my very secret goal...what's yours



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Mine is that when I see a picture of my husband I don't think people are thinking "What is he doing with her" I want them to think "That is one HOT looking couple!!!"
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    to be extremely sexy, hot! a thin abdomen and to get my breasts lifted so that they look like they did when I was 21.
  • lina_rae
    lina_rae Posts: 5
    to retake boudoir photos for my hubby and this time not try and hide my butt and tummy rolls and feel emberrased showing him! Naked boudoir photos here i come!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Pull ups......I soooooo want to be able to master pulls ups. Working on it.

    This is on my list too.

    Not so secret goal: actually be able to get the cute matching panties for my bra. At the moment, I am too big at the bottom! (I am one of those with narrower shoulders and a large cup size. Those pesky European brands only make underwear in a size 12-14 depending on the brand.)

    Oh and I probably want everyone I run into from college to not tell me I look exactly the same.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    To wear size 4 jeans. Now that I am wearing my hair curly, would like to get it cut like Marilyn Monroe's.
  • Canadien
    Canadien Posts: 122 Member
    My "secret" goal is probably just to impress everyone with how far I'll be able to run and how much weight I'll be able to lift. :P
  • Sparksc1
    Sparksc1 Posts: 5
    My goal is to surprise my daughter when I go to visit her in October. Her and her family moved to Hawaii and I am going to see them. I want to see her face when I get off the plane at least 50 lbs lighter than when she lat saw me...and I want to go to Victoria Secret and get a sexy bra.
  • My goal may be over ambitious here, but I would seriously just once in my life want to give it a go (and maybe even complete) the Hawaiian Iron Man, the hardest event in the world. I have no problem swimming, I just need to practice my riding, and warm up on a few runs leading up to marathons.

    Oh and my other secret goal is get a six pack and go down the beach :p
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    Mine's a bit stupid... But I have a friend who is amazingly awesome in every way. And I would love him to look at me and think that maybe he liked me as a little bit more than a friend... I'm at a healthy weight already, I just want to tone up a bit and slim down a little bit more so that I don't have to worry about what I look like (so for confidence really). And I know I still wouldn't have the confidence to say anything, but maybe, maybe, he might. :blushing: Although I know that it really would never happen really, and we have all the same friends, which is why it is a very, very secret goal...
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 420 Member
    Tough Mudder. I can't believe I'm saying it "out loud." I have always considered myself nonathletic and a girlie girl. I would love to show my sons what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it. I would love to do it with them actually.

    My oldest son's goal for me is to play soccer. He loves soccer and knows how much I want to play. I've tried a couple of times but have gotten injured each time. I love that he tells me how proud he is of me (he's 15) and has this goal in mind.

    The very secretest secret will remain a secret.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    My secret goal is to be able to purchase an item of clothing from a Victoria Secret Catalog.. and know that it will fit perfectly:)

    ^^^This is a good one! I can get pretty bra/panty sets from Lane Bryant and other plus size stores, but they lose their "cuteness" once they are off the hanger and on my body. :huh: :noway: I'm thinking about tucking away about $25 or $30 for every 10lbs I lose (will be about $300-$360 when I reach my goal). Then I'm gonna take that money and use it to go on a clothes shopping spree. Victoria's Secret is one of the first places I'm going.

    Also, I'd like to treat myself to a trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH. It's always been my favorite amusement park, and I haven't been there since I was 17 (I'm now 35). I love roller coasters and amusement parks, but I took a trip to Six Flags over Georgia with my brothers a few years ago (I weighed about 250lbs at that time), and I had a hard time fitting on the rides. It was really embarrassing, so I swore I wouldn't ride another coaster or amusement ride until I was under 200lbs. I've got 61lbs to go before I reach Onederland.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I also want to not run for the light switch whenever my hubby gets frisky... I wanna leave the lights on and love it!
  • audra1ee
    audra1ee Posts: 56 Member
    My secret goal, as petty as it may sound, is to walk into a room with my best friend and be the one that people are checking out. She has always been thin and pretty and I've been fat my whole life. I've gotten too used to being the 'fat friend.'
  • serendipity22
    serendipity22 Posts: 248 Member
    My exercise goal is to take some trapeze classes this summer.

    My secret goal when I lose weight is to buy a slinky red dress and have dinner at the fanciest restaurant in town.
  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    So my secret goal sounds kinda dorky but I was watching Ellen one day when Michelle Obama was on and they had a push up contest.. I can barely do any (full.. not girl ones) and I would love to be able to just make it look so easy like they did.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    My current weight means that I wear a 44F bra. At best, that's way too much of a good thing (or, one might say, two good things). I would love, love, *love* to fit nicely into a D cup bra again.
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    To squat big girl plates (45's) and get my hockey legs back, to have visible back muscles, and to finish my first triathlon this July :-)
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    Mine is to slim down to a size 8. No one knows that's really my goal.
  • CookieCatCatcher
    CookieCatCatcher Posts: 324 Member
    This probably sounds stupid - but, my secret goal is to be small enough that my husband can lift me up for........... night time escapades.... Its a huge fantasy of his, but he has a bad back, and he can't lift me right now. :(
  • FoxWilkinson
    FoxWilkinson Posts: 46 Member
    Wow there are so many really good "secret goals" here. Very inspiring!
    Biggest goal - to buy a victoria's secret bikini and finally show off my rib tattoo. I want my boyfriend to become so inspired by all my hard work and determination to get fit with me, and with both of us in shape, our 'night games' will become more interesting!

    Now, most of my friends know those goals. But secretly, I want a particular person to notice the difference. I have a guy friend whom I've known for years, and he's SUPER buff! Like, washbourd abs, chiseled everything, and even has that sexy little 'V' between his hips. A few years ago, I overheard him talking to another friend, "Yeah, I thought about dating [Fox], but she's just gotten so big. She used to be a stick in highschool. Way hotter then." Yep. Well, we're still friends, and I'm happily dating someone else. But it's my secret little goal to have him look at me and think "damn, I messed up and missed the boat" or something to that effect.