March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Well I acheived all my goals today and feel fantastic about that. Although my zumba was calling my name I had to say no just didnt want to push it with feeling icky. But great day with food choices and drinking all my water and relaxing with out feeling guilty.

    have a great night all
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 3/2
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- 8 so far
    2. Log all food- done
    3. Swim for an hour- hour and a half
    4. Finish 1 homework assignment- not yet, but working on it now
    5. Weigh in- managed to maintain even without working out when I was sick

    Goals for 3/3
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for an hour
    4. Finish 1 homework assignment
    5. Continue not drinking soda
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/2 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - Done
    2. excersie for 30 minutes - Done
    3. stay within my calories - Done
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps - No fell a little short of that goal

    My goals for 3/3 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 30 minutes
    3. stay within my calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
  • RoseyK
    RoseyK Posts: 157 Member
    The last few days have been disasterous to my meal plan. Work has been crazy busy, Wednesday night I worked until 9:15 pm. Thursday night I cleaned the house from top to bottom. It almost sparkles. And it is probably the reason why one of my doggies got sick on the carpet upstairs and that it is raining outside so that the doggies can drag mud onto the freshly shampood carpets.

    I just went back and attempted to write down what I ate. I know I missed some of the food I ate. My blood sugar went crazy.

    Today is a new day.....and a new beginning.

    My goals for today

    To journal my food honestly
    To drink water and green tea
    To food shop and pick up healthy foods
    To buy myself some flowers
    To try some relaxation exercises tonight
  • JKB52
    JKB52 Posts: 7 Member
    I need some motivation and maybe this will be just what I need!

    My three goals for today are
    drink more water
    do about 45 minutes of cardio
    and try to stay positive about my self

    Hope this works!
  • shoffmann23
    shoffmann23 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, I feel that I definitely, get more done when I write down the goals I need to do.

    1. Make myself go for a walk- even though it is windy and a bit chilly
    2. Go volunteer at a work function I do not want to go to. (:
    3. Eat a green vegetable, it has been a few days!
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    I REALLY need this group! I have had a couple of really rough weeks after 3 months of solid losses in pounds and gains in strength. Like imworthit, I struggle with binge eating. My goals for today are:
    -Avoid thoughts of binge eating
    -Avoid trigger foods (chocolate, starches)
    -Stay away from the scale
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 2:
    1. Plenty of fluids!--Need more.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.--Yes on portions but the choices weren't the best.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.--Walked for 2 miles.

    I went out for a while yesterday and did a lot of walking--I felt okay most of the day but then the headache starts in the afternoon and is just miserable. My son had this also and it lasted a couple of weeks. The doctor says its going around and is a cold-type virus.
    When Im sick I usually give in to everthing to try to make myself feel better, doesnt work but I keep trying, today Im going to try my very best not to fall into old habits.
    Oh my! That is my problem, too!

    Goals for March 3:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Healthy choices and portion control.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.

    Welcome all! I hope everyone has a good day!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Last night 1am I had a mental struggle with food and lost. I couldnt sleep so I eat??????? :huh: whats up with that. well I had cracker and cheese with fat free turkey. So today Im going to be alittle better than yesterday. My goals for today are:

    1) eat with in my calories
    2) make healthy choices:heart:
    3) drinks as much water as possible:drinker: :heart:
    4) try and do my zumba if Im feeling better:sick:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm continuing in March. Thanks for coming to get me ;-)

    3/3 Goals:

    Clean vent
    aerobic exercise
  • bearcatzbaby305
    Goals for 3/3
    1. drink a full glass of water
    2. record all of my eating
    3. Get at least half of my paper completed :)
  • halloweeny_bride27
    halloweeny_bride27 Posts: 22 Member
    I failed eating what I had planned for only last night :( There was bread to dip in oil and vinegar! my most favorite food in the universe hands down. I had no chance. I did well with drinking water though...

    3/3 goals
    1.stay under calories even if it means going to bed hungry!
    2. more water!
  • cdc33
    cdc33 Posts: 495 Member
    Today was a total bust the only thing I did was drink water. But have to tell you all it was a rough day of sick kid with the coughs and barfs so i went to the back burner I didnt have time to even think about what I was or wasnt doing just a fact. I hope tomorrow is better. I will post what my goals are when I get up. good night all:yawn:
  • sara156
    sara156 Posts: 19
    Today was not such a great day for me in terms of fact, it was terrible. I can walk away with a valuable lesson learned though: food does not need to be the enemy, and weight loss is not defined by our mistakes, but rather by our overall progress. One day will not kill us, and one wrong move does not mean the end of the world. Here is to a fresh start. :)

    Goals for 3/4:
    1. Stay under 1700 calories
    2. Stay positive for the entire day
    3. 30 minutes of cardio.
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    Accomplished my goals for today! Ended up doing a long run of 11.87 miles! I am proud of myself!

    Tomorrows goals:

    Stay within calories
    No bingeing
    Get to bed by 10pm
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 3/3
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done
    2. Log all food- done
    3. Swim for an hour- no but I worked out at home
    4. Finish 1 homework assignment- nope, looks like I'll be busy tomorrow
    5. Continue not drinking soda- yes, I'm proud of making this change

    Goals for 3/4
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Finish homework
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/3 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - done
    2. excersie for 30 minutes - done
    3. stay within my calories -done
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps - no just under

    My goals for 3/4 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 30 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
    5. pick healthy recipes for dinner this week
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Somehow I missed the end of February and beginning of March! I have been doing okay with water (other than when traveling) and remembering to wash my face every night. I got contacts which have to come out at night, so that lends toward other things! Happy March 4th!

    Goals for Sunday
    1. Water (10-12 glasses)
    2. Clean my office
    3. Make sure my exercise and calorie intake are in the right proportion!

    Prayers to all affected by the deadly storms. Have a safe and wonderful day!
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Goals for 3/4
    1-work out for at least an hour
    2-drink 10 glasses of water (saw lots of people with this goal and thought it was a good one!)
    3-avoid binge triggers

    Goals from yesterday:
    -Avoid thoughts of binge eating-DONE
    -Avoid trigger foods (chocolate, starches)-I had about 5 malted milk balls and a Thin Mint cookie, but other than that, did OK!
    -Stay away from the scale-DONE
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Hello all! I am not new to MFP, I have been a member for over a year now...however, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on November 4, 2011, and am trying to get back into shape!! I am new to this group and am looking for some great support and motivation as I am severely lacking the latter! Here are my goals for today:

    1) Start fresh with 30 Day Shred...Day 1
    2) 90 oz of water (They say to drink half your body weight in ounces of water)
    3) No Cheeze-Its or Girl Scout cookies (These seem to be my weaknesses and are packed full of calories!)