cursing + having little kids ==



  • kemccarty
    kemccarty Posts: 33
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member

    In the state of our country and the unbelievably decreasing interest for science and technology among our youth and my generation, it is abosulely deplorable that any person would want for their child to sit and listen to rob zombie and cuss.

    Science, technology, Rob Zombie and cursing. These are not mutually exclusive. I have several peer-reviewed research papers under my belt, work as a computer programmer, listen to Rob Zombie sometimes, and use foul language.

    And for the record, a girl with a good vocabulary, including those vulgar words, is pretty damn attractive. I know I'm not alone on this one. Right, guys?
  • ThatGirlGlow
    ThatGirlGlow Posts: 68 Member
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.

    Lol, love it :flowerforyou:
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.

    you mistake "riled up" for pity.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member

    In the state of our country and the unbelievably decreasing interest for science and technology among our youth and my generation, it is abosulely deplorable that any person would want for their child to sit and listen to rob zombie and cuss.

    Science, technology, Rob Zombie and cursing. These are not mutually exclusive. I have several peer-reviewed research papers under my belt, work as a computer programmer, listen to Rob Zombie sometimes, and use foul language.

    And for the record, a girl with a good vocabulary, including those vulgar words, is pretty damn attractive. I know I'm not alone on this one. Right, guys?
    im not a guy, but i totally agree ;)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.

    you mistake "riled up" for pity.

    haha love it!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.

    you mistake "riled up" for pity.
    Don't take away her victory you unabashed guttersnipe.
  • ThatGirlGlow
    ThatGirlGlow Posts: 68 Member

    In the state of our country and the unbelievably decreasing interest for science and technology among our youth and my generation, it is abosulely deplorable that any person would want for their child to sit and listen to rob zombie and cuss.

    Science, technology, Rob Zombie and cursing. These are not mutually exclusive. I have several peer-reviewed research papers under my belt, work as a computer programmer, listen to Rob Zombie sometimes, and use foul language.

    And for the record, a girl with a good vocabulary, including those vulgar words, is pretty damn attractive. I know I'm not alone on this one. Right, guys?

    Probably depends on the guys. Some men love it some men don't :drinker:
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I am flattered that I was capable of getting you all riled up. Stay classy, my friends.

    you mistake "riled up" for pity.
    Don't take away her victory you unabashed guttersnipe.
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    Sorry everyone- but I'm astonished by the general consensus that its ok to swear in front of your kids. I'm not saying I've never slipped, because of course I have. BUT I always feel terrible after I do. I believe in setting a good example and letting kids be innocent for a while. I do NOT find it "cute" to hear the F-bomb come out of a tiny mouth. How hard is it to watch your mouth? If you have the willpower to monitor what goes into your mouth (which being on this site says you do) than you can monitor what comes out of it.
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I was putting my son to bed early the other night for being a brat all day and disrespecting his mother.(he was tired) Anyway, on the way up the stairs he called me a "Vagina". It was hard not to laugh. Vagina- ha ha ha!

    hahahahaha!!! I love it :P I'm curious to see what my 4 month old will pick up. We try to avoid cursing but sometimes it slips. I was raised around a very vulgar group and I'm fairly sensitive with my language, so I don't think it will ruin any children if they are around it :P
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    And for the record, a girl with a good vocabulary, including those vulgar words, is pretty damn attractive. I know I'm not alone on this one. Right, guys?

    /Tosses hair.

    DAMN straight.

    Swear words are like ghost peppers. Used sparingly, they add just the right flavor to the right conversation. In excess, you'll just want to stick your head under water.
  • Nikki206
    Nikki206 Posts: 69
    My parent's swore all the time. I turned out fine...I curse like a sailor now but my mom's rule was, "You are not allowed to cuss until you have kids of your own, then you'll have a reason to cuss." To this day I NEVER cuss around my mom and I'm 25, I've slipped up a couple times or I've started to say a cuss word and then changed it half way through (fuuuu-reaking) hahaha. I'm sooo lame but I guess it's a respect thing. She definitely knows I sound like a sailor when I'm not around her =)
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Sorry everyone- but I'm astonished by the general consensus that its ok to swear in front of your kids. I'm not saying I've never slipped, because of course I have. BUT I always feel terrible after I do. I believe in setting a good example and letting kids be innocent for a while. I do NOT find it "cute" to hear the F-bomb come out of a tiny mouth. How hard is it to watch your mouth? If you have the willpower to monitor what goes into your mouth (which being on this site says you do) than you can monitor what comes out of it.

    The majority of us who said that we curse in front of our kids explained that our kids don't curse. They may have repeated the word or words at some point, however, they aren't running around throwing out f-bombs in day care.
  • WOW I must be old fashioned, I have a four year old daughter & put her to bed early for saying god damn only last week! I don't swear in front of her & if people wish to visit us I encourage them not to swear in front of her. Swearing in public is an erosion of basic common courtesy, where the "self" has become more important than the "community" & people question why the world is going to hell in a handbasket. I am not saying swearing is the worlds or a childs greatest issue but respect for each other has to start somewhere!

    Funny I don't allow my daughter to stay up late or watch inappropriate programs on television & as for reading if you don't encourage your children to read & to ENJOY reading you are quite simply wrong! IMO :)

    You are NOT old fashoined. Just a decent, loving parent.
    My 6 yo daughter was strutting around in my heels with no skirt on the other day singing "I'm sexy and I know it". Just seemed wrong somehow. I got her to stop:-)

    So are you implying that parents that curse aren't decent, or loving? My dad swore a storm when I was growing up..I am now a mom, a teacher, and I'm currently working on my 3rd degree. (An's a basically a doctorate without the diss, so I won't have the PhD after my name.) I coach my son's soccer team, we eat dinner as a family most nights, we read together, go to the park, laugh, learn and love as a family. Wow, my sh!tty dad really did a number on me, didn't he?

    apart from you being a little touchy, it sounds like your dad did a really good job.:-) I wasn't implying anything, the fact is that we were all raised differently, we all have different morals and there is no one right way to raise children.
    Way to go with all your education, with your extended intelligence you won't need to swear will you:-)
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    Swear words are like ghost peppers. Used sparingly, they add just the right flavor to the right conversation. In excess, you'll just want to stick your head under water.
    Exactly. i would rather have my girlfriend whisper in my ear..."Baby I want you to pin me down and *kitten* me right now" over "my dear, would you please suspend my wrists and have some rousing intercourse. Please move the doilies first".
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    Sorry everyone- but I'm astonished by the general consensus that its ok to swear in front of your kids. I'm not saying I've never slipped, because of course I have. BUT I always feel terrible after I do. I believe in setting a good example and letting kids be innocent for a while. I do NOT find it "cute" to hear the F-bomb come out of a tiny mouth. How hard is it to watch your mouth? If you have the willpower to monitor what goes into your mouth (which being on this site says you do) than you can monitor what comes out of it.

    I never said I couldn't monitor myself, I said I chose ~not~ to. And none of my kids curse. Are you reading some alternative thread?
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    Sorry everyone- but I'm astonished by the general consensus that its ok to swear in front of your kids. I'm not saying I've never slipped, because of course I have. BUT I always feel terrible after I do. I believe in setting a good example and letting kids be innocent for a while. I do NOT find it "cute" to hear the F-bomb come out of a tiny mouth. How hard is it to watch your mouth? If you have the willpower to monitor what goes into your mouth (which being on this site says you do) than you can monitor what comes out of it.

    The majority of us who said that we curse in front of our kids explained that our kids don't curse. They may have repeated the word or words at some point, however, they aren't running around throwing out f-bombs in day care.
    exactly! i get compliments all the time from strangers/people in public about how polite and respectful my children are... when other kids their age are running around and screaming, mine are sitting and reading or coloring or just talking. they have wonderful manners, and have been saying please and thank you since they could talk.
    my daughters kindergarten teacher tells me many times a week what a joy my little girl is, and that its kids like her that make her really enjoy teaching.. shes helpful and smart and always thinking of others.
    my swearing in front of them occasionally hasnt hurt them at all.
  • HelenNis
    HelenNis Posts: 7
    Well I swore like a trooper untill I had my children and then I stopped. I want to be a good example and role model to my kids so why would I use foul language if I don't want them too!!! I'm astonished by the comment that somebody made saying they think its cute and adorable when kids swear...what's that all about????
  • AriesGrl
    AriesGrl Posts: 174 Member
    Working in my line of work it becomes habit to swear like a when Im home I don it without even noticing...and since both my kids were able to talk they have always said "hey thats a potty word mom dont say that" and they move on...they have NEVER ONCE repeated it!!! As long as your kids know the difference from right and wrong what does it matter??