Friends Who Actually Comment!



  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    There was a similar post earlier, asking how many friends people have. I didn't know. Turns out I had over 500. I have never sent a request to anyone except my husband and 3 good friends to get them started on here, but I do accept everyone who requests me (why be rude?), so I have accepted over 500 people. who knew? ha.

    Anyway, of course I do not comment on all of these people, nor do I worry about it. I make comments on things I see on news feed whenever I log on, and I will sometimes seek out those friends who comment on my profile frequently just to reciprocate. I do comment in the forums pretty frequently, and I suppose that is why so many people have sent me requests. I'm happy if what I write can be of help to people, but I can't worry about posting for everybody every day.

    In real life I have to take care of 5 kids and a husband so I don't have time to work on pleasing anyone else. I figure if someone wants to unfriend me, that's fine. My feelings will not be hurt.
  • carisle
    carisle Posts: 25 Member
    I'm pretty new to MFP so I haven't added a lot of friends on here yet. But I try to comment and encourage the ones I have!
  • monainmn
    monainmn Posts: 70 Member
    I hit a plateau at 50 pounds and decided I better start working mfp the way the pro's do, lol!!! Thanks to all who support me I love being a part of your journeys! :flowerforyou:
  • MizzDoc
    MizzDoc Posts: 493 Member
    I have great friends that support me 100%

    the ones that don't-delete!

    ^^ This!

    My MFPals list is small so I can remain really connected to the folks that have been here for me (and vice versa). I have no issues deleting folks that don't even reply /encourage along even with the small milestones like "days logging in" or "you've lost weight". My real MFPals are awesome and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

    With all that said, LOL, if anyone is seriously seeking encouragement, reads comments/posts, and likes to learn along the way (and share too!), then feel free to add me.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I'm a lone ranger
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    I will comment add me !
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I agree that recognition is encouraging :smile:
    ^^^ This! I am on several times a day and I do interact personally with what people post. There is nothing wrong with posting WTG! or Well done! on the automated achievements, but those who take the time to post their thoughts or feelings get personal comments back, if it happens when I'm on the site.

    Now, whether they're always happy for my chiming in, I can't say... LOL! But I do hope so. I do my best to be encouraging.
  • Wentra
    Wentra Posts: 14 Member
    Your post is a good reminder that we need to be more encouraging to one another.
  • shepherdbl
    shepherdbl Posts: 32 Member
    This is funny. I had only one friend, my niece. Then she put out a plea for people to friend me. They did and now I am having trouble keeping up with posts. Hang in there. Lots of times we read and we are encouraged by your post. Read other people's posts and be encouraged by them too. :love:
  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    I have great friends that support me 100%

    the ones that don't-delete!

    ^^ This!

    My MFPals list is small so I can remain really connected to the folks that have been here for me (and vice versa). I have no issues deleting folks that don't even reply /encourage along even with the small milestones like "days logging in" or "you've lost weight". My real MFPals are awesome and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

    With all that said, LOL, if anyone is seriously seeking encouragement, reads comments/posts, and likes to learn along the way (and share too!), then feel free to add me.

    ^^This and This
    Exactly me. Feel free to add me.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I'm a lone ranger

    For the most part, I am too. I like reading the posts in the community but I'm really only here to complete my diary.

    My weight loss is all the encouragement I need to keep going. :)
  • Anderia
    Anderia Posts: 753 Member
    I would rather only get a few comments from people who actually read what I may say or actually look at my journal than people who give generic comments..states like wtg irk me bc it shows your masses encouraging..I always comment after really reading bc Im just like that I suppose. Same with the comments on profiles I like to give heart felt once not fake ones..

    Although I am guilty of the generic comments, I like your take on this but I'm just curious as to what other things you say to encourage people besides the generic comments
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm sorry to all the people on my friend's list for the days I don't comment. If I drag myself to the site in a bummed out mood and just put in my calories and slink away it's because it's just the best I can do that day. :frown:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I try to comment throughout the day on everyone. If I can't than I focus on the ones who look like they need it a little more that day.

    Also, I get a lot of friends commenting on me. I have a great support team on here! :heart:
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I'm sorry to all the people on my friend's list for the days I don't comment. If I drag myself to the site in a bummed out mood and just put in my calories and slink away it's because it's just the best I can do that day. :frown:
    You keep on keeping on and don't be sorry - we all have those moments / hours / days / weeks. Honestly, this is hard work and most people are understanding of that. Please don't be sorry for doing the best you can do.

  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
    I totally agree I need people on here to support and cheer me on I support anyone that supports me or asks for my help I am there for them!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I'm sorry to all the people on my friend's list for the days I don't comment. If I drag myself to the site in a bummed out mood and just put in my calories and slink away it's because it's just the best I can do that day. :frown:
    You keep on keeping on and don't be sorry - we all have those moments / hours / days / weeks. Honestly, this is hard work and most people are understanding of that. Please don't be sorry for doing the best you can do.


    Thank you! But because the members of this site have kept me on track as much as the calorie counter has, I do feel bad when I'm not at least in there with a "Great job!" on someone's workout. :heart: the people on this site, and if you're on my friend's list and I'm quiet for a few days, again, I apologize.
  • Boise_Mel
    Boise_Mel Posts: 11 Member
    I would LOVE people that comment and support or offer constructive criticism. My biggest enemy is not having anyone to keep me accountable. Let's all help each other! :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    heeeey :D
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I feel that same way!!! I want people to say good job! I do the same too!