30 day shred starting on Monday 20th Feb...any takers??



  • lisali01
    lisali01 Posts: 9 Member
    did a late workout. took a break on the weekend. wasn't at home long. just out and about but back in it today so day 5 levei 1 done.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 done
  • I've been considering starting it again! So, I'll try it out with you :) Every second day we do it..And the opposite day we do just cardio.Thats what worked for me the last time I did it! Her workouts are fabulous and lots of fun and really not that hard.

    so it's not everyday?!?!?! That makes me feel a little better about getting started! The most exercise I've been doing is walking with Leslie Sansone so I was afraid this would be too hard core for me.

    jillian says not to do it everyday. its an every other day kind of thing because it is wear and tear on your knees,etc
  • i started my the same day you did and i do it mon, wed., and friday then do cardio the other days and its working great:)
  • Completed Day 7 Level 1 yesterday. Did 15 minutes of elliptical before and after.

    I was "cooked" after the 2nd elliptical, but the first elliptical helped the 30 DS workout I think.

    Of course between the workouts and watching the Daytona 500 last night, I overslept and missed my morning workout today. I guess it is another "30DS & Elliptical" night?

    Well, I am down 1.5lbs in the first week of the routine of 30DS and a 30 minute elliptical. About on pace with alternating 30 min and 45 min elliptical workouts I had been doing. This is encouraging if by chance I am growing muscle.

    I can say after day 7 I CAN feel the difference in strength and flexibility. I am getting stronger and a little more flexible.
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Day 5, Level 1. Today I took some advice and put my cardio after the 30DS. WOW. At first I thought I was going to fall off the treadmill, but then it kicked in. I'm hoping to slowly increase my cardio time after each shred.
  • OMG...I hurt so much! Didn't think it'd be too bad as I've been increasing my gym workouts and am definitely getting fitter. I did day 3 today and my stomach and arms are awful! I am over 200lbs and clearly not very fit at all judging by my body's reaction to this workout! I fast forwarded to level 2 and 3, just out of interest and there is no way that I can do some of those exercises! Has anyone gone through the whole 30 days just at level one?
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    first of all, great job everyone! also- i'm glad people are getting good results with alternating days,- that's what i've been doing this time around, and i feel like i'm getting stronger, and i am definitely doing better with my cardio (since i'm running on alternating days)- however, i think i gained weight this week....but that's because i've been really bad about my diet! can't blame jillian for that:)
  • OMG...I hurt so much! Didn't think it'd be too bad as I've been increasing my gym workouts and am definitely getting fitter. I did day 3 today and my stomach and arms are awful! I am over 200lbs and clearly not very fit at all judging by my body's reaction to this workout! I fast forwarded to level 2 and 3, just out of interest and there is no way that I can do some of those exercises! Has anyone gone through the whole 30 days just at level one?

    I gets easier. I was a bit "cooked' at day three as well, but then I took a day off (to relieve some shoulder pain). I came back on day 4 and it was easier to do. I am up to day #8 and I can definitely feel the strength increasing.

    Hang in there....you will get stronger and your body will adjust/adapt to the workout.

    My motivation to keep going is my 5yr old is asking me how many more days before we go up a level. Glad she is pushing me and also glad my wife decided to try and join me as well.
  • OMG...I hurt so much! Didn't think it'd be too bad as I've been increasing my gym workouts and am definitely getting fitter. I did day 3 today and my stomach and arms are awful! I am over 200lbs and clearly not very fit at all judging by my body's reaction to this workout! I fast forwarded to level 2 and 3, just out of interest and there is no way that I can do some of those exercises! Has anyone gone through the whole 30 days just at level one?

    I gets easier. I was a bit "cooked' at day three as well, but then I took a day off (to relieve some shoulder pain). I came back on day 4 and it was easier to do. I am up to day #8 and I can definitely feel the strength increasing.

    Hang in there....you will get stronger and your body will adjust/adapt to the workout.

    My motivation to keep going is my 5yr old is asking me how many more days before we go up a level. Glad she is pushing me and also glad my wife decided to try and join me as well.

    Thanks! This morning was just a little bit easier - I'll hang in there! Wow - you sound like you have a great support system! Good luck!
  • lisali01
    lisali01 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 6 level 1 done. also did some core cardio and a little kickboxing. great day for exercise. I may soon move to level 2 to challenge myself:happy:
  • fightingiris
    fightingiris Posts: 24 Member
    I completed day 3 yesterday and I'm not sore at all today. The day after day 1, I was really sore. I'm still not getting all the reps of some of the exercises--the lunges and the two exercises where you raise your arms with weights. Those kill my arms! My plan was to do this every day (taking the weekend off to walk) but now I'm reading the posts here and wonder if I should do it differently.
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    fightingirls - I struggle with the side lunges too - I know I could drop my weight (I'm using 5lb weights) but I don't want to. :tongue:

    I'm on L1 D7 - this is the longest I've stuck with the 30DS ever and I'm looking forward to the new routine on Monday. I decided to take a measurement of my natural waist and since last Friday I've dropped 1.5" in my waist alone. The scale is pretty static but I'll take inches over pounds right now. I mean, it's only been 7 workouts (plus calorie counting). I'm really looking forward to the 30-day result. :smile:
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    yeah the exercises where you raise you arms are the worst for me too!! i am starting level two tomorrow and if memory serves...the jump squat move (where you are in plank - i forget what they're called) and the V-raises are dreadful!!! but i will get through it somehow:) everyone's doing so great- keep it up!
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    Day 11 today. Been doing levels 1 and 2 back to back think I am going to do that for a couple more days then just level 2. Level 2 is definately harder than 1 in my opinion. Feels like a good workout when you are done though.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 done
  • gvsu4msu
    gvsu4msu Posts: 54
    Completed Day #9 level 1 last night. Almost able to do all of the activities without stopping. I have to say that JM talking during the second set of pushups always distracts me.

    When it comes to the Bicycle Crunches....that is the hardest for me to do, especially at the end. However, I push through as I do not want JM calling me a "quitter.

    Looking forward to Day #10 and then the almighty leap to Level 2 this weekend.

    Not sure if I am losing any weight due to 30DS or the Elliptical routine, but I think I am at least "shrinking". Areas seem a little tighter. Will not measure until the end however.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I've just done day 9 too...feeling a bit apprehensive about moving up to level 2 next week!
    Tonight was the first time I didn't struggle with the bicycle crunches so I'm really pleased with that :)
    Completed Day #9 level 1 last night. Almost able to do all of the activities without stopping. I have to say that JM talking during the second set of pushups always distracts me.

    When it comes to the Bicycle Crunches....that is the hardest for me to do, especially at the end. However, I push through as I do not want JM calling me a "quitter.

    Looking forward to Day #10 and then the almighty leap to Level 2 this weekend.

    Not sure if I am losing any weight due to 30DS or the Elliptical routine, but I think I am at least "shrinking". Areas seem a little tighter. Will not measure until the end however.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    Day 6 Level 1 done
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    Tomorrow is L1 Day 10 - yeah! I'm looking forward to hitting L2 on Monday. How's everyone else doing?