competition. I told my husband this and he looked at me like what was the point... Probably why I will never say it outloud again to anyone near me until I am closer to reaching that goal.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    My secret goal is to outrun my kids...
  • divasoofly
    divasoofly Posts: 50 Member
    Ok, don't laugh!!! I looove Kill Bill Vols 1 & 2. As a result, I have always wanted to be Black Momba, just bad a**ed and able to kick some a**. I think it's sexy as hell and a great way of defending myself if I ever had too. :happy: The ladies on both movies are very empowering to me and I LOVE IT!!! ;)
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Mines retarded... but is a secret goal none-the-less.... when I stand with my feet together, I want to see a little space between my thighs, instead of squelchy unhealthy flab pushing together!

    Hahah,,, it looks dumb when I see it written down.
  • Hhhmmmm, My goal is to be able to go to an amusement park and ride every ride there.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    To complete a Tough Mudder

    To go on a whole outdoor adventure vacation with my boys - ziplinging, hiking, rafting, etc.

    This is my most secret goal. The one that I don't often allow myself to think about because some components of it are out of my control. I don't know if it will ever be possible for me b/c I injured my hip several years ago but I would really love to complete a full marathon. I read a story about a woman with hip problems who used to be a runner but injured her hip, gained a lot of weight, then lost it all and more. She got so fit and small that she was able to run again. I know every injury is different and my particular case might prevent this dream from ever happening, but I've had that story cut out and beside my bed for a long time.
  • Kath_21
    Kath_21 Posts: 19
    Only a few people know about my secret goal, because me and my friends were talking about it before, but I would love to do a wet t-shirt competition! I went to one last summer in Ayia Napa and wished I was slim enough and confident enough to get up on the stage and do that!
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    At the end of the season last summer I bought a 2 piece swim suit. I am almost 47 and have NEVER worn a two piece my entire life. I want to have the nerve to actually wear the swim suit OUTSIDE of the house this summer.

    Oh-and to meet and marry Tony Stewart. (maybe not a goal, but a nice dream:blushing: )
  • My secret reason to get fit is that my boyfriend has always been considered a "chubby chaser" so I hate to think I fit that mold. I want to get small and girlie and sexy to fit well into his arms and show him what he can really love.
    EDIT: ALso, when I move to Korea, I don't want to be the 3% of obese people. I want to stand out as a foreigner for being pretty, not for being fat.
  • stefv86
    stefv86 Posts: 60
    Sort of lame, but I want my husband to call me sexy.
    He's called me pretty, and beautiful, and all those things... I just want to make it impossible for him NOT to call me sexy. :-)
  • katiestemp
    katiestemp Posts: 27 Member
    OMG that is the sweetest goal ever.

    I have a couple secret run a marathon and to not have my thighs touch anymore!!
  • ajp913
    ajp913 Posts: 100 Member
    I want to be able to take my shirt off at the beach/pool without a moment's hesitation.

    My secret goal used to be to eventually make someone look at me and say "do you ever get tired?" But i accomplished that one last summer.
  • amgchick
    amgchick Posts: 32 Member
    My secret goal is to be able to wear a fitted dress (without bulges!) to my 30th high school class reunion in August:
  • I love reading these! I hope this conversation never ends!
    I finally ran a full marathon (Grandma's). So now my secret goal is to look and FEEL hot on a dance floor in my cowgirls duds again.....and to look non offensive in my English breeches at horse shows :noway:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I want to be able to skip like I did in school. It's a silly goal but I really want to be able to just go forever like I used to... all those hops and fancy moves... I remember them but my body can't do them anymore and that makes me sad.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    mine is go topless and look good while on vacation in Punta Canan in May :blushing:
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    The past 3 weeks have been especially tough for me. I have completely jumped off the wagon and filled my body with junk. I'm back on track now and feeling much better. This morning I booked a vacation in Jamaica for December. My hubby and I never had a real honeymoon - we went skydiving - so my secret goal is to fit into the dress that I wore to our first dance 17 years ago. It just happened to be white and could very easily be a dress to do vow renewals in. Of course I'm not telling anyone this because it's 5 sizes smaller than I am right now..... but it gives me something to work for! He doesn't know I'm planning on doing the vow renewals either. I'm excited to see if he will actually recognize the dress :)

    That sounds romantic. Good luck on your journey. He will love it!